Chapter 34 Distress
"I think I probably know where this is."

An Lei pulled the fat man up. The soles of the fat man's feet were swollen, and he almost sat down again.

Now, even if he was as dull as a fat man, he would find something wrong. After all, he is also an ability user who has passed the third level of physical skills. When did he become so weak?

"How about it?"

"Two feet are like stepping on cotton flowers, and I have no strength." The fat man was really panting this time, feeling like an old man who has been seriously ill for many years.

"Dark power." Jiang Yexing tightened his pretty face and said four words from his mouth.

Dark Power. Long time no see.

"What is that? The villain in the novel, the representative of evil."

the fat man asked.

"The legendary power of darkness," Ouyang looked at Jiang Yexing, his bright eyes gleamed extraordinarily brightly in the dimness, with the excitement of eagerness to try.

"Dark Power. The Dark Alliance 2000 years ago." As a teacher, An Lei's knowledge is obviously much wider than Fatty's.

"Dark power didn't just appear 2000 years ago. But it's the same thing as the beautiful teacher said."

"What is it? Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing, tell me quickly." The fat man scratched his ears anxiously, wishing he could get the words out of Jiang Yexing's mouth.

"You all know the Dragon Clan, right?"

"Dragon race? The most powerful creature in the third universe according to legend. It is said to be the sworn enemy of the dark forces." An Lei once knew about this race in the family.

"Then do you know why most races in the third universe have intermarried with humans in the past 1000 years?"

"Didn't it mean that human beings are A-level life forms, their genes contain the ultimate secret of the universe, and they have evolutionary power that no other race in the universe possesses?"

This statement is now known to everyone.

"The dragons were the first to discover the existence of human beings." Jiang Yexing nodded, "Ten thousand years ago, human beings had just embarked on the path of self-evolution. When the dragons came to Earth, they endowed humans with the power of 'magic' and 'godhood' , but at the same time, it also brought destruction and disaster. Their mortal enemy, the demon race Chi You also followed in their footsteps. The two races started an endless war on the earth, which brought endless harm to the weak human beings at that time. , but in fact, the power of evolution is also needed by the demons. In order not to exterminate the human race, they finally left the earth and brought their subordinates back to the endless starry sky. The war continued, but the lives that were taken away from the earth , including some ancient humans who have obtained inhuman power. And this place, "

Jiang Yexing touched the portraits on both sides with both hands, "It should be the tomb of an ancient human being during the war, or a certain battlefield, otherwise there would be no dark power on the other side of the passage."

Jiang Yexing's voice was unhurried, clear and calm, with some kind of soothing power, anxiety and restlessness gradually disappeared in her voice.

"Oh, then, the fat man will be fine, right? Do you want to be quarantined?" Miao Fei took a few steps away from him, clutching his heart.

"Damn it! Damn girl, I'm a fat man."

"He has been sucked some blood, it's okay, but I'm afraid he can't follow us anymore."

Before he finished speaking, the fat man jumped up, "It's all right, I'm all right, really."

"Is the dark power difficult to deal with? Why don't we go back and talk about it first." An Lei hesitated, and it sounded dangerous. These freshmen, no, it's better to go back. If Miss Jiang encounters something here, Jiang family.
Thinking of this, An Lei immediately made up her mind to retreat!

Just when he was about to speak, he heard a "bang" sound, and saw Jiang Yexing stretching out a white and slender finger, touching a certain point in the painting, and a big blue stone weighing [-] tons was slowly moving upwards. , revealing a square hole.

"The legendary organ technique is amazing." Ouyang praised it greatly.

"No, we can't go any further, we should go back."

"Teacher, feel free to go back if you want." Jiang Yexing smiled at her, and walked in without looking back.

"Wait, it doesn't mean that there is a dark power." An Lei felt her scalp tingling. She knew that this trip would be so troublesome, so she didn't answer anything.This is great, I fell into the hole I dug.

"Dark forces cannot exist in the air, but are attached to objects."

Jiang Yexing's voice came from the darkness.

Ouyang followed closely behind.

Next is Fatty and Miao Fei.As soon as An Lei hesitated, she became the one who was cut off from the throne.

No, she... all her abilities have been sealed.
"Oh, wait for me"



In the darkness, several screams suddenly came from all directions. An Lei was shocked, and she couldn't care about anything else, and ran forward quickly. Far.

"Jiang girl, Fei'er."

"Auntie, it's okay, it's not us." Miao Fei's voice came from the front, An Lei finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then froze.

Not them?

Is there anyone else here?
"Where did it come from?"

"It's terrible! Tsk!"

"On our left, someone seems to be coming." Ouyang put on a defensive posture.

Jiang Yexing yanked his cuff, "Run, go forward."

Ouyang rushed forward without thinking, and the three people behind him looked at each other, and then followed closely behind, with chaotic footsteps.

"Star, star, what's wrong?"

"Someone entered here from another road and triggered the mechanism." Jiang Yexing raised his ears, and heard the 'rustling' sound getting louder, he couldn't help frowning.

"Will you release your mental power?"

Uh. Put it out?What's the meaning?
"No, what is that?"

"Oh, no one has heard of it."

"What do you mean?"

"Yes. What's that rustling sound?"

The last one to answer was Ouyang.

Jiang Yexing gave him a thumbs up, "If I'm not wrong, it should be some invisible creatures that are common in ancient tombs, such as special ants or beetles."

Jiang Yexing carefully kept some descriptions, fearing that it would be bad for the people behind to faint.

"If you can't stop it, use your mental power to cover it. Remember, you can't let those damn things get close, not even one."

"Ah---" Another scream came, this time it was much closer to the crowd.You can even hear a group of footsteps looming.

Jiang Yexing had no choice but to grit his teeth and raise his index finger high. In the next second, a series of white and orange flames jumped out one by one like musical notes, floating above everyone's heads. In an instant, the passageway was as bright as daytime.

"Oh, yeah, fire element? That's not right."

"Fuck, fuck, a master is a master."

Who can be like a star, a string of fires in a row, and each of them contains raging energy.

"The road ahead is the way to the Lord's tomb, everyone be careful."

Just as Jiang Yexing finished speaking, Ouyang stopped abruptly.

One step ahead is the abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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