Chapter 197 Euclid
"It seems that Ms. Jiang knows much more about this place than we imagined!" Yun Zhaoling said with a gentle smile,
You are the lady, and your whole family is a lady!

Miss Jiang twitched the corners of her mouth, her almond eyes were slightly raised, revealing a sharp cold light. Miao Fei and Ouyang looked at each other, then turned their heads silently, not feeling the need to remind that Yun Zhaoling that the girl of the Jiang family hates being called Her miss, hate for no reason, this is one of Miss Jiang's few quirks.

"How much does this girl know? It's none of your business? If you have the ability, go get it yourself, and stop talking nonsense in front of this girl!" Jiang Yexing paused word by word at an extremely slow speed. said.

Yun Zhaoling was stunned, she didn't expect Jiang Yexing to refute her face so directly, a young lady like her, no matter where she goes, she is only flattered by others, she has never been "slapped" like this When he was slapped in the face, for a moment, he didn't know how to react.

Miao Fei giggled and hugged Jiang Yexing, right, this is the star of their family, self-willed and fearless, once a little temper comes up, no one can stop it, Yun Family?The young lady of the Yun family also had to kneel and sing Conquer!
The others didn't understand at all, it was fine just now, how could this guy turn his back on him?
"Hello, it seems that the Jiang family doesn't take our Yun family seriously!" Yun Zhaoling could no longer calm down. , looks no different from the usual tearing girls.

"Can you represent the Yun family?" Jiang Yexing shook his head in his heart, thinking that he was a pretty good junior, who knew that like ordinary women, only the appearance could be seen.

I have already leaked so many Yun family's 'secrets' to you, but now I am still thinking about my own face. Tsk, if it were her, she would definitely beat her unconscious and tie her up as soon as possible.
In fact, Yun Zhaoling really wanted to do it directly, but—even if she didn't consider the number and strength of the other party, she couldn't ignore the big guy in the water!She had seen with her own eyes how docile the huge beast was in front of her. She didn't think that it was an opponent she could handle!
But if she really backed down when faced with a little girl from the Jiang family, then the Yun family would be completely nailed to the pillar of shame and would never be able to stand up again. It is conceivable how dire her situation would be after she returns. 'wonderful'!
As soon as he entered, Yun Zhaoling was in a dilemma.

Jiang Yexing had no intention of paying attention to Yun Zhaoling's complicated and tangled emotions. She looked up at the black shadow at the end of the sky. Such a long time had passed before the giant could barely finish three steps. If he wanted to finally get the I'm afraid I have to wait for something!
"Xing Xing, can Tian Di Shu really live forever?" Miao Fei asked softly in her ear.

"Of course not!" Jiang Yexing rejected this possibility without thinking, turned to look at the few people, and warned them with rare seriousness,
"In this world, there will never be true eternal life. Even the universe has birth and death, not to mention life. The tree of heaven and earth is indeed rare, and it has very strong vitality. It can treat almost all diseases or injuries, but it is only blindly advanced. The life and civilization of the universe can be divided into ten levels, and its level can only reach level six at most. For human beings, it may be very precious, but that is only because human beings are still too weak. In fact, the Heaven and Earth Tree is not even comparable to the Star Flower, let alone just a Heaven and Earth leaf."

If it was really so against the heavens, she used it herself back then, so why bother to use it as a prize for the adult test of the elves?No matter how great she is, she won't be so prodigal.
In fact, the most important point is that the reason why Tiandishu is called Tiandishu is because it contains the original code of life at the origin of the universe, and it is an existence 'close to Tao'. Unfortunately, this topic is far from what she can touch now. The only tenth-level civilization 'Empire' in the universe back then, the main subject of research before its destruction was the ultimate mystery of life, and the tree of heaven and earth was also one of the important experimental materials. Unfortunately, when there was no real progress, the empire Destroyed by a huge disaster, only Ah Fu escaped from the crack of space by chance, and happened to meet a human being.
It can be seen from this that the Heaven and Earth Tree may be a priceless treasure for human beings, but it is not something unobtainable for civilizations above level six, at least it can be treated as experimental materials, and it cannot be the only existence.

Rare things are more precious, and the existence of being greater than one is really nothing special.

If the world knew the evaluation of the Tree of Heaven and Earth in Miss Jiang's heart, I'm afraid they would vomit blood. A leaf is regarded as a peerless treasure, but others are not very interested in the whole tree. They have to say that the value of things, It needs to be viewed separately!
There was a faint scream in the distance, which was especially clear in the silent cave. An Lei glanced towards the entrance of the cave, and then looked at Jiang Yexing, with a pair of charming phoenix eyes that were about to cry, and she still wanted to speak.

"Auntie, those people are looking for their own death, no wonder others."

Miao Fei said directly.

"Will they die?" The man in the long skirt was silent for a while, and finally asked.

"Yes. Don't you try it yourself?" Jiang Yexing asked very sincerely. It's no surprise that people died of greed and possession. Nine out of ten human beings die from the same reason, but they don't know. , do the three people left here have no desire to compete at all, or do they have a bigger plan?
"The leaves of heaven and earth are only close to the same natural life. For people like us who live in the black and white world, the biggest use of getting it is just to hang our lives. We are risking our lives for a medicine that will be used to hang our lives in the future. , no matter how you look at it, it’s a loss-making business, don’t do it!”

An Lei seemed to be talking to herself, but also seemed to be warning something.

"It seems that you know a lot." Jiang Yexing was thoughtful.

"For many things, we know much more than human beings." An Lei nodded as she deserved, as she did her part,
"That's true." As one of the oldest races in the universe, the Soaring Snake Clan has records about the Heaven and Earth Tree, which is not surprising.

"No matter what it is or what it's useful for, it belongs to Yun's."

Yun Zhaoling finally found an excellent opportunity. She regained her usual gentleness, but in her gentleness, there was an irresistible order.

"Don't give up treatment if you are sick, and don't just come out and scare people."

Before Jiang Yexing could answer, Ouyang, who was in a very upset mood, used his poisonous tongue skill and replied with a sneer.

Yun Zhaoling didn't get angry this time, but looked at Ouyang with a smile on his face,

"The young master of the Ou family? You can't protect yourself, and you still have the mood to meddle in other people's business?"

Ouyang raised his eyes suddenly, and his two real eyes shot towards Yun Zhaoling like sharp swords, like a demon from the ground, so cold that there was no trace of warmth.
"What did you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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