Chapter 71 Pirates
The signal light on the seat turned green, the faint energy liquid slowly disappeared into the space, the crystal wall opened, and everything returned to its original state.

This is the first space jump after the Skywalker set sail. Well, it is not a space technology unique to humans in the novel, but just the development and utilization of natural wormholes. Human beings who are still at the beginning of the second-level civilization do not have the ability Break the barrier of space and carry out free warp speed navigation. Therefore, the existence of natural wormholes determines the existence of a certain waterway. through the road.

The upper class cabin, which had been silent for a long time, regained its vitality again. Occasional voices came from time to time. Jiang Yexing did not open her eyes. In fact, she remained awake all the time. After the accident ten years ago, her spiritual cultivation entered The third stage, soul power, belongs to the evolution direction of the third-level civilization. Here, as long as she wants, she can maintain absolute sobriety under any circumstances.

It's just that the chaotic high-speed energy fission reaction in the wormhole made her brain ache like needles, but what does it matter?Timely pain can allow her to think more clearly and remind her that she is truly alive. Compared with pain, not feeling anything is more terrifying!

Turning my mind to this voyage, I imagined various possibilities again and again in my mind. Suddenly, a voice came from my mind,
"Master, what happened? Your mental power seems to be disturbed by the outside world"

Jiang Yexing was stunned before realizing that it was Long Yi.

Long Yi is a combat-type robot, with few words. Ever since she consumed the only two spirit source devices, the plan to assemble a new body for Long Yi is far away, so in these years, Long Yi seldom appears. , it frightened her.

I can hardly get used to this kind of brainless communication.

"It's okay, I just passed the wormhole." Jiang Yexing replied, "By the way, how is Ah Fu?"

"The charge is half full. If the owner needs it, he can wake up the adult at any time." The current energy can support the main core program of the adult to fully wake up.

"Forget it, I can handle it for the time being, let it 'sleep'!"

In her previous life, with her super gold finger, she was invincible, trampled all human families, and made everyone elusive. Now, her status has been reversed, and she has become an 'ant' in the hearts of big shots, but she has to face her. That's right, it was the aristocratic family she single-handedly supported in her previous life, the absurdity of life, but that's all.

But even so, she will not interrupt Ah Fu's energy replenishment when it is not necessary, she is not in a hurry.

However, maybe she should find a chance to meet Luo Chao and retrieve the spiritual source device.

"My dear, I know you're awake. Come and look at me. Come on, see if I'm pretty?"

Although he had already gotten used to the middle school nature of the rascals around him, Miao Fei's constant narcissism still gave Jiang Yexing the urge to kill.

"Pretty." What's so beautiful, isn't it just two eyes and one mouth?
Having said that, after Jiang Yexing finished answering, Miao Fei blinked and glanced before screaming,
Take another look.

Wow grass!Non-witch, what are you trying to do?This is on the Tianxing, not the academy!
Feiyao was wearing the fiery red dress she snatched from Hua Dongyue last time. The layered swing was like a poppy flower in full bloom, full of different temptations, not to mention that the dead demon girl also painted a light dress. She has wavy hair, and under her feet are a pair of three-inch-high crystal shoes of the same color.

"What? After experiencing countless beautiful men's spiritual funerals, you finally decide on a goal?"

Putting on such a suit on the spaceship, no wonder she was thinking in a bad direction!
"When I went to the bathroom just now, I came back and took a look at him, and thought hehe, his current state is quite interesting, as if he is going to eat people."

Men eat women!
What a fat man, upon hearing this, coupled with Miao Jiaonv's demeanor, he immediately came to a very sour judgment,
"Cool! Xing Xing, it can't be that kind of medicine, right?"

The last four words were hidden in the throat, only the slight movement of the mouth and the flushed ears showed the fat man's current level of obscenity. Superlative!

Jiang Yexing raised his eyebrows and sat up lazily, not thinking that now was a good time.

"Now? Ouyang, what do you think?"

"You can try." Ouyang Qin has never been a fighter waiting for an opportunity to come to his door. He likes to take everything into his own hands. "It's not difficult to have two bodyguards."

"But we have to consider the consequences. There are only so many people here, and there are still more than ten days to reach the destination. If someone dies, we and others are ready-made suspects. We just need to check the background."

Second-year middle school boy who only cares about his eyes and disregards his buttocks, don't be so impulsive!
"Tch, I didn't say to do it now, I just went to shake him if I have nothing to do, and I'm idle anyway!"

Miao Fei gave them a winking look, then walked towards the bathroom again with twisted waist and hips, and when he passed by, he did not forget that Guangming was smiling at Baiyang.

Bai Yang's face was tense, and his face was flushed red. He knew that this girl had only been to the bathroom not long ago, and the seductive look when she passed by almost made him jump up on the spot, and now she came again!
Hell, even a change of clothes!
This is clearly the rhythm of deliberate seduction!
As the son of a big family, this is not the first time he has had this kind of affair. Although he will not refuse all comers, he will certainly not be Liu Xiahui when he meets someone who is pleasing to the eye. taste, but the problem is,
not now!

What's more serious, he wanted it so much that he was about to explode!
The two thoughts were at war with each other in his mind, making Bai Yang feel like he was sitting on pins and needles, and finally put the tip of his tongue on his teeth and bit hard,
at the same time.

In the control room, the spacecraft was set to autopilot. The captain and deputy captain were sitting in the lounge drinking afternoon tea, leaving only a few staff members to stick to their posts.

"Look, what is that?"

Suddenly, one of the first officers yelled, pointing at the mirrored scanner.

"What? That's right, a pirate, a pirate"

In sheer surprise and fear, the other deputy's voice changed.

There is a small gray dot slowly approaching on the screen. It was just a small dot at first, but now you can see the big skull drawn on it, showing terrifying fangs towards them.

"What nonsense, we have just left the wormhole. There should be a medium-sized Federation fleet stationed at the nearby star port. How could there be pirates who don't have eyes."

Wormholes are important strategic locations. The Federation will station troops at both ends of each known wormhole. First, it is to deter pirates. Second, it is also a strategic deployment. Therefore, no pirates have ever appeared near the wormhole, and From the Anruila Galaxy to the Blue Cloud Galaxy, it is a very busy and important shipping lane. The Federation has directly cleared hundreds of thousands of pirates for this shipping lane. As a result, this shipping lane is currently one of the safest shipping lanes for the Federation. Even the most rampant pirates know that the bottom line of the Federation cannot be touched!

But what is that?
The captain couldn't believe his eyes, but the facts in front of him told him that everything was true!
Because everyone has seen it!

A pirate ship.

That's right, not one, but one!
(End of this chapter)

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