Chapter 228
Soul taking?

The so-called spirit is where the essence of life resides. It gathers spiritual power and manifests it. It is called the soul. The spiritual power of carbon-based life is the foundation of life force, and the condensing and gathering of spiritual power is the soul. It was Jiang Yexing's current level.

And what is spiritual power?To put it simply, it is a special, invisible and intangible biological wave, which exists attached to the human body, just like a water wave, which can only pass through the water, but cannot jump out of the shackles of the water. When the water dries up, the water wave will naturally It also disappeared.

Inside the human body, the spiritual power runs freely. The weak spiritual power can only be attached to the brain to support the fundamental life form, while the powerful spiritual power can be transmitted to all parts of the body and transformed into various energies for blessing and strengthening The body, at another level, is condensed into a soul. When this soul grows to be strong enough, it can completely and completely act on the body. As long as there is a body strong enough to accommodate this soul, life will be Enter another way—the perfect combination of body and soul. According to the saying 2000 years ago, it is to break the void and become a god on the ground—a very tall and mysterious saying. From this, we can also see that the Chinese language at that time , the gorgeous demeanor of today's Federal language, however, in the universal language, this is a perfect life form, which can be included in the scope of the seventh level of civilization-one level higher than the dragon race!
Snatching spirits, plundering the souls of other lives for her own use, in the current situation, this is indeed the best method. What is important is that after plundering, she can not only obtain the other party's soul power, but also read the other party's memory, to get first-hand information, and now the question is,
"As the sixth-level civilized life forms of the demons, their soul power is not something I can plunder."

Even though the two people in front of them seem to be weak enough, however, the strength of potential spiritual power has little to do with the external performance of combat power.

At that time, the demons and the dragons fought a shocking battle for the domination of the earth on the ancient earth, and this war finally ended with the defeat of the demons. The A-sub race with the ability to evolve, in order to temporarily avoid the sharp edge of the dragon clan, they led their remnants to leave the wilderness at that time and hibernated.

Facing the humans who were still in the ignorant period at that time, the victorious Dragon Clan chose to intermarry with them, and taught them knowledge, teaching them to face nature and learn to use their own power, while the Demon Clan took another path. , they directly merged their true blood with human blood to obtain the power of blood, either to pass on to future generations, or to enhance themselves. As a result, there were vampires, werewolves, and demon hunters in the world.

After thousands of years, the earth has entered the Middle Ages, and human beings began to establish their own civilization. The east of the earth gave birth to a splendid civilization, while in the west, it fell into a dark age where vampires and various dark forces were rampant for a long time.

From this time on, the two races, the Dragon Clan and the Demon Clan, who had been at odds for tens of millions of years, began to really go their separate ways.

The dragon clan is still waiting, waiting for the evolution of human beings. At the same time, their members are also decreasing, and their reproduction is becoming more and more difficult, and they are on the verge of extinction. Changed the trajectory of the entire earth.

After thousands of years of evolution, the demons finally have a large number of offspring. Unfortunately, the power of reproduction they obtained from humans sacrificed the combat effectiveness of the entire group.Most of the demons can no longer be born with powerful power, and they can only struggle at the lowest level of power throughout their lives. Even the very few most powerful demons can no longer compete with their ancestors. compared to.

The quantity of demons VS the quality of dragons!
The two races still can't tell the winner!

Jiang Yexing was not sure whether their spiritual power was being assimilated by humans under the cover of the demons' lower and lower combat power. You must know that when the cultivation level is low, the strength of the spiritual power is different from the external The strength of her combat power is not directly related, if she accidentally triggers the original spiritual power hidden deep in the genes of the demons, then it will be a mess.
"Do you want to gamble?" Ah Fu is not sure, even if he is a tenth-level civilization, he can't really understand the mysteries of life. Back then, it was because they touched the forbidden area of ​​life that aroused a great storm. In the end, the entire empire was devastated.

".Of course." She had no choice, did she?In order to save her brother, even if she was really turned into an addict and fell into eternal darkness, she would never turn back and never regret it!
Putting his hand on the demon's heavenly spirit cover, he closed his eyes. Deep in his consciousness, a small white dot began to fluctuate. Jiang Yexing had become familiar with this ability since he used his soul power with the mother of the red dragon. , and soon, a pure energy overflowed from her hand and rushed towards the devil's brain.

The devil didn't understand what she wanted to do, he stared at his blood-red eyes, his face was full of madness and killing.

But in the next second, a pain that went deep into his soul made him tremble all over. It was a pain that was more severe than scratching the bone marrow, and it directly affected the soul. At that moment, he felt that his whole brain exploded. Every inch of nerve, every cell, is undergoing incomparable mutations.

Jiang Yexing's soul power is extremely pure. To a demon, it is like the opposition between water and fire, light and darkness.
Jiang Yexing struggled to control his soul power, enveloped the demon's consciousness completely, and then retreated.

At this time, in the depths of the devil's mind, the entangled black smoke-like energy seemed to be blown up by a gust of wind, became extremely light, and gradually dispersed to form a gray, intertwined nebula, which was forcibly 'Pull' it out.

A cold, gloomy place, like a place where the sun can never shine, contains stinging blood and killing intent, penetrated deep into the sea of ​​consciousness, and Jiang Yexing shivered for no reason.

She immediately incorporated this energy into her soul, and began to decompose and dialysis it.

An ordinary town turned into a school full of demons. Spaceship white city!This is it!

Scene after scene flashed by quickly, Jiang Yexing ignored the dull pain in his mind, concentrated his mind, and kept checking.
This is this!

White Ziming!
(End of this chapter)

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