Female Supporting Counterattack Manual

Chapter 268 Demon King Cultivation Plan (4)

Chapter 268 Demon King Cultivation Plan ([-])

Ino had to change his name and surname, and cut his long hair short, because the number of light magicians in the human world was extremely rare, so he became a priest in the human town of Rex.This is used to cover up his identity, but the innate nobility and elegance of the elves cannot be imitated by others anyway.

What, you say I am the high priest?forget it! 36 Straightforward is the best policy,

I'm really not interested in the high priest!

What's more, if you want to replace my blood, how much pain you will have to go through, do you know!So Eno had to hide his name and hide his achievements and fame, and only became a priest in the small town of Rex.

With her divine power, it is more than enough to be a priest of a country!
But now, Yinuo walked to the door of the study room, knocked on the door lightly, but found that the door was opened suddenly, saw Ivan who was two heads lower than him, and smiled.

"God of light, Ivan, good morning." With a gentle smile on Yinuo's face, he became even more charming under the sunlight.

Ivan swallowed unconsciously, trying to make himself look normal: "God of the light, Father, good morning."

Ino stretched out his hand and held his little hand. Ivan carefully placed his hands on Ino's white palms. Very well, his hands were washed very clean.

Looking at his cautious expression, Yinuo suddenly felt that it shouldn't be like this, the two of them should be best friends, not what they are now, so he squatted down, was at eye level with him, and held him She leaned her head against his forehead with her own.

"It's okay, here, you can do what you want, everyone is born to believe in the light, you will do well, right!" Yinuo tried his best to put his voice softly.

"Father, thank you, I...I..." Ivan wanted to say something, but found that he couldn't say it at all. If he said it, would the priest think that he was too greedy and that he was not suitable to stay here anymore? In the church, because of his narrow mind, he wanted to stay with the priest all the time!
Even though he has never believed in the God of Light, if it is really useful to believe in the God of Light, he would not be abandoned by his biological parents from birth, would not rely on picking up garbage to fill his belly, and would not be bullied by those children !
However, if believing in the God of Light can stay with the priest forever, then he would rather believe in a non-existing God of Light, just to get such a chance, a chance to be close to warmth.

"Just say what you want! Here, there are only you and me. The time alone is too far away. I have forgotten how to talk to others, let alone take care of children. Please don't dislike my clumsiness. We Go wash and eat first!" Ino left his forehead, then smoothed Ivan's smooth black hair, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay! Priest..." Ivan still didn't say it in the end. He suppressed the thought in his heart and glanced at the priest who was holding his right hand. The nails were round and the fingertips were shining white. There was no one on them. Cocoons, soft and waxy like the crispy balls he is holding in his mouth now.

He pursed his lips tightly, and suddenly felt that this kind of life could last forever.

After breakfast, Eno took him to the church and put him aside, because Ivan was wearing the angelic costume that was one size smaller than she had worn, standing like a little black-haired angel. On the one hand, everyone who saw him seemed respectful, for fear of bumping into the envoy.

But it never occurred to them that the envoy in front of them was the kid picking up trash on the street that they had shown disdain for.

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Ivan's mouth, but when Ino's eyes moved over, he returned to his endless look, lowered his head, and pretended to pray seriously.

Yinuo was very satisfied with his appearance. As for God's will, he could only meet the future monarch when he was destined.

After the prayer, Ino said goodbye to everyone in the church and was about to take Ivan away, but was blocked by those who came to pray.

"Father Ino, is this your new envoy? He looks really cute, and he looks familiar..."

"Father Ino, are you planning to start recruiting envoys? Do you need any other envoys? There is a child in my family, do you see if he has the qualifications to contact the God of Light..."

"Father Ino..."

Seeing such a posture, other people came forward one after another to get in front of Ino, with flattering smiles on their faces, but Ivan was pushed aside, his face became more and more indifferent, he wished to put these sightless , stupid mortals are pushed away directly, it is his priest, not their priest.

Ino stood in the middle of the crowd, but cleverly left a space for her, because everyone knew that the priest had a quirk that could not be touched by others, so they stood outside the circle in a sensible way, and they all looked forward to it. Looking at Ino.

Ino tidied up his somewhat messy divine attire, cleared his voice and said, "About the issue of envoys, the archbishop will specially send someone to select suitable children every year, who have the power of light and have been favored by the God of Light. .”

She suddenly changed the subject, looked at Ivan with a smile, left the crowd and came to his side, and took his hand: "He is the envoy chosen by me, unlike the person chosen by the archbishop, he is the future Someone to replace me."

The warm touch made Ivan's whole heart calm down. The eyes looking at Father Ino seemed to be shining, shining in his heart. It would be great if the priest could always look at him like this.

"Father Ino, he is a child begging on the street. He has dirty blood on his body. He is not qualified to serve the God of Light!" Suddenly such a voice burst out from the crowd, and Ivan's heart sank immediately. At the bottom of the valley, he looked at the person who spoke with evil eyes.

"Father Ino, look, look at this child's eyes, he has darkness in his heart, he can't serve the God of Light, he will blaspheme!" Others recognized Ivan one after another, and echoed the one just now As a human being, in his heart, he actually wants his children to serve the God of Light.

Eno could naturally understand what they were thinking, and when Ivan was about to riot, he comforted his heart: "It's okay, Ivan, everyone is born bright!"

 Ivan is going black!

(End of this chapter)

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