Chapter 87

In the end, all those explosives were dug out by Su Ying. As for Xuanyuan Yi, who loved the heroine deeply, Su Ying kindly sent him back to the palace. I don't know what kind of expression he will have waiting for the tyrant. Think about it I feel relieved.

The inner alchemy that had been cultivated for 500 years disappeared, but Su Ying didn't feel regretful at all. If it was because of her that Xuefeng Mountain was destroyed, then she was destined to bear this cause and effect for lifetimes, so it was better to let go. As for Xuanyuan Yi, He would never have thought that he would be so decisive. The moment he closed his eyes, it was more of a relief, the relief of a person who cannot love.

Su Ying guarded Xuefeng Mountain for a hundred years and re-condensed the inner elixir. At this time, the Xuanyuan Dynasty was in dilapidated state. The tyrant was very happy with his achievements and had been fighting for years. The emperor's teachers were nowhere to be found, no one prayed for them, and the people were panicked. And most importantly, The guardian beast of their Xuanyuan Dynasty was known to the upper world for using love for personal gain and stealing the power of destiny from other countries, and was punished by heaven.

The power of the Xuanyuan Dynasty is exhausted like this...

Su Ying once again found a spiritual creature with a pure heart and a sense of responsibility most importantly, a glass heart, which was cultivated as a guardian beast under Xuefeng Mountain, so that when she could escape, Xuefeng Mountain was unguarded and suffered from the past. things.

Lying on her imperial concubine bed again, Su Ying realized that she hadn't seen Ling Jun for a long time, she couldn't help but feel curious, where did this pervert hide, she didn't see this deep well ice for a day, she felt uncomfortable all over, could it be possible Under the influence of Ling Jun, did he also have a tendency to pervert?

This is not possible, I am a good young man with good roots, and I must not be led into a deep ditch by Ling Jun, gone forever.

"Dinglingling..." The soul bell rang outside. Su Ying got up, smoothed the wrinkles on her face, and sat on the manager's seat to look at the person who came. This is a beautiful and majestic woman. Looking at those who were defiant and aloof, when they saw Su Ying, a trace of astonishment flashed in their eyes.

"Please sit down." The perfect etiquette made the woman's slight discomfort dissipate.

"Hello, this is Linyuan Pavilion! You are..." The woman on the opposite side opened her lips covered in bright red lipstick, opened and closed, and said this sentence, which made people feel pleasing to the eye.

"My name is Su Ying, and I'm the manager here. Tell me! Your wish, I won't talk about the scene. Since you are here, you should know our rules. I don't like doing business with people who have no rules! "Su Ying tilted her head and looked at the beauty in front of her with a smile.

"I... all I want is to keep the property of the Xia family, so that I don't have to be the object of the marriage, lose my body and mind, and be reduced to a tool for use." The woman's bright face was a little more very sad.

"Okay, sign your name, the deal is concluded, do you have any questions?" Su Ying stretched out her hand, and a **** silk appeared out of thin air, and handed it to the woman.

The woman's hand paused when she was writing, with some hesitation, Su Ying immediately put away the **** silk, with a perfectly formulaic smile on her face: "Remember, what I want is your [-]% willingness, if you don't want to If so, come again next time!"

"I... [-]% willing." The woman seemed to be afraid of Su Ying's repentance, she clenched the pen tightly in her hand, as if she was trying to persuade herself, and also seemed to be trying to persuade Su Ying.

Su Ying shook her head: "Go back! Linyuan Pavilion does not make useless deals."

"Please, I'm really willing." Even though she hesitated just now, there is no way to retreat now. She knows that once she goes out, she will never have a chance to come in again. The decent makeup just now seems to be an illusion Usually, this cowardly and helpless woman is her real appearance.

For a moment, Su Ying felt that she had suddenly learned to play tricks on people's hearts, and she didn't know whether to laugh or cry...

Jinbo appeared in front of the woman again, and without any hesitation, wrote down her name directly——Xia Xiaoyan, very good, Su Ying nodded in satisfaction, and after checking the woman's memory, she spread her hands helplessly, and again She is a poor and hateful woman.

Su Ying guessed that this was probably an upbringing essay. My uncle liked his adopted daughter and tried his best to treat her well, but Xia Xiaoyan, who was his fiancée, didn't understand. She didn't believe that there was any real relationship between them because they were married for profit. , but carefully maintained, always thinking that Hua Hua actually has her softness in his heart.

However, she never expected that she accidentally broke the emotional entanglement between Song Yu and Song Chuxia, and suddenly felt that her pursuit for so many years was a joke.

What Song Yu loves and protects is his adopted daughter, Song Chuxia, and she still foolishly thought that what Song Yu loves is herself. In the end, she is just a guardian token, guarding their shady feelings.

At first she thought that Song Chuxia's name was a gift from Song Yu to her, but in the end it was just her wishful thinking. It was only because Chuxia met Song Chuxia and fell in love at first sight that she got this name. It had nothing to do with Xia Xiaoyan at all. , How much I hate it now.

Xia Xiaoyan was crazily jealous and persecuted a girl who was only in the third grade of junior high school. In the end, Song Yu made a move and directly bankrupted the Xia family. Xia Xiaoyan was sent to the mental hospital.

After watching her life, Su Ying only thinks that Song Yu is a scum, you say you are in love with Song Chuxia, that's great!You declare your feelings in public!Why look for the perfect shield?You also have to show your love in a high-profile way, for fear that others will not know. This matter is done without any sense of disobedience by Hua Hua, but it hurts a woman's heart.

Song Chuxia is also a psychopath (Shenjing Bing is used to describe Lingjun, others are not allowed to use ╭(╯^╰)╮), knowing that her adoptive father is engaged, but because of the deep in her heart Possessive, and had a relationship with his adoptive father, trying to grab the adoptive father's heart, although it is fake, but the relationship between father and daughter has been written in the household registration book, this is inhumane!
Now she has been able to control her soul very well, even after undergoing soul transformation, there will be no other side effects. She opened her eyes, and it is already dark at night, the sky is dim, and she is sitting I got into the driver's seat of a black Lincoln and looked at the men and women walking hand in hand in front of me.

The man's footsteps are staggering, and the woman's support is very strenuous, as if she is about to fall to the ground in the next second, but she stubbornly refuses to let others take over. This is the protagonist of this world, Song Yu and Song Chuxia, who have come up with their own The mobile phone quietly recorded this video.

 Shenjingbing is the exclusive title of my family Lingjun, those scumbags don’t deserve to use this word, ╭(╯^╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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