Chapter 232 Choice
No, no, still no!

Why not?
Brother, where are you?
With the passage of time, the entire area where the hostages were held in Area A had been turned upside down. However, she found many familiar acquaintances on the Angel, but there was no sign of Bai Ziming and Jiang Hanyue.

Why is this happening?

Jiang Yexing turned her attention to the devil closest to her. The level of the previous devil was too low. He was not qualified to know many secrets of this laboratory. If there was no news about her brother, she would have to find a new level. The taller demon came to seize the spirit.

"Master," Ah Fu didn't dare to be nervous anymore with a playful smile, he reminded cautiously,
"You haven't fully digested the soul power full of dark energy just now. If you do it again..." you will be strangled to death, dear!

".I want to find my second brother, no matter what!" Jiang Yexing was silent for a moment, then replied extremely firmly.

She has already missed it once, and she must never make a second mistake!

Jiang Yexing jumped off the mech without hesitation, and reached out to the devil who was closest to her. Long Yi turned into a stream of light and returned to her pendant.

At the same moment, the black shadow in the void swung at Ye Ling, and at some point a huge battle ax appeared in his hand. When the battle ax was swung, the sky and the earth changed color, and countless planetary dust directly become nothingness,

There was a muffled 'bang'. In the void where no sound could be conveyed at all, this stroke still gave people the deafening illusion. Ye Ling sneered at the corner of his mouth, without lifting his eyelids, he stepped out,
The black battle ax immediately shattered under this blow, and Ye Ling jumped up like a flying horse on a swallow. Behind him, a mighty dragon raised its body high and hissed to the sky.

"Evil animal, catch it before you put your hands up." There was a long roar, like the rolling waves of the sea, roaring the world, and in an instant, countless phantoms appeared in all directions, green dragons, white dragons, red dragons...
The Dragon Clan is here!
The leader was a white dragon, and the phantom behind him was extremely huge, three points more exaggerated than Ye Ling.

The black shadow holding the tomahawk froze in place for a moment, and in the next second, he rippled faintly in the void like a shadow in the water waves. Just as he was about to disappear, there was an extra ray in Ye Ling's hand. sword light,
'Chi——' With one sword out, ten thousand dharmas retreat, and in an instant, this sword turns into thousands of ways, each of which contains a natural law. This sword is Ye Ling, as the emperor dragon, against the universe. The ultimate understanding and understanding of the law.

'Aw——' The black shadow trembled as if it had been hit hard, and turned into scattered dots, before finally disappearing.

Jiang Yexing was trembling all over, and the invisible dark energy was eroding her soul power all the time. Compared with the low-level demon's soul just now, the soul of a high-level demon is not at the same level at all. Ye Xing is still stuck at the middle level of "Juling". It is really a big challenge to devour the descendants of the sixth-level civilized race, the demon race!

However, Jiang Yexing has no time to think about what kind of backlash she will encounter at this time. While absorbing the other party's soul power, she quickly 'reads', and at the same time, she can think of a question for fun,
"If those martial arts novels where you can read the other party's memory at will is true, how great it would be!"

Taking souls, on a certain level, is an act that violates the laws of nature. However, existence is reasonable, but there is a higher price to be paid, which is not something everyone can bear. It is like a crime in the ordinary world. Allowed, not accepted, but still 'existing', crime itself, is 'allowed' to be a 'part' of the whole world, but there is a price to pay!

At this time, Jiang Yexing was paying the 'price' for her actions.Sometimes her whole body is like being in a ghost land that cannot be tolerated forever. On the vast land thousands of miles away, there is a ghostly aura everywhere, countless white squeaks, and countless dark currents seem to cut her skin and share food. Touching her flesh and blood, sometimes it was like entering an extremely icy and cold world, a world without any temperature, no, it should be said that even the temperature itself seemed to be nothingness, only the deep bone, as if her whole body was peeled off. The pain, the kind of hell that freezes the whole body into a stone, and then turns into ice slag
Afuna's wine jar-like body had turned into primitive fluctuations, flickering constantly, scanning Jiang Yexing's physical condition. Beside him, a smaller, flame-like rose-shaped light spot remained motionless.

And at the bottom of the underground world, on the constantly beating virtual screen, the countdown numbers are coming to an end,
"Eight, seven, six, five"

Jiang Yexing has completely lost her ability to sense the outside world, and all her power is used to fight against and smelt foreign souls.
"Four, three, two"

Ye Ling's figure was falling like a shooting star. At the same time, a sense of crisis that he had never seen before lingered in his heart. In this world, there were not many people who could endanger him, and it was impossible for him to appear in this nameless place. on an asteroid, then,
little star!
At the time of Guan Jian, Ye Ling no longer kept it, he suddenly stopped the figure that was rushing back quickly, made a lotus with one finger, and traced a blooming golden lotus in the void,
'Streamer --- open! '

In the wave-like distortion, a pale golden light door appeared before the eyes,

Ye Ling stepped over!
Thousands of miles in a blink of an eye, one step at a time!

In the next second, his figure appeared beside Jiang Yexing, his fine hair stood up, a kind of trembling and heaviness from the depths of his soul made him hug her without even thinking about it, and now a golden glow appeared all over his body. The dragon scales formed a huge cocoon.

"One launch!"

On the lower floor of Area A, a long silver metal tube stood out among a row of densely packed cannon muzzles. When the countdown ended, a white light flashed, and an energy that wiped everything out went towards the upper floor!

It descended in the three areas of A, B, and C in an unstoppable manner!
This is where the real power of this laboratory lies. The three areas in the upper half are just ordinary experimental areas. Guarded by powerful armed forces, if one thinks that a laboratory built on the basis of the entire planet can really be taken over by one person and one mecha, that would be the greatest absurdity in the world!
The energy that destroys everything, silently destroys all obstacles it encounters, there is no earth-shattering explosion, no deafening collision, the whole world is plunged into extreme silence, everything is swallowed up, including the sound!
(End of this chapter)

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