Chapter 249
After everything was settled, Jiang Yexing picked up the limp lump in his hand, and choked speechlessly. Her seafood noodles... I'm so hungry!

When they returned to the No. [-] dormitory of the school, the big brother Feng Xu and Feng Lin were already standing in front of the gate and waiting. Seeing the baby sister approaching, Feng Xu was the first to go forward. Go, raise your hand to smooth the long hair beside her ear,
"I heard that you promised Principal Luo that you will fight for the strongest king of the Union League this year?"

Frankly speaking, when he heard the news, Feng Xu almost went berserk, where is the Yinmeng?The entire Human Federation is only one of the eight member states of the Union. Although the strength of the baby sister is good, even in the entire Federation, she is not considered a master, right?Just being pushed out to make up the numbers?Feng Xu seriously doubts, is it because the quality of the first academy has declined in recent years, so it has to push the baby sister to take the blame?
"Yeah," Jiang Yexing didn't feel that there was anything wrong at all, she nodded triumphantly at her brother, with an expression of 'I'm so good, come and praise me', Feng Xu's chest twitched in anger.

This girl is so shrewd on weekdays, why is she so stupid when it comes to Guan Jian?
Just now I wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Jiang Yexing's eyes. She touched her belly and said sweetly,

"Oh, I'm so hungry!"

"Breakfast is ready, let's go." Feng Xu immediately forgot what he wanted to say, took his sister's hand, and took the lead to walk in.

The breakfast is very rich. It must be the old Aziz who gave the recipe. There are deep-fried dough sticks, buns, millet porridge, golden egg tarts, crispy pancakes, etc. It is the earth-style breakfast that suits the taste of Jiang girls.

Everyone was silent. While thinking about their own concerns, after eating, they moved to the flower hall and sat down. Jiang Yexing looked at Liu Hua and Mu Qinglian who were standing one behind the other, showing a satisfied smile.

"Luhua, can you help me send Mr. Mu back? By the way, help me get back his member information."

Liu Hua blushed and bowed her head in response, Mu Qinglian behind her looked at her tenderly, and then cast a satisfied look at Jiang Yexing.

After Liuhua left, Miao Fei and Fatty took the giant upstairs with winking eyes. Although this is Fengxu's dormitory, it has been "requisitioned" by Miss Jiang, and all the team members have their own rooms. But just as the three of them were about to leave, Jiang Yexing suddenly thought of someone.

"By the way, where did Ding Ke go?" After coming back for so long, she hadn't seen him yet. At this moment, Miss Jiang finally realized belatedly that there was still a military division in her team!

"Oh, he's at Yanhuang Technology." Regarding the newly released wormhole technology, Ding Ke was responsible for all the business plans. He has an extraordinary talent in space warfare, and he is also superb in business. It seems that he is capable of doing anything that has anything to do with planning. A genius is the material to be a military adviser.

"If he comes back, brother, I want all the information on the strongest king, the information on the default players of each allied country, as well as the specific process, location, and weather of the planet where the competition is located, and all other information. Give Ding Ke a detailed assessment and make a feasible plan for the most likely opponent."

What a big project, Ding Ke will cry!
Knowing that his sister had already made up her mind to participate in this competition, Feng Xu had no choice but to work up 12 points to share her worries and relieve her.
"Okay, I will as soon as possible."

"Most of it can be left to Father Jiang. Brother, your focus should be on the natural wormholes! How is the group's armed forces?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Feng Xu's eyes lit up, "It's almost there, Xing Xing'er, how did you get that? What language is that? Can it be used on a large scale in escort robots?"

My sister is so amazing, so amazing!A general-purpose robot that is too rigid, after being activated by the younger sister's program, becomes a new type of robot that can "think" independently, and is equipped with various heavy firepower, and uses synthetic energy technology to provide energy chips. Combining several aspects, it is simply A small mobile fortress, and this kind of war fortress, Yanhuang Technology has "manufactured" thousands of units, which are distributed in every corner of the research room and the headquarters building. With them, Fengxu finally no longer worries about the security of the group. !
If this technology is known to the outside world, it may be another earthquake.

"Ahhh, that's amazing, of course Yinjia is the greatest, wisest and most handsome Mr. Ah Fu in the entire universe." Mr. Ah Fu, who is angry with his presence anytime and anywhere, began to twist his classic 'Yangko' again .

"Get out, that's obviously Long Yi's masterpiece!" Jiang Yexing shrugged him off, then shook his head at Feng Xu,

"It can be made on an assembly line, but this is our secret weapon and it is not made public." Therefore, it cannot be manufactured on a large scale for the time being, lest the outside world see the clues.

These robots are all created by Long Yi. As a combat robot, Long Yi has a natural instinct for how to equip a robot that cannot be reached by any human brain. After his design, every ordinary robot purchased by the group Although the patrol robots do not have special life like Long Yi, they all have the same "combat intelligence" as Long Yi, coupled with the output of firepower armed to the teeth, and the number of thousands, Unless you directly use an army with a regular establishment or above, or a master above the god level, no one can win in the hands of the Yanhuang Group!
Thinking of the upcoming natural wormhole plan, Feng Xu was excited, full of pride, and full of heroic momentum to guide the country.

Jiang Yexing just wanted to fall into her big bed and sleep until the end of the world.

But no, she still has a problem to solve!

Looking at Feng Lin, who was sitting upright opposite, Jiang Yexing felt a big headache.

After sending Feng Xu away, the small flower hall finally became quiet. This kind of quiet not only didn't make people feel comfortable, but was extremely depressing.

Finally, Jiang Yexing took the initiative to speak. She had no doubts at all. If she didn't speak, the man opposite would be able to stay silent until noon, but she really couldn't hold it anymore. She just wanted to sleep.

"How did Mom die?"

Her first question.

Feng Lin didn't hide anything, he faced Jiang Yexing's accusing gaze calmly, his tone was low,

"It was an accident. There were several people present at the time."

(End of this chapter)

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