Interstellar cute girl strikes

Chapter 52 23 Things Before Enrollment

Chapter 52
Five hundred million?

Brother is so rich, so rich!Brother is doing very well, very well!
Seeing the fat man easily swindling his eldest brother, Jiang Yexing, who was currently suffering from amnesia, had [-] million grass and mud horses roaring past in her heart, making her fragile little heart skip a beat.

"No need, Fatty didn't say 50 million, but [-]."

Putting the money from the left pocket to the right pocket, she has to pay a considerable fee for the gold bank. She is definitely full, and she has no shortage of money to spend.

50?Isn’t this too big of a difference?Even though he had already guessed that his boss had a weak relationship with the Feng family, Fatty still felt his heart throbbing with pain. The most painful thing in his life was watching the money he received grow wings and fly away. Hundreds of millions, converted into banknotes, would be enough to kill him, right? I have never seen so much money in my life.
Bai Ziming was also very confused.

50, they are not sending beggars, let alone the boss, even he can't make a move, is there any reason?Can't you order more?

"That thing is very important, [-] million is not expensive, Xing'er Xuemei, we do business with integrity, so we should just make friends."

Feng Xu said very, very sincerely.

"No need, I do business out of conscience, and I just collected that thing by the way. In addition to the debt of the one lying over there, you can pay another 50."

Lying upright on the sofa at one side, Pierre, an invisible man, just wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it.

"Sister Xing'er is belittling the value of what we want."

"Senior Feng is doubting my kindness, honesty and fairness."

"Are my reputation and credit so worthless in Xing'er's eyes?"

"I only need 50 yuan, if it is too much, I will have a bad conscience."

White Ziming.
Fat man
"Wow, Senior Feng, you are looking at our sister, right? Hehehehe, your vision is really good. My sister is young, beautiful, gentle, generous, kind and considerate in her [-]th year. She has never had a boyfriend so far. Come on, handsome guy, she I like you very much."

Miao Feishen made up the knife.

Instant cold.

Aziz couldn't bear to look at her seriously and closed her eyes, then spoke resignedly,
"Miss, it's only [-] million, you just accept it. Thinking about it, this amount of money is nothing to the young master of the Feng family."

I know it's nothing, I feel bad for the handling fee!
Those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to fat people are stingy.

"How about paying me in cash?"

Jiang Yexing blurted out.

Rumble!The thunder is rolling!


"No, no, no." Bai Ziming was agitated, and immediately opposed Feng Xu's words, what kind of interstellar joke, [-] million cash?Enough to cause a small financial turmoil in this rising star, which is famous for its academy, Auntie, what do you want so much cash for?Are you counting?

The most speechless thing is that when the second-generation boss of the Feng family faced Princess Xing'er, his IQ would drop to a suspiciously negative number. He dared to use his handsome face to guarantee that what Master Fengxu didn't say just now was definitely "no Question' three words, the boss has no problem, he has a problem
"No?" Jiang Yexing lowered his head in disappointment, "I still want to try what it feels like to wallow in money!"

She really didn't mean to embarrass her big brother on purpose, but she just met at the end of ten years. Although she knew that he just had a last resort to leave her, the feeling of being abandoned still made her very uncomfortable. What's the point of giving her [-] million?compensation?
That being the case, she just wanted to be so willful and deliberately made things difficult, so what?
Jiang Yexing lowered his head, concealing his sadness, and his ambivalence between wanting him to agree and hoping he would not agree.

"Okay, I'll send it over when I'm ready." Feng Xu nodded without hesitation, his sister looked so disappointed, as a competent and good brother, how could he do something that made his sister unhappy?

Fatty felt like he was flying, five hundred million, five hundred million!Not 50, 500 million, but [-] million
Fatty's first transaction of more than [-] million yuan in his life was successfully concluded in this way. If you don't care about the tangled and weird process of the whole process, this is actually a quite successful case, and because of this, the entire six-member group's "picking up people" started. ' or the bad habit of 'picking things up', after many years, the group of six has become recognized by the whole universe as 'the meanest, most hateful, nastiest, meanest, most insidious, and most robbing' mercenaries The group has laid a solid foundation.

All are happy.

In the extremely disbelieving eyes of the other five people, Jiang Yexing took the initiative to take on the task of sending the guests out. Feng Xu was very happy, even though his sister regarded him as a stranger, even if they only talked for a short while, even if... He still couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth, and from time to time looked at his sister who was close at hand with his hidden gaze that he thought he had concealed well.
I didn't feel it when I was sitting just now, but now I'm walking together, I'm surprised that my sister is already as high as his shoulders, squinting slightly, bathed in the warm sunshine, with a contented expression like a kitten just waking up, noble Elegant laziness.

I don't know which kid will be cheaper in the future?
This idea came naturally to Feng Xu's mind, and he instantly had a feeling of "my family has a girl who has just grown up", and then his face darkened, damn it, with him around, we must not let those stinky men get involved A hair from my dear baby sister.
It seems that his primary task this semester and in the future college life is to isolate all male creatures around his sister, and that Ouyang should also pay attention.
Jiang Yexing tried his best to maintain his demeanor, pretending not to know that hot gaze that almost made her cry, now is not the time, she is still too weak, but it's okay, she is still young, don't worry!
Silently walking side by side, watching him leave silently, Jiang Yexing stepped down his shoulders and turned around in a dispirited manner. As soon as he returned to the living room, he heard a high-spirited female voice giving a speech?

This is a speech, right?

"Mecha is an epoch-making invention of mankind. It is the greatest scientific achievement in the past 2000 years. It is the closest partner of mankind to resist foreign enemies. Become a great mecha master, children"

Hearing the same sensational call as the recruit welcome ceremony in the previous life, the corners of Jiang Yexing's mouth twitched slightly. Looking over, Miao Fei's and Ouyang's terminals were online at the same time. On the open screen, a young woman in the uniform of the First Military Academy was He impassionedly cited the importance of mechas to human beings and the peace of the universe, while the only two listeners, one yawned and collapsed on the sofa with no image, extremely tired, and the other, without changing his expression, Stuffing a cake into his mouth, seeing her passing by, he didn't forget to hand one to her mouth.

"I remember we just had dinner for a while. Ouyang, aren't you full?" Jiang Yexing swallowed it whole, and then touched his bulging belly. Today, because he kept thinking about his big brother coming, he didn't even eat at noon. Notice that I ate too much and felt a little full.

"Fortunately, I can still eat it. You forgot, the housekeeper will prepare some after-dinner snacks for you every day. You ate a lot at lunch today, so you probably have no appetite. If I don't eat it, will it be wasted?"

Ouyang Qin elegantly wiped out the small cakes on the plate one bite after another.

Jiang Yexing.
It's her fault, she's fine, what can she say to this perverted man, Ouyang!That is the master who can digest even poison!

(End of this chapter)

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