Chapter 236
There was no violence or threat as imagined, the old man smiled kindly and gently,

"Hehehe, very good, very good and almost perfect data. He looks good too"

The visitor didn't speak to him, but circled around him a few times, looking at him from head to toe with a picky look like picking pork in a vegetable market, making Jiang Hanyue inexplicably feel that he is a fat pig waiting to be slaughtered .
Then, two humanoid creatures covered in black scales escorted him out of the small room where he lived for dozens of days.

Although I am very curious about what these things are, but he is cold by nature, except for occasionally showing his dark side in front of acquaintances, he is usually cold, even cold, and he doesn't bother to pay attention to the other party's silence, anyway, sooner or later knew.

Until he was brought into a room with countless instruments.

Having never seen a pig run, and had eaten pork before, Jiang Hanyue glanced around and was startled.Nima is clearly a laboratory here, and there is a large metal bed in the middle, covered with dense wires and various tools,

In vivo experiment!

As soon as these four words entered her mind, Jiang Hanyue was not calm. If she got into this bed, the consequences would be haha
Just thinking about it, he felt chills down his spine, and thinking that he might never see his precious sister again, Jiang Hanyue's mind was spinning like a resurrection full of blood.

What was my sister's flash of inspiration just now? That's right!

"Hey, you guys are doing human experiments too!" Jiang Hanyue said calmly,
What's the meaning?The old man's eyes were shining, and he was eager to try, but when he heard Jiang Hanyue's question, he couldn't help being stunned, and asked reflexively,

"Yeah, you too?"

"Hehe. Let's get to know each other. Full-time job, human research scientist, part-time job, pirate, when there is no source of goods. You understand"

Jiang Hanyue said with a smile, walked forward a few steps, and began to 'visit' the equipment in the room, while looking at it, she let out a 'tsk tsk' sound of exclamation, and even stared at a certain equipment for a while in a daze, and then sigh,
"Your place is better. It has everything. It's not like my laboratory. Alas, compared with this place, it's the difference between a mansion and a thatched cottage!"

"Haha, where, where, this optical molecular spectrometer was bought from the black market of Blue Cloud Star. It only cost three memory federation coins for this energy waveguide instrument."

"Blue Cloud Star. That's the central star field of the Federation. We dare not go there, you are really rich and powerful."

"and this."

The two devils next to them stood expressionlessly, turning a blind eye to the scene of the two people who were supposed to be hostile talking and laughing. They all knew that this old man was a fanatical scientist, a madman who was regarded by the Federation as anti-human The experimental lunatic is also the most important soul figure of this base. Even their bosses have to salute him in a proper manner when they see him. They have already been ordered, no matter what he does, they must be satisfied unconditionally All his wishes.

It's just talking to this arrested person, they don't care.

Over there, the two were talking passionately, and Jiang Hanyue was very fortunate at this time. When his sister was promoted on the "Angel" last time, she explained to him in detail the steps and principles of human cultivation, as well as some characteristics of material life. , the path of evolution, etc., because it was said by his baby sister, so he remembered it very well, even if he didn't understand it, he could recite it backwards. At this time, these messy things in his eyes are more than enough to fool the other party up.

"So, you think that the spiritual power of carbon-based life is more important than the physical body?"

As expected of a lunatic scientist, he quickly grasped the point from Jiang Hanyue's few words,

"No, it should be said that since matter and energy exist at the same time, they must be equally important. It's just that people now pay more attention to the physical body. On this basis, I think it's right to focus on spiritual power. Why do you arrest me? How do you know that I am researching this? Could it be that there is a mole in the pirate group."

Jiang Hanyue changed the topic in a timely manner and took the initiative to remind the other party, but still misled the other party, making them think that he thought he was arrested to obtain the research materials in his hands.

"Ah? Uh, this" the old man scratched his hair in annoyance. No matter how ignorant he was, he knew that he must not let him know that he was actually just a guinea pig. At that time, he was already a little reluctant to cut him open - he couldn't die before he thoroughly understood the research in his hands!
"Hehe. Where is your famous name? It has been spread all over the scientific world. I just asked you to come to discuss about material life. That's right. You call human beings material life. Why?"

Jiang Hanyue's heart suddenly settled, but at this time he did not dare to relax, but looked at him in confusion,
"Aren't all life in the three-dimensional world all material life? This classification was proposed by that adult as early as 2000 years ago. Why, don't you know?"

He was talking nonsense.

The old man's eyes became brighter when he heard the words, he really didn't know that lord!Great, this person must be from a certain big family, and in the end he must have rebelled against the Federation for science and sacrificed his all for the great truth.
People in the same way, my way is not alone!

"That's how the adult divides it? In addition to the three-dimensional world, what else is there in the universe? Two-dimensional? Four-dimensional? Is there something higher?"

The old man took his hand and shook it vigorously, eager to know the answer.

Jiang Hanyue just felt so guilty, he didn't know what three-dimensional and four-dimensional, but now he must not make the other party suspicious, by the way, there seems to be another word in his memory that is this, the mirror world!
"Mirror world, my research topic in this area is mirror image"

"Woo la woo la." Jiang Hanyue hadn't finished speaking when she heard red lights and alarm bells roaring loudly everywhere.
"What's going on? Turn it off, turn it all off, don't interrupt my great conversation with Mr. Jiang."

cried the old man like crazy.

On the top floor, Jiang Yexing drove Long Yi to start demolition of the experimental base.

(End of this chapter)

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