Female Supporting Counterattack Manual

Chapter 3 A Deck of Good Cards Born

Chapter 3

Five years passed in a flash, Su Ying has been collecting information on the Lu Family Villa, and learned that Lu Liding now has a daughter named Lu Wushuang, Su Ying just chuckled when she heard the news, these In [-], she did not just cultivate in ignorance, but also brought back some orphans, trained them, and let them learn some poetry, books, and etiquette. Su Ying never did useless work, and took them in just to inquire about news in Lujiashanzhuang That's all.

Among those disciples, there are some very beautiful women. Su Ying sent them to serve Lu Zhanyuan. They are beautiful and youthful. Let's see how Lu Zhanyuan can control him. Isn't he boasting that he loves He Yuanjun? ?What if I met someone else who was more beautiful and more understanding?Will he still fall in love with He Yuanjun?At this moment, Su Ying's heart was filled with darkness.

Li Mochou was originally the third-generation disciple of the Ancient Tomb Sect. He has strong martial arts, outstanding appearance, and a bodhisattva heart. The winner, it's a pity, met Lu Zhanyuan, Li Mochou healed him regardless of the suspicion of men and women, and finally fell in love secretly, and the deeper and deeper she fell, she finally couldn't extricate herself.

But later, her willingness was exchanged for Lu Zhanyuan's empathy, He Yuanjun's love and betrayal of his teacher. When she really waited for that scene, she was stunned and stood there helpless, watching Her lover worships heaven and earth with another woman.

The red dress was like fire, igniting the seedlings of jealousy in her heart.

Because of love and hatred, she wants to kill them.She wants to take revenge and kill all those who have betrayed her and hurt her.Let them be in so much pain, why should she bear all these pains? She is not reconciled, and no one will be reconciled.

Why the result of giving love is not getting love, but endless hurt.She was hateful and angry, but it was of no use, so in the end she sacrificed her soul, just to get an opportunity to make those people pay the price, even if they were shattered to pieces!
Su Ying couldn't understand her madness at the beginning, but now she still half-understands, because her own life experience is just a blank sheet of paper, before she can be filled with love and hatred in the future, she let the man in purple bring her here.Now, she can only do her best to fulfill Li Mochou's wish.

Now she has practiced Bingpo Silver Needle and Chilian God's Palm, both of which are martial arts learned from "The Secret of the Five Poisons". Blood red like cinnabar, severe pain and itching when he died, and his face turned black.

Su Ying played with the silver needle in her hand, and saw that the needle body was engraved with patterns, making it exquisite.This needle is extremely poisonous. It will be poisoned when touched, and the skin will turn black. If the skin is broken, she will die instantly. As for Li Mochou's three skills, she has not learned it yet, perhaps because of her experience. He is just a blank piece of paper, and has not experienced ups and downs, love or hate, so naturally he cannot understand Li Mochou's ruthlessness and shocking changes.

When she heard the servant coming to report, Su Ying also stood up, holding a fly whisk in her hand, like a rich lady with hair and practicing meditation, wearing a classic Xianghuang Taoist robe, with an extremely beautiful appearance, looking at the visitor with a smile like a Bodhisattva who saves all sentient beings.

The person who came was a pure and beautiful woman, and she saluted respectfully: "Report to the owner, Qiuxi has successfully seduced Lu Zhanyuan, and wait for Master's next arrangement."

Su Ying looked at her with a smile and said: "Caiwei, you have done a good job, now I will accept you as the fourth generation disciple of my Ancient Tomb Sect, inherit my Ancient Tomb Sect's exercises, and transfer my lifelong unique knowledge "Five I will pass it on to you." Su Ying has been observing this girl for two years, she works steadily, and the most important thing is the center.

What's more, the Ancient Tomb Sect only drove Li Mochou out without damaging her dantian and martial arts. This shows that the Ancient Tomb Sect still recognizes her as a disciple, so it's fine for Su Ying to use the banner of the Ancient Tomb Sect in the future Get the "Jade, Women's Heart Sutra".

The Caiwei in front of her was when she first started practicing "The Secret Biography of Five Poisons", she inadvertently found a poisonous centipede that could be used as medicine, and then chased into the mass grave. After chasing the poisonous centipede, she accidentally found a seven The eight-year-old girl was covered with signs of being abused and beaten, her breath was weak, and she could still be rescued.

Su Ying's extra kindness had already been taken away, and she was originally planning to bring her back to test the medicine, but now she was kind enough to take her in.Unexpectedly, after trying so many medicines and suffering so much, she still didn't say a word, and earnestly completed the tasks Su Ying gave her, and regarded Su Ying as her reborn parents. It seems to be fake.

Su Ying studied psychology in her previous life, so naturally she would not let Caiwei's micro-expressions and micro-movements go, they are sharp tools to judge her mind, but she didn't find anything wrong, or she really regarded herself as a teacher Zun, she is so good at serving, or she is hiding too deeply, even Su Ying can't detect it, but how can a seven or eight year old girl have so many twisted intestines.

Loyalty, this is what Su Ying wanted. Seeing that her surprise face and that pure and soft face were somewhat similar to Li Mochou's, she couldn't help but recall Li Mochou's past. Intermittently, as if whispering: "Caiwei, do you know why I live in this bamboo building?"

Caiwei suppressed her surprise and looked as calm as possible and said, "I don't know, Caiwei." She knew that Su Ying didn't like those who were chatty, so she made herself mature and steady, hoping to get Su Ying's love. award.

"Because of Lu Zhanyuan, he once made an oath with me, but in the end he broke his promise and chose He Yuanjun, who is the right family. On the day of the wedding, I asked that Lu Zhanyuan whether he fell in love with each other, but that Lu Zhanyuan hesitated and couldn't answer why. Cai Wei , let’s talk about it, all men in the world are unlucky, and there are many idiots and resentful women in the world, why is it always the daughter who suffers?"

Su Ying felt that Li Mochou's ending was mostly due to her ruthlessness. She knocked out her teeth and swallowed it in her stomach. Everyone lamented her murderous nature, but no one knew her true heart, not even her disciple Hong Lingbo. I don’t understand her either. Now she doesn’t plan to save Hong Lingbo anymore. Could it be possible that he can be rescued and let her drag him into the love poison?
But now that this apprentice is her sincere favorite, she should also let her understand her helplessness, inherit her mantle, teach by precept and example, so that she can do something big in the future. Correct, not extreme, it is also a blessing in misfortune.

Caiwei corrected her attitude, pondered Su Ying's words carefully, and secretly felt sorry for her master, who had been ruthlessly abandoned by that man, but she knew that the last thing the master needed was pity from others, so she didn't show anything , holding his breath and said quietly: "Teacher feels that men are unlucky, but daughter's family may not be able to hold up the sky!"

Su Ying's eyes lit up and she sighed: "Okay, okay, from now on you will take my last name and be Li Caiwei, the fourth generation disciple of the Tomb Sect!"

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(End of this chapter)

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