Interstellar cute girl strikes

Murder in the dark night

Murder in the dark night

"Excuse me, are you looking for me?" Jiang Yexing asked politely as he stood behind him.

Menga froze all of a sudden, his reaction was not unpleasant, and he made the most correct first choice.

In an instant, his figure jumped forward, bounced out like a frog, and rose into the air.

This is a 'small' building with only ten floors. To be precise, it is an open garage specially used to park private hover cars. It is one of the auxiliary facilities of the First College. It is such an intimate and ordinary small place. , in the First Academy is everywhere.

Menga's figure drew an arc in mid-air, and then fell down, a mere ten-story building. For him whose physique has reached the imperial level and whose C ability is the wind element, it is as easy as visiting his own garden freely.

With his toes on the ground, his figure swept forward like the wind, and under the cover of night, he was invisible like a ghost.

"Oh, why did you just leave? Why don't you stay for a cup of tea?" Jiang Yexing's voice reappeared in his ears, close at hand.

Meng Jia's cold sweat came down, he only felt the buzzing in his head, and the blood flowed from his whole body - endlessly, he saw a ghost!

His figure stopped suddenly, and he swayed in place several times. Under his feet, the changing crankshaft moved and flashed rapidly. At the same time, a tornado whizzed around him with himself as the center.

Jiang Yexing was indeed taken aback. A faint silver energy shield appeared on her body, blocking all attacks.

This is the first time she has seen that the wind element can be used like this. Is it such an indiscriminate attack?

The theory of wind-based tornadoes is that they have a central point balance theory. That is to say, on the central axis of the storm, there is a void zone without any power. It is also a place that is absolutely safe and free from any influence. But she does not think that the person in front of her It has the ability to accurately capture the central axis of the tornado.

Just when Jiang Yexing was stunned, Mengana's figure had already flown into the sky from where he was - he was blown up by his own tornado!
"There are two different forms of wind around him. Inside the tornado, there is a thin layer of energy that protects the body, and another force forms an external tornado, which can not only attack the enemy, but also make him leave the battlefield—maybe Suffering some injuries, but compared to a battle that must be defeated, it is the best long-term choice. Although this person's strength is not high, he is better than you in the choice of the battle, the grasp of the battle situation, and the decisive reaction. ——Dear master, if you don’t practice hand-to-hand skills for a day, I think you have almost given over to time the pig-killing knife of your previous combat experience. Does this level of wind energy usage surprise you so much? Ah- —— Be careful!" Ah Fu started to say worriedly, and then screamed out!
For more than ten years, his master's life has been really leisurely!
Jiang Yexing flashed forward quickly.

A silent knife light slashed across her body. The sharp blade brought up a trace of icy air and slashed across her skin like a needle prick. In an instant, Jiang Yexing's blood almost froze.

The feeling of death, so real, was so close to her.

Thanks to Satan, time is extended infinitely in the spiritual space. The speed of communication between her and Ah Fu is measured by the computing power of a supercomputer per second. This allowed her to There is enough time to react.

If it weren't for Ah Fu scanning the situation within three meters of her body anytime and anywhere, she might have died by now!

Jiang Yexing gritted his teeth and quickly flashed into the night.At this time, she was only 200 meters away from the gate of the First Academy. As soon as she entered the gate, the academy's security system would automatically identify all life forms. As long as she got there, she would be safe!

The person here is at least a real god-level master.

When did god-level masters start to rot?Jiang Yexing cursed fiercely in his heart. At the same time, he made a wrong step and moved to the left with a dodge step, but he waved his right hand towards the void, and a huge lightning bolt slashed fiercely towards the back!

C ability - electric system!

Originally, she didn't want to use C ability so soon. She rarely fights, and she has a lot of unknown cards. At least no one outside knows what her C ability is, so this hand is for the latter people a 'surprise',

But I didn't expect that the other party sent more than one person, and at least one of them was god-level!
Did she offend some kind of god? She actually sent such a force that could destroy an administrative star to deal with her, and it was right at the gate of the First Academy.

Jiang Yexing waved his hands again and again, and bolts of lightning fell rapidly, forming a minefield in a large area behind her. Beside her, the elusive swordsman was still lurking beside her. She dodged just now. The first blow, but he couldn't find the location of that one. The man was like a poisonous snake in the dark, showing his sharp fangs, ready to give a fatal blow anytime and anywhere.

Jiang Yexing flashed a few times in a row, and then spread the mental force field to a distance of ten meters - found it!
Her eyes were flickering with a cold light, and the people on the opposite side were not to be feared, but if you add the god level behind, it would be hard to say, let's deal with one first!
Her figure suddenly accelerated, leaving a series of sonic booms in the air.

The assassin in the dark was taken aback. Miss Jiang's speed at this time was completely different from just now.

With rich combat experience, he immediately made a judgment --- he was fooled!
His figure retreated violently, and his intuition told him that his and Jiang Yexing's identities had changed at this time. He was the prey, and the other party was the hunter who caught the prey.

Jiang Yexing bared his teeth at his back.Behind her, the unknown master was approaching quickly, his body was covered with a layer of light blue, and all the lightning was still crackling, but it didn't affect his speed at all.

This time, Jiang Yexing really ground his teeth.Her hands moved slightly, and tall stone pillars suddenly rose on the flat ground behind her.

C ability - soil system!
The unnamed master behind him suddenly opened his eyes wide, electricity + soil,

Born with dual systems!

After doing all this, Jiang Yexing's figure suddenly accelerated again, and she kept getting closer to the figure in the darkness.

Fast, too fast!It's like space doesn't exist anymore, time doesn't exist either, one step to the end of the world!
A smear of blood suddenly appeared in the dark night, and a few small drops of blood sprayed in the dark, like jumping musical notes, playing a sad song of life.

The unknown master behind finally arrived!

(End of this chapter)

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