Interstellar cute girl strikes

Chapter 281 Death Battle

Chapter 281 Death Battle
correct!A flash of enlightenment seemed to flash in Jiang Yexing's mind.


The weakness of the god-level domain lies in the energy balance that can be achieved between 'inside' and 'outside' when the domain space itself is in the entire cosmic space.This is a basic element for the domain to exist in this space.

Jiang Yexing's figure suddenly surged forward.

After a few erratic flashes in place, she was already close to the nameless man.

The hands of the unknown person on the opposite side trembled uncontrollably. He himself is not very proficient in thermal weapons. The same is true for the weapons in his hand, but when Jiang Yexing had a little guess in his heart and believed in his own judgment, he hesitated. For the first time in his life, he had doubts about his own skills. The huge pressure made him feel like a huge stone was pressing on his heart, and he seemed to be unable to breathe.

Jiang Yexing approached him very suspiciously, and at the same time, her nerves were extremely tense. For a god-level master, the person she faced seemed to not fit his status as a master. It was too easy!
And regarding his decision to use long-range weapons, Jiang Yexing was really speechless.

She thought that judging from the situation of their fighting before, he should also know that this kind of long-range thermal weapon is not very useful except for causing her a little trouble—well, except for her own death !The blood on the arm is an example!
But what does it matter?She has learned enough lessons today!Now, it's her turn to show off!
Facing the approaching figure, Jiang Yexing smiled as if he saw a prey, and it was the kind of prey that could make her a lot of money. , like a fish entering the sea.

Impact, knee strike, hand crutch, pointing, leg whip
In an instant, Jiang Yexing used more than ten methods that could kill someone with one blow. She never dared to underestimate anyone who could enter the god level. How did you say that?Despise the opponent from the spirit, pay attention to the opponent from the reality!

At this moment, her whole body seemed to be turned into a sharp weapon for killing, like an emotionless robot, calmly calculating, muscles, angles, the connection of every bone in the human body, and the flow of blood, all became her blows. Where it must be killed, increase its own lethality to the maximum.

The opponent's reaction is also extremely fast, but unfortunately, once Miss Jiang gets close, the instinctive combat experience that has been ravaged by the perverted learning system for more than ten years will play a huge role, even in the face of a person who is one level higher than her. , Oh, no, it should be a half-level god-level, and he can be abused into a dog too!

Without the power of the domain, the god rank is also scum!

"Huh—" A series of sonic booms sounded in the air, and Jiang Yexing whipped his legs, and slammed towards the opponent's head with great force!
After this whip kick went out, before hitting the target, her body was already driven by this force, and her body leaped lightly into the air, twisting into a strange shape in mid-air, and the other leg was hidden. Not now, ready to go!

If this kick is kicked solidly, even a god-level master will definitely suffer a fainting fate!If it is done well, there may be a risk of brain concussion or a vegetative state.

The other party did not choose to dodge, but rushed towards her directly. His judgment was not inaccurate. Miss Jiang's fierce leg attack brushed the other party's head and cut off a wisp of white hair. Silk.

And at the moment of lunging forward, the toe of his right foot was slightly raised like a poisonous scorpion, hooking towards Miss Jiang's calf!

At the moment when he was about to focus on Miss Zhongjiang, Jiang Yexing's other foot suddenly appeared at an unbelievable angle, shaped like a ghost, as if she had always been in that posture, waiting for the other party. It's like hitting straight.

'pon! '——
Even in the completely dark realm, Anonymous seemed to hear a bang, followed by a crisp bone fracture,
The huge pain spread in an instant, and Wumingshi's whole body twitched. He never dreamed that the little girl opposite him, who looked delicate and frail and inconspicuous, could actually have stronger physical strength than a real god like him. Be strong!
It turned out that this is the feeling of kicking the iron plate?Anonymous smiled wryly in his heart!
"Drink!" Even though he knew that the other party couldn't hear anything, he stopped drinking, stepped on the ground with his right foot, and punched the other party, hitting Jiang Yexing on the head.

Jiang Yexing smiled lightly, like a Buddha picking up a flower, smiling to see the wind rising and the clouds falling, her right hand slammed straight towards the opponent.

Wu Mingren didn't dare to be careless. Facts have proved that the physical strength of the little girl in front of him is definitely beyond his imagination.He had transported enough strength, all the cells and weight of his whole body were gathered in his hands at that moment, and then exploded
Jiang Yexing turned a blind eye to the opponent's reaction, until the moment the two fists touched, her fist suddenly changed shape, with a slight error, and then the middle finger suddenly stretched out, knocking heavily on the opponent's wrist, and at the same time melted into a fist For the claw, at the moment when the opponent's wrist suddenly became stiff, it wrapped around the opponent's entire wrist like an octopus, and held it tightly, and at the same time stretched out the leg,

"Peng" and the opponent were as silent as a poisonous snake, and the left leg that appeared at an extremely strange angle touched firmly.

Even in such a thick air, the air waves from the fight between the two still caused real ripples.

With a hard hit, in an instant, a kind of numbness, soreness and indescribable pain spread along the nerve lines to every corner of the body.

Wuming gritted his teeth, eyes full of remorse and madness, if God could give him another chance to start over, he would never accept this matter, but unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in this world, now he can only Fight, do your best to complete this task, even if... Even if you die together, at least you won't hurt your family. If you fail Thinking of this, a trace of disappointment flashed on Wuming's face. No one knows better than him the identity of the girl opposite. Vicious means, if she is really the one he guessed.
His other hand suddenly roared like a cannonball and stabbed straight at Jiang Yexing. At the same time, a strange and inexplicable energy appeared in the air and stabbed straight at her.

That familiar energy method made Jiang Yexing's eyes widen in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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