Chapter 299 Conflict
Jiang Yexing was silent, she was speechless.

Doubling the pain nerves is an unparalleled torture in itself. Even if you touch it gently, it will be like a knife. This is undoubtedly one of the most cruel punishments, but it is not the most cruel, the most cruel The only thing is that you can see, hear, and think, but you can never move. You can only be a 'living dead'. For any life, this is worse than death. You can't wait to die immediately!
Such a beautiful thing can be so terrifying!
"So, you exiled the entire planet. You don't know that doing so is tantamount to throwing a plague virus into the world. Why don't you destroy them?"

Jiang Yexing asked strangely, she was not angry, she believed that the empire must have his reasons for doing so.

"This thing cannot be eliminated. Your human's 'Law of Conservation of Energy' is, in a certain respect, a rare correct theorem. It is closer to the truth than other theorems. Mika can only be transformed by mechanical force, but he is like air. Similarly, in a specific star field, they are everywhere. Can you imagine what it would be like for you humans to clear out all the air on the earth? What's more, in addition to carbon-based life, they are actually the energy that many plants rely on for survival. Just like the meaning of light to the plants on the earth, to the empire, this universe is so colorful, and such existences are also born from the universe. The empire has no reason to break this 'balance'. But at that time, this kind of thing It was really too widespread, and the empire couldn’t let it exist in the public eye, so it directly created a counterspace and threw the entire galaxy with enchanted cards into the counterspace.”

Ah Fu, can you please stop using such a arrogant tone and talking about "anti-space" and "the entire galaxy" in an understatement? Do you know that you really deserve a beating like this?

"But how did this colorful star of God come about?"

"Well, something must have happened in the counterspace. One of the stars was ejected. After a series of changes, it finally settled here."

In response to this answer, Jiang Yexing was also speechless. Does this kind of thing happen?

"Then why don't you let me come? How beautiful it is here!" Even though she knew how dangerous they were, Miss Jiang still couldn't resist such beauty.

"I told you that you think too much," Ah Fu rolled his eyes at her in a terrifying way, "I just don't want you to come here, I just hate it."

As the core intelligent program of the empire, he just instinctively dislikes the star field exiled by the empire.

"Then you want me to come again now?" Jiang Yexing glanced at him, his eyes gleaming with amorous feelings.

"You came here, you're fine, but your brain is frozen? It's been said that it's the 'food' of mechanical life, aren't you looking for Long Shi? And Rose, when will you let her out?"

The little flames danced around Ah Fu, almost dazzled Miss Jiang's eyes.

"Hurry up, I already told Emperor Yan to hurry up, when we go back, Rose can have her own body."

As Jiang Yexing answered him, she was spinning her gray brain cells rapidly.

The energy of mechanical life?In other words, she has to find a way to get this planet?She was taken aback by her own thought, a planet is nothing, but just thinking about this kind of trouble makes Jiang Yexing's scalp numb, who wants to be the laziest person.

Of course, this kind of matter couldn't be resolved in a short while, Jiang Yexing quickly put it behind him and concentrated on admiring the scenery in front of him.

For three months in a row, Jiang Yexing was very busy. She lingered on various unique planets in the God's Galaxy, tasting various delicacies, and admiring all kinds of interesting stories. I just can't think of leaving.

Until Jiang Ling and his party finally arrived at the Galaxy of Gods.

"Father." Jiang Yexing quickly ran towards Jiang Ling, "I miss you so much!"

Jiang Ling hugged her daughter, lifted her up high, and flew a few big circles in mid-air, before Jiang Yexing giggled and protested,

"Ah--Dad, everyone has grown up hahaha"

After being dizzy, she was hugged into a familiar embrace.

"The Ling family misses you so much too." Seeing Ye Ling's face as dark as the bottom of a pot, Jiang Yexing smiled and hugged him back, and said tenderly.

The effect was obvious, Ye Ling's complexion immediately turned cloudy, and then completely cleared after Miss Jiang took the initiative to hook his arm and smiled sweetly and charmingly at him.

Being held tightly in Ye Ling's arms, she could only greet Miao Fei, Gu He and the others with winks, but the nervous Miao Fei rushed up and grabbed her other hand tightly. arm,
"Oh, Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing, she misses you"

Jiang Yexing: Hehe!

The place where they stayed this time was Mercury, a planet whose entire surface is surrounded by oceans. The blue ocean made it impossible to have any buildings on the surface of the planet, not even small islands. But This is not a problem for the Silver Alliance, which has highly advanced technology. On the surface of the planet, there is a huge arc-shaped cover that surrounds the entire planet. Under this transparent cover, countless large and small objects extend downward. The 'room', this area, is the activity area. The air taken from the planet itself, with its self-circulation and temperature control system, and the blue sea, make this place that is not suitable for living beings to live, but it is ranked among the stars in the galaxy of God. The settlement of the top three.

Qingwu had already booked the hotel on the lowest floor, which is the place closest to the sea of ​​stars, and also the place with the most beautiful scenery. Jiang Yexing led them into the transparent cover, and then went straight down.

But the originally good mood was completely destroyed in the hotel.

What happened was very simple, the highest three floors booked by Qingwu had already been occupied.

"I never knew that a dignified purple-level hotel would do such a sickening thing." Qing Wu who went to negotiate was full of displeasure.

Just like what he told Ge Li, as servants of the Jiang family, they did not need to bow their heads in front of anyone except the master of the Jiang family.

"Sorry, sir, our hotel is willing to return you double." The hotel attendant is a seductive Tianling woman, she didn't care about Qingwu's accusation, and replied in a businesslike manner.

"We are not short of money." Qingwu interrupted her, "We have reserved a room, now, please bring the room key. My lady needs to rest."

"You guys. I'm sorry, our hotel can't accommodate you anymore." The waiter saw the person coming outside, and immediately said forcefully, then threw Qingwu down, and walked out quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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