Interstellar cute girl strikes

Chapter 245 The Strongest King

Chapter 245 The Strongest King

When the giant finally woke up, it was already dark. Jiang Yexing stood on the balcony all night without even moving a step. Mu Qinglian also accompanied his "prospective girlfriend" Liu Hua as a matter of course. , also stood all night.

Not far away, Fenglin just watched Miss Jiang silently for the whole night.

As for Feng Youming, he was already asked to do odd jobs by old Aziz.

Feng Xu has also returned to Yanhuang Technology. Before the new technology was released, he was still busy. In addition, due to Han Yue's sudden disappearance some time ago, he had already delayed a lot of things, so he had to wave goodbye to his precious sister and old man. Aziz, go back and work overtime - he also worked all night.

When the sun shone on the earth again, the green light on the giant suddenly flashed, and then all returned to his body.

Miao Fei, Liu Hua, and Fatty woke up in no particular order. On Miao Fei's forehead, the blood-red imprint made her even more beautiful. She jumped up and threw herself at Jiang Yexing. .

"Star Star, you are back. Oh, people miss, you see you, didn’t you see it? People have to be promoted."

Miao Fei pointed at the unique mark of the Teng Snake Clan on his forehead and shouted excitedly.

"I saw it." The advancement of the Soaring Snake Clan is different from that of humans. "I will contact An Lei immediately and send you to the nearest planet where the Soaring Snake Clan lives."

Rising's environment is not suitable for the Teng Snake family living in the mountains.Now is the critical time for Miao Fei. For their race, advancement also means adulthood. It is a very prudent and important process. Now that Rising is in troubled times, she is worried about letting Miao Fei stay. here.

"I'm not going, I want to stay here." Miao Fei protested without thinking, what a joke, recently when the team was short of manpower, Ouyang left again, if she left again, Miss Jiang would be around Only the fat man can use it a bit, so how can it work!

"Be obedient." Jiang Yexing stroked her long hair like a big sister, "Only if you are stronger, can you help me better." You have to go faster, my little friends, otherwise, Soon, you will be left far behind by me.

Facing Jiang Yexing's unquestionable 'comfort', Miao Fei acted coquettishly, pouted, and nodded reluctantly,
"Xing Xing, don't worry, I will come back to accompany you as soon as I become an adult." I am so reluctant!

It is strange to say that Xing Xing is the youngest in the entire team, why does everyone so unconditionally acquiesce in her as the captain and follow her orders willingly?

"Xing Xinger." After smoothing over Miao Fei, the fat man walked over, "When will I be promoted! Even Miao Fei is a king!" Wouldn't he be beaten in the future?
Jiang Yexing rolled his eyes at him angrily, this group of middle school students is really frustrating!

"I remember, I told you that you have the blood of the Titans, right?" The reason why you have so much energy and blood for you to smelt is to stimulate the power of your blood!

"Ah? Ah! Alas!" Fatty nodded foolishly, as if he just realized it,
Just as Jiang Yexing was about to re-educate him, he heard a strange cry, "Ahhhhh!"

"What, what? The Titans? If I remember correctly, it should be one of the eight allies of the Silver League, right? The full name is Titan Dibina, right? Oh my god, the stars, are you right? You Said there was something on me"

The fat man couldn't even speak clearly when he was so excited.

Jiang Yexing didn't bother to pay attention to his words, but gave him a glare.
"In the bloodline inheritance of the Titans, there will be your advancement process and the level of combat power of your clan, you can dig it yourself!"

Dig. What?Kiss the boss, can you speak clearly!

The fat man watched Jiang Yexing yawn as he walked farther and farther away, and he couldn't help stepping over his shoulders.

What kind of blood inheritance is it? Why didn't he feel it at all?

Coming down from the second floor, Jiang Yexing glanced at Fenglin silently. The blue and red scars and the dark circles around her eyes made her feel soft for no reason.
"You owe me a full explanation."

Hearing this, Feng Lin couldn't help being overjoyed, and willing to talk to him, does it mean that the baby girl intends to forgive him?

"Okay, we"

Jiang Yexing didn't dump him at all, she turned her head, changed her arrogance and indifference just now, raised her hand, first yawned big, and then called out in her soft, waxy and sweet voice,
"Uncle Arz, I'm going to bed and I'm going to eat seafood"

Hearing this, Feng Lin's heart went numb for a while. People said that girls are made of water, and they were right!
The big demon king who had a tendency to control women was instantly conquered!
Watery, soft, beautiful, delicate baby girl.
"Miss." Az appeared from the shadows, holding a white porcelain plate in his hand, held by a bowl, he didn't know what it was.

"The airship is ready. You can go back to the First Academy at any time. Dorm No. 38 or Master Xu's Villa No. [-] can be used. This is seafood noodles. You can eat it in two minutes. Miss, remember, you must eat it." Fill your stomach first, then rest!"

The almighty old butler tirelessly reminded.

"Okay." Old Aziz, you are really a bosom friend!Jiang Yexing happily took the plate, then waved to the bewildered giant,

"Don't think about it if you don't understand it. Let's go, go back to eat and sleep!"

The friends jumped down from the second floor with cheers, while Liu Hua and Mu Qinglian stayed until the end.
"Aren't you going to treat me to breakfast?" Looking at Liu Hua's shy little face, Mu Qinglian asked solemnly,

"Ah, of course, um. Let's go together!" Luca pulled her hair at a loss, and said bravely, the roots of her ears turned pink, she grew up so big, she had never invited a boy to dinner.

Mu Qinglian smiled happily.

Soon, an urban airship carried everyone, roaring towards the First Academy.

At this time, a heavyweight news spread throughout the federation.

Silver League's No.90 Nineth 'Strongest King' Competition is about to begin!
When Jiang Yexing was about to comfort her stomach first, the communication on the terminal rang, and she glanced at it. She had to put down the plate temporarily and concentrate on dealing with the people on the other side.
"Good morning, Principal Luo!"

"It's getting late, and please call me, Vice President Luo!" Luo Ming said with a dark face.

(End of this chapter)

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