Chapter 37 A wedding photo
Looking at the man again, he was dressed in a decent suit, and there were still unfinished traces underneath. The corner of his mouth curled up, and he heard the sound of "ping ping pong pong pong" from the kitchen, and an unspeakable joy burned in his heart. Pretending to be nonchalant, she left Su Ying's room.

"Okay, don't be like a pile of wood, just eating and not working. Go and clean up. I'll be fine soon." Nonsense, let the CEO cook, what a joke!The kind of people who go up to the living room and go down to the kitchen can only be imagined in YY. In the real world, CEOs are all high-altitude flowers that don't eat the fireworks of the world.

It has been two months since the operation. Su Ying returned to the studio and opened her own art exhibition. Because of her little fame before, she also had a certain response in Qingcheng, but she knew that this was just the beginning. , she still has a long way to go.

"Let's get married!" Su Ying was stunned by Gu Yuan's words. She stopped the paintbrush in her hand, looked at the man coming against the light, and knelt on one knee, holding a small box in her hand. Ask also know what he means.

Now it is off-duty time, Su Ying is sitting in front of a tea room, watching the crowds coming and going, doing a photo shoot, never expecting that this man caught her by surprise, closed her canvas, and looked at it with a smile The man in front of him tilted his head, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Marry him, marry him..." The people around started booing, and a group of women stared at Su Ying secretly, as if they were quite dissatisfied with her.

"Okay." It was just a good word, which contained all the wishes and strength of her original owner "Su Hui". At that moment, she felt relieved. Su Ying knew that Su Hui had let go. It is much more pleasant to be freed.

Su Ying felt that she had always been a contented and happy person, even though she was forced to be indifferent now, she was still optimistic, but at this moment, she had the thought of sighing, and the feeling of world-weariness, her palms tightened , clenched the box in his hand, with a gentle smile on his face.

"What's the matter?" Gu Yuan, who was closest to her, felt her unusually low pressure, and held her right hand with his backhand, "Are you too tired? Or, do you have concerns?" Finally, the almost deliberate words swayed in the air. In Su Ying's heart.

She shook her head, patted the back of his hand, and helped him up. Because of his interruption, her feelings of sadness and sorrow disappeared without a trace: "No, you put it on for me, and I will marry you." for you."

Gu Yuan's cold and resolute face showed a really happy smile, although it was only slightly evoked, it showed the master's good mood: "Okay." He carefully clenched Su Ying's white and tender arm, opened the From the red box, a ring was taken out.

There are no so-called pigeon eggs, nor the shining of the local tyrant's equipment, but the low-key and smooth lines, which wrap her fingers just right, seem to be a natural fit, and Su Ying seems to be able to hear the disdainful cold snorts of the girls around: "What! I thought that a good-looking person was tall, rich and handsome, but I didn't expect him to be poor..."

And so on, Gu Yuan is not deaf, so he can hear it naturally, but why should he care about the voices of outsiders? He looked at Su Ying intently and persistently, and put it on the middle finger of her left hand: "From now on, you are My wife is gone."

He took out another box and handed it to Su Ying: "I'll put it on for you, shouldn't you put it on for me?" The starry eyes were full of brilliance, which inadvertently made Su Ying's breathing stagnate, and then secretly Call out evildoers!
Su Ying caressed the ring on her hand, and naturally understood that Gu Yuan made a move, so naturally it couldn't be Fanpin. This is a ring designed by the chief designer of Sinell Jewelry. It is unique. In her previous life, Su Hui got this pair of rings without saying a word. , Throwing it directly into the artificial lake, the two broke up unhappy, and became a thorn in her heart. Even if the ring was recovered later, things were different, and the past became a memory.

Su Ying smiled lightly, took the ring in his hand generously, and spread out his palm. There was a faint callus on the wide palm, and it felt reassuring to the touch. It was just the right size for him to wear on his middle finger. Above, the two clenched their hands.

"This way you are mine, and you can't run away no matter what." Su Ying took the initiative to "throw herself into my arms", hugging his thin waist tightly, resting her slender chin on his neck, smelling the Exuding a light, reassuring smell, I suddenly smiled. In fact, this kind of life is not bad.

Su's father easily agreed to the "private life" of the two, and the biggest problem arose. The Gu family and the Li family, according to Su Hui's memory, the Li family only had a daughter, Li Nan, and a stepmother. They haven't seen each other once in several years, so the Li family is completely dominated by Li Nan.

But what puzzled her was that Li Nan's hostility towards her was inexplicable. According to the pissing nature of the reborn girl's accompanying text, everything was a routine. Unexpected gains.

"Li Nan, don't think that you can hide the truth from the Li family, but you can't hide it from me. I know what you are doing, so don't put your ideas on me. Those greedy eyes make me I can't help but want to dig it out." The cold and heartless words were not like words that a well-cultivated lady could say.

"Oh, it's ridiculous. Before you talk about me, take a look at yourself! Didn't you marry my father for his money? Abandoned your own daughter, don't think that others don't know, this sentence , I'll give you back the exact words!" Li Nan refused to give an inch and was aggressive, the two seemed to be enemies for hundreds of years, and they would never stop dying.

"What did you do to her!" There was a violent fluctuation in the mental power, obviously the host and the person started a physical fight.

"What do you say!"


After stripping away the cocoons and removing those useless words, Su Ying came to a conclusion that the relationship between the Li family was not as harmonious as it seemed. Mrs. Li once abandoned her biological daughter, but Li Nan knew her biological daughter's whereabouts.

Combined with the previous life, the original owner was not born by Su's father, so based on the fact that she is not smart, but poor grandma has watched too many plots, the original owner's life experience is simply a pot of blood, and she is probably Mrs. Li. The abandoned biological daughter, no wonder Li Nan wanted to put her to death, it turned out that it was just the trend of interests.

She thought love was paramount, but she didn't expect there to be so many twists and turns in it. It was a headache. She was most afraid of trouble, but sometimes the best way to solve trouble was to crush it with force. I really like the world of Jin Yong's martial arts. !

Su Ying wailed in her heart...

(End of this chapter)

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