Female Supporting Counterattack Manual

Chapter 55 Red Roses and White Roses

Chapter 55 Red Roses and White Roses

"Ha." Su Ying just chuckled, and after successfully attracting the attention of the two people, she rested her head on Chen Xuyao's shoulder: "When talking about this matter, I remembered an allusion, do you want to listen to it? ?" After saying that, he opened his starry eyes and looked at Chen Xuyao ​​without blinking, completely treating Qiu Ze over there as a transparent person.

Qiu Ze's palms pinched unconsciously, and his veins bulged.

"All ears." Chen Xuyao ​​looked at Su Ying with tender eyes.

"A man will have at least two roses in his life, one is white and the other is red. If a man marries a white rose, after a long time, the white one will become rice grains on the table, and the red one will become rice grains on the table. But if he wants the red one, after a long time, the red one will turn into mosquito blood on the wall, while the white one will be the moonlight in front of the bed. General Qiu, you Say yes?"

After Su Ying finished speaking, she shook her head ridiculously: "Maybe not! Why are you still obsessed with that red rose when you have White Moonlight? Apart from a marriage contract, I'm afraid you and I have no friendship to talk about! Could it be that the Qiu family wants to break even this last friendship?"

It was a voice as light as a clear spring, but it sounded like falling into an ice cellar. Qiu Ze glanced at Su Ying and felt that he had never really understood his fiancée, but he just assumed that she was a feudal lady. style.

Su Ying's next words directly sent him into hell: "I think since General Qiu has someone you love, then Erlan blesses you, a happy marriage for a hundred years, and a long and lasting one. Regarding the marriage contract, please ask Qiu Take it easy, old general."

Qiu Ze didn't know how he got out of the gate of the Eastern District. He felt that the dominance of the situation was in their hands from the very beginning, while he was always on the passive side, and his life was being controlled by others. He didn't understand , What's wrong with a man hugging left and right?
It's just a woman. As for hurting the harmony of the two families?
At this time, the woman mentioned by the party had already carried her son and quietly came to the East District. Given the halo of Xiao Baihua's heroine, a young woman, holding a son who was only a few months old, in this troubled world Among them, he was able to go from the West District to the East District safely and soundly. This persistence, this spirit, should be praised no matter what.

But Su Ying looked at the red-eyed woman in front of her, and suddenly felt that she was losing value when she met this kind of woman, and said lightly: "Miss Xiao is really a noble person who forgets things. How can your husband win your husband's heart!"

Su Ying said that she felt tired for herself, she didn't want to be a vicious supporting actress, but this Xiao Baihua looked like she was bullying her, so forget it, since others think that she is bullying her, then So what if the title is confirmed!She, Su Ying, has always been daring.

"I know, I know, Miss Wang is Aze's fiancée, but the two of us really love each other, and we still have the crystallization of love, and our baby. I beg Miss Wang to have a lot, please let me go." Aze! Please..." Xiao Baihua hugged Qiu Yang, saying that he wanted Su Ying to watch.

What Su Ying hated the most was being in contact with other people's bodies, especially people who made people sick. She immediately took a big step back, making Xiao Baihua unsteady and almost fell down, her eyes turned red again in an instant.

"Miss Wang, how could you do this! I kindly let you take a look at Ayang, why did you push me!" What he said was just words, where did the weak little white flower look like just now?

Su Ying should really award her the Best Acting Award. Seeing the situation getting more and more troublesome, people around gathered around her. Su Ying raised her eyebrows. When she saw Chen Xuyao's figure, she lowered her voice, which was originally elegant. The indifferent appearance, usually with a cold face, rejecting people thousands of miles away, now with a bit of weakness: "I know that you and Qiu Ze are really in love, and I have already quit, why do you still love me?" Chasing after me, uncovering my scars, and showing off to me with your son, but, since this is the case, then I sincerely wish you all, and today I also talked about it..."

Su Ying's voice suddenly rose, attracting a large number of men and women in front of the military and political building, who surrounded them with the mentality of watching a good show.

"It's not like this, it's not like this..." Xiao Baihua quickly explained, but was interrupted forcefully by Su Ying.

"This is all a family matter. Although I, Wang Erlan and Qiu Ze are unmarried couples, but because Qiu Ze already has someone who truly loves each other, Erlan didn't want to get hurt, so I had to come to this East District alone. As a doctor, I You should treat illnesses and save lives, and you can't affect your work because of your feelings, but the Qiu family said that Erlan broke the marriage contract and found a wild man, which really hurt Erlan's heart. , From now on, he and I have nothing to do with each other. My father has already made preparations and will visit the Qiu family soon. Mrs. Qiu, are you satisfied now?"

A drop of tear fell down, such a beautiful woman weeping, I feel sorry for her.The normally delicate Xiao Baihua couldn't cry now. For the first time, she had the idea that she had done something bad, so she pursed her lips tightly, trying to redeem something.

But Su Ying didn't give her this chance at all: "Mrs. Qiu, you already have a son, why don't you give Erlan some way to survive? Erlan has left the West District to make a living by herself, and please ask the Qiu family to let Erlan go Bar!"

The people around began to point and point at Xiao Baihua, Xiao Baihua couldn't bear it anymore, broke through the obstacles and ran out of the crowd, Su Ying pointed to the plainclothes in the crowd with her eyes, telling him to keep up with that woman.

Before he could take any action, Chen Xuyao ​​had already sent someone to follow him and left. With Xiao Baihua, the hostage who automatically came to his door, it would be a pity to run away!
Seeing that the crowd was about to disperse, Chen Xuyao ​​wore a dark blue military uniform and a cloak. He had a unique heroic appearance, which concealed his usual enchanting and passionate, and gave him a bit of abstinence.

"It's really a good thing that Dr. Wang has come to our Eastern District. As the commander of the Eastern District, I welcome Dr. Wang's arrival. As far as I know, Dr. Wang is a top student in the Department of Medicine of the Ivy League University. He came to our military hospital in the Eastern District. Didn't you just give up your talent?" He raised his arms and shouted, and the scattered crowd gathered together again.

The people below looked at Su Ying with burning eyes. They never expected that such a famous doctor came to the Eastern District. Although it was in the military hospital, as long as the person is here and the reputation is there, there is no need to worry about no one admiring the name. come on!
People in the Eastern District spontaneously felt a sense of pride, and they took Su Ying as a person from their own Eastern District for granted.

 It has been updated today, okay~~ I have been reviewing during the recent exam week. I will definitely type more when I have time. I will try my best to update as much as possible. Don’t be impatient, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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