Chapter 95 Plan
Fatty is out of the hospital.

The next patient in his bed was Rhoda.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Before leaving, the fat man shook his head in a voice that could be heard by all the doctors and nurses present, and "quietly" asked his successor on the hospital bed,
"Brother, I heard that you were chasing our family Miao Fei. You came to the door for a stalker and were bombarded by our boss? Really awesome, the fat man admires you!"

So, next, Student Luo received the "enthusiastic" care of the person in charge of the third floor, that is, the doctor who signed Miao Fei's medical record and stayed in the hospital for observation. The injury could be discharged within a week at most. After tossing and tossing for a whole month, um, maybe it's also due to Miss Jiang's bill?

The group of six gathered together again, and the first thing to do was to interrogate Young Master Ouyang's injury experience in three sessions.

It is still the beautiful Maple Garden, the kind old Az, the expressionless Pierre, and the boys and girls with their own characteristics sitting in a circle, and all kinds of fragrant afternoon tea at their hands.

It was said to be afternoon tea, but it was actually noon, but because she was too excited last night, Miss Jiang mercifully gave everyone a day off this morning, calling it a combination of work and rest, but in fact she just wanted to sleep in.

The little friends who had been ravaged by Miss Jiang for N days in a row stayed in their rooms until the sun was high before going out. After breakfast, it happened to be lunch time.

Therefore, lunch at noon becomes afternoon tea.

Ouyang, as always, is the jade-leaf golden leaf, elegant and elegant, and the gazes on him did not cause him any trouble. He half-closed his eyes, twisted a piece of meringue, and took a sip of green tea. The whole movement was as pleasing as flowing clouds and flowing water. It seems that he is not drinking tea, but playing a piece of high mountains and flowing water. Bah!
Jiang Yexing shook her head fiercely, and spat at herself. Ever since she met Ye Ling, such Chinese-style lines would appear in her mind at any time, and it was enough to think about it.
"I want to kill someone." Ouyang said a name very calmly.

'Hey——' The fat man sprayed it directly, are you kidding me?

Miao Fei pursed his red lips and whistled loudly, "He is indeed the most handsome man in our team, awesome."

The giant looked up at everyone, then lowered his head and continued to fight with the big bucket of chicken legs in front of him. He never quite understood the way of thinking in the human world, but what does it matter?Brains have nothing to do with the giant, he just needs to do it with his hands.

Liu Hua covered her mouth with her hands in surprise, for fear of making a cry of surprise,
God, Ouyang is really courageous!How dare you attack that person!

Jiang Yexing looked at the reactions of his friends very strangely, and asked with a smile,

"What? Is this person famous? Very powerful?"

"Xing Xing, can you be more ignorant? The last emperor-level expert in the Federation, Ouluo, the Oujia 500 years ago, is the last emperor-level expert in the Federation, the Oujia of Ouluo 500 years ago, The person Ouyang mentioned is the young master of the Ou family's generation. He graduated from the White Tiger Academy at the age of 22 and went to the Fifth Army. The 25th Marine Corps of the garrison, served as the captain of the special forces, and took the rank of major general."

"Major General?" At 25 years old, for most of the younger generation in the federation, he is not even considered an adult, so he has the rank of major general?
"Yes, the status of the Ou family in the Federation is very special. Today's first, second, and fourth legions, these three major legions, were all direct troops of Ou Luo back then, and most of the descendants of the Ou family also joined the army. It has a strong right to speak. Of course, it is much worse than it was 500 years ago. The Federation will not allow a family to have the same rights as the military for a long time, but anyway, in the Federation, the Ou family is independent from the four major The military family outside the family, some people think they are the invisible fifth family, Ouyang, the fat man is very curious, how did that guy offend you? Could it be because of a woman? Be honest, it has something to do with the fat man How much money is allocated to carry out this operation."

The fat man winked at Ouyang Qin triumphantly, the small eyes hidden behind the layers of fat struggled to reveal his face angrily.

"Ouyang, his strength is not much different from yours, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't be doing this mindless thing alone."

Jiang Yexing shook his head, "It seems that you still need special training, the kind that trains your brain."

Where is the Special Forces?Don't look at its rustic and inconspicuous name, you must know that this is the age of science and technology. In addition to the space fleet in outer space, the special forces are the only formally organized ground strike force, which is responsible for carrying out all small-scale wars in local areas. A special forces team of 500 people with full equipment can attack a small planet, because the world today has long lost the concept of a country and a territory. Except for some special departments, the military equipment of a small planet is only the police. It is an old profession, and most of the police officers are patrolling robots equipped with standard weapons that can deal with ordinary people. All of Rising has special forces stationed there, and it is also because of the particularity of the military academy that it is located in the two extreme regions of Rising. In China, there are many secret research institutes of the Federation, so there has always been a regular special force on Rising.

Going to a place like this to assassinate the leader of a family, did Ouyang get kicked in the head by a donkey?
"Do you have any specific information about him?"

Jiang Yexing asked the fat man in charge of intelligence.

"No, the level of confidentiality is high." Fatty shook his head regretfully and closed the terminal.

"It's okay, I'll figure out a way, Ouyang, you can continue to participate in the special training during this period, and finish the exchange match first. As for the sexual European, I will arrange it after the exchange match."

Taking this matter as a matter of course, no one else showed any surprise. Obviously, this is a natural thing for the six-person group.

Your business is everyone's business. There is no reason, no need to measure gains and losses, no need to dissuade, and no need to consider danger. We are here if you need it!

Because we are partners!

"Okay." Ouyang deserved to be more straightforward, and he had nothing to say, because he knew that if it was someone else, he would do the same.

The brief exchange ends here. The next step is Jiang Yexing's favorite. She thinks everyone likes it, and sometimes even likes it to the point of death.
Special training!

The old Aziz next to him kept smiling from the bottom of his heart, watching the eldest lady blast a group of people into the exercise room, and then, his eyes casually passed over Pierre next to him,
"How is it? Our master is very cute, isn't he?"

"Yes, Miss is indeed the cutest girl in the world, and I don't know which brat will be cheaper in the future?"

These words touched the heart of the old butler. With a low sigh, Aziz waved his hand to let Pierre leave, and then opened the sky message on his wrist.

"Patriarch, Miss is going to get into trouble again, look"

"Ah? Really? Little baby finally decided to make some troubles to make daddy worry? It's so good, alas, my baby has finally grown up."

Patriarch, why are you so happy?

Opposite Tianxun, Jiang Ling was smiling happily. It's not enough to kiss the baby too well. It leaves parents with no sense of accomplishment. Is the baby enlightened?Yeah, yeah, I'm really, really happy today.
"Miss is going to kill someone, the target is Ou Qi, Ou Qi from the Ou family"

The old butler kindly reminded.

Jiang Ling twisted instantly!

(End of this chapter)

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