Interstellar cute girl strikes

Chapter 269 The Great War

Chapter 269 The Great War
The Dark Magnetic Star Field was ahead, and Ye Ling stopped suddenly, then turned around abruptly,

"Who? Come out!"

His voice turned into energy fluctuations and spread far and wide in the void.

After a while, a huge black shadow gradually appeared in the opposite void,

"Hmph, you are indeed an emperor dragon, with a good dog nose." The black shadow condensed into shape and snorted coldly. The unpleasant sound like the friction of pebbles made Ye Ling's expression change.
"Hundred Demon Generals." No wonder, no wonder even he couldn't perceive the existence of the other party, because this time, it was actually a Demon General from the Demon Race, and he was also a Demon General with the title, 'The Butcher' Mo Ke Gutian!
Ye Ling knew about this demon. He was one of the three remaining demon generals after the war 2000 years ago. title, and his distinctive voice is his trademark.

"Very good, you can actually find me. As expected of the emperor dragon that comes out once in a thousand years." On the opposite side, Mo Kegutian laughed 'Jie Jie'. Black fangs, eyes shining,

"As long as I get your blood, I will have the opportunity to continue to advance. Very good."

In the demon race, the lowest level of demons is usually completely black. The higher the level of demons, the brighter the color of their bodies. The tongue of this demon in front of him is blood red, and his whole body has a bronze color. His level is very high, and his status in the demon clan is also very high.

"Really? Just for you, I'm afraid you're dreaming!" Ye Ling was fully on guard, but she didn't show any signs of weakness.

"Hmph." Mo Kegutian was not playing lip service, he snorted coldly, and slashed at him with a knife.

Ye Ling had already been waiting for him, and his figure disappeared in a flash. He was like a ghost, as if he had never existed before, without a trace.

"Hmph, small tricks." Mo Kegutian said in his rough voice, and when he stretched out his arm, a hand covered with scales stretched out infinitely like a spring, getting bigger and bigger. The longer he is, the taller he is with his stature, but when this arm is stretched out, it is as inconsistent as a child holding a huge rocket. It is hard to imagine that such a 'petite' How does the body support such long and big arms.

Mo Ke Gutian smiled arrogantly, and then he waved his arm that seemed to be able to smash the heaven and earth. With his own body as the center, he roared into a circle in the void. Because the movement was too fast, countless objects were produced. The afterimage, looking from a distance, is like a big round cake.

There was no way for Ye Ling to avoid it. At this time, he had already loved the other party infinitely, and it was too late for him to get away. His reaction was not unpleasant, and he immediately transformed into a dragon shape.

In the black 'pancake', a golden figure suddenly and quickly flew past. It was a half-human, half-dragon creature. His dragon shadow and human shadow were interlaced and superimposed, constantly changing between real and virtual, passing like a shooting star. void.
"Jie Jie Jie Jie" Mo Ke Gutian laughed and rushed forward, he felt extremely excited, the smell of dragon blood in the void made him even crazier, his eyes were almost on fire.

With the power of that blow, Ye Ling quickly moved towards the encirclement of the elves. Fortunately, he never underestimated the opponent's combat power, so the blow just now was not a serious problem.

The transformation just now was not the transformation of the demon itself, but the appearance of the law. Unexpectedly, there are still masters who understand the appearance of the law in the current demon clan. This news must be spread back to the clan as soon as possible. Only the Dragon Clan understands how terrifying the Demon Clan's laws are!
Only the real body of the dragon clan can resist the complete dharma form. As for human beings, even the legendary super mecha, I am afraid that in the face of the dharma form of the demon race, they can only retreat with hatred. Except for the emperor rank, human beings have no power to resist.

The most speechless thing is that decades ago, because of a conspiracy and a fire, the Human Federation seemed to have lost some important science and technology, and the technological level of the entire Federation has been set back for at least 50 years. Don't underestimate this. In just 50 years, with the current speed of scientific and technological development, 50 years, it shows that all the hard work of scientists of this generation in the Federation has been in vain!
If war really comes, what will human beings do to resist the demons' invasion again?This time, there will be no more Alliance of Hundred Clans!
"Jie Jie, boy Emperor Dragon, I advise you to surrender with your hands up. I will give you a good time, but don't fight to the end like your fellow clansmen. In the end, there will be no bones left."

Soon, Mo Kegutian chased after him, and he said while flying unhurriedly.This perverted pleasure of teasing prey like a cat catching a mouse made him extremely happy.

He is very confident in his own skills, Ye Ling, the Emperor Dragon of this generation of Dragon Clan, cannot escape his palm today!
"Really?" Ye Ling stopped. He turned back slowly, marveling at Ye'er's judgment ability. She had said everything right. The demons had indeed been behind him. In fact, they were in the dark magnetic star field just now. , he didn't really notice the demons behind him, he just said it casually, but he didn't expect that a demon actually jumped out - this kind of IQ simply lowered the style of their dragon clan, right?
"After running for so long, you were the only one who caught up. It seems that you are indeed the only one dispatched by the demons this time."

Ye Ling smiled and said, since that's the case, then come and taste what it's like to be used as bait!

On the surface, everything about Ye Ling was normal, but what Mo Kegutian said just now made him extremely angry. The three members of the missing dragon clan, after thinking about it carefully, were indeed not the opponents of the devil in front of him. Could it be that they really
Ye Ling didn't dare to think about it anymore. The reproduction of the Dragon Clan is not easy, and the clan members are scarce. The departure of every member of the Dragon Clan is an unbearable loss for the Dragon Clan. No matter what, the person in front of him must--die!
The party's monstrous anger was revealed in his eyes, his hands stretched out, golden scales began to float up, and behind him, the huge dragon body slowly disappeared and merged with him.

'Aw——' A huge golden dragon comparable to a planet appeared in the void, and the face of the elf king who was about to show up changed drastically. He waved his hand, and the elves with him quickly retreated.

"Hehe. Okay, let me see how powerful this generation of Emperor Dragon really is! Jie Jie Jie Jie"

Mo Kegutian roared fiercely to the sky, his body swelled up like a swollen rubber ball, and soon, a huge thing resembling an evil dragon from the west of the earth appeared opposite the golden dragon.

This will be a battle of the century!
(End of this chapter)

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