Chapter 26
At the beginning of the new semester, the news of the Ranking Tournament spread throughout the academy as if it had grown wings. The reaction of the senior students was quite indifferent, but for the first-year freshmen, this was a great opportunity to show their talents. The atmosphere in the first-grade school district became tense and lively, with people forming teams and people asking for news.

"It's better to be young!" Igus sat behind the sofa, and the old god took a sip of the top grade red spiritual tea on the ground, very satisfied with the current state of the school.As the principal of the Starlight Senior Academy, he pays the most attention to the performance of the first-year students in the annual ranking battle. This kind of battle will truly reflect the talents and potential of the children. The next five years will be for this purpose. Fundamentally, children with great potential can naturally get more resources. It can even be said that the qualifying competition in the first year of enrollment determines what they can get in their future college career.

"The quality of this batch of students this year is very good, and some of them are very special."

The charming An Lei sat opposite the sofa, playing with her long hair with a half-smile. If Jiang Yexing were here, he would definitely recognize that this woman who talked so casually with the principal was the one who was interviewed that day. Beautiful female teacher.

"Oh, is the beautiful snake also tempted? Let me guess, among them, there must be the daughter of the legion commander?"

Igus picked up the cup, gently sniffed the faint fragrance overflowing from the cup, shook his head intoxicated, and asked casually.

When mentioning that little girl, An Lei's face became stinky. She was a tricky and weird girl. Even her little niece Miao Fei suffered a lot from her hands, so it had to be impressive.

"I heard that the little girl Feifei was so angry that she almost cried?" Igus asked very comfortably.

Which pot is not open to mention which pot!
An Lei was annoyed in her heart, but she showed a bright smile on her face, "That girl feels too good about herself, it's good to let her suffer."

Too smooth sailing is useless for practice.

"Hehe, by the way, have you seen the performance of the Jiang family girl in the written test?"

"It's just breaking the school's record. Is such a thing important?" For people at their level, it doesn't matter where they are educated. She has at least dozens of scientists working on her salary. .

"No, I mean, the most important thing in the written test is performance." Igus emphasized the word 'performance' very meaningfully.

The corners of An Lei's eyes twitched slightly, "You always say... no, she doesn't have anything outstanding."

"It's because of this that people look forward to it. Do you still remember how that girl answered your question at that time?"

An Lei frowned, then looked at the old headmaster in surprise, "Then, this girl"

"Look at her performance!"

Annoyed student Jiang never expected that because of her inadvertent answer during the interview, the senior management of Starlight Academy would cast their eyes on her early on, and it also made her experience a thrilling experience in this qualifying battle. big adventure.

At this moment, she was staring at the list of participating players in front of her with piercing eyes, as if she wanted to stare at the terminal in her hand to make a big hole.

"Who can tell me what is going on?"

The fat man on the opposite side couldn't help but look miserable when he heard the words, he wished he could dig a hole to bury himself, but he still had a little bit of self-knowledge, in a short period of time, he would definitely not be able to dig a huge pit that could bury him, and there was no way to find out. disappeared, so I had to bite the bullet and answer,

"The school wants every student to form a team, but since they are all freshmen, there are always children who will be left alone because they are not familiar with the school. Such students will be 'automatically' assigned to a team with a small number of people."

Sometimes, Yexing's aura is stronger than that of the school's teachers!The fat man wailed in his heart, why did he come to be cannon fodder, it was obviously none of his business meow.

Jiang Yexing once again set his sights on the last two people on the list,
Miao Fei!

Ouyang Qin!
Looking at it, classmate Jiang Yexing gradually began to laugh, his face as cold as jade was like a peach blossom blooming in spring, lazily and scorching.

Then, the whole person became cute, and the invisible pressure that had just enveloped the room melted like winter snow and spring. At this time, Jiang Yexing was just like the most ordinary Linjia girl, delicate and ordinary. .

The fat man quietly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, thinking that his fat father also thinks he is quite good, but in front of the expert classmates, for some reason, it is like a mouse meeting a cat. After a lot, he felt more and more that pulling a master classmate into his team should be the most successful thing he did in his life, and he made a lot of money!

In the side hall next to it, the household robot was serving the seventh bowl of rice to the giant.

"This taste is not as good as Xing Xing's." The giant licked the last bit of soup in the bowl as usual, and finally managed to say such a sentence, and then continued to eat.

"Bullshit." Fatty stood up, seemingly natural, but actually wished he could walk towards the giant with his legs briskly, while talking, "Xing Xing's house is full of manual cooking, and the chef is specially here. How can a robot compare?"

After enrolling, Jiang Yexing lived on campus, but with her wealth, she would not treat herself badly. An independent two-story villa, kitchen, practice room, game room, etc., have everything you need, but there is no chef. The only way to bring them to school is to deliver everyone's rations to the household robots. Although Jiang Yexing is delicious, he is a good feeder, and he is not very picky, let alone the trio.

On the whole, life is pretty leisurely.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Luca, who had been sitting beside her, got up naturally.

Not long after, I heard an untidy female voice approaching from far away.

"Oh, why don't you talk? My sister is serious, don't be shy, little beauty."

"Hey woman, what are you doing here?"

When the giant heard this, he dropped his rice bowl and rushed out with a bang.

Then there was a burst of ping, ping, bang, bang, and occasional shouting.

Not long after, an extremely dull sound was heard, as if a heavy object fell on the ground, and even the windows were shaken to ping-pong.

Hearing this voice, Jiang Yexing felt his teeth ached.

Fortunately, Sui Ma didn't make a sound, Jiang Yexing curled up on the sofa, squinted his eyes half-closed, his eyes drifted away, and the fat man watched in terror, not even daring to make a sound.

"Oh, my little sister's way of hospitality is really unique." Miao Fei swayed her snake waist step by step, just looking at her, as if this is not a private villa of the school, but a stage facing countless audiences generally.


Jiang Yexing lazily replied with a single word, and continued to wander.

Dear, you are too perfunctory!

The fat man took a step back, and seeing that he didn't pay attention, he slipped out quietly.

Miao Fei couldn't keep laughing any more, twitched the corners of his mouth a bit stiffly, then sat down on the sofa like no one else was there,

"Oh, I just came to visit my new partner, don't be so nervous, right?"

nervous?Which of your eyes saw us nervous?
The fat man and the giant walked in one after the other, just in time to hear Miao Fei's last sentence, and couldn't help but roll their eyes towards the sky.

Our captain is not nervous, but Ben didn't look at you, okay?

"Hey, big guy, what are you doing?" The fat man pulled Liu Hua to sit beside him, and asked.

"Eat, there are still two pieces of meat left." The giant left without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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