Interstellar cute girl strikes

Chapter 182 The Sad Beast

Chapter 182 The Sad Beast

"Aha, look what I found? A little mouse?" A man with a crossbow whistled and said with a strange smile.

You are the little mouse, and your whole family is a little mouse!

Jiang Yexing stood up from the ground covered in mud. Although she couldn't see her true face for a long time, she still straightened her hair and patted her clothes reservedly. looking at her man.

In history, anyone who pointed a weapon at her has already died. This experience that I haven't had for a long time made Jiang Yexing feel excited. Staying away from the crowd and society, walking alone in an unknown space full of dangers, such a long-lost life Inspired by the wildness in her bones, she looked at the man as if she were watching a delicious meal.

"Who are you?" Another man emerged from the nearby swamp, and many people stood up one after another. They were all covered in mud and could not see their true colors, but all of them had red scarf. , wearing a grass skirt, like a group of savages who have returned to primitive society.

"Who are you? Are you an aborigine here? I have no malice, I just fell in by accident."

Jiang Yexing said in a soft voice.

Hearing this, the man with the crossbow looked at the man standing behind him. The man thought for a few seconds, then nodded to him,
"Let go of this lady, Latin,"

The man named Latin gave another long whistle, put down his bow and crossbow,

"Well, as you wish, Boss, hello, ma'am, it's such a joy to meet fellow countrymen in this world, isn't it? My name is Latin, and this is our Boss, you can call Mr Thalon."

Mr. Long?Mr Wolf?
In the blink of an eye, a memory suddenly popped up, and Jiang Yexing finally understood why she found this group of people familiar. Isn't that Mr. Wolf the same group of tomb robbers he met in the Mirage Dragon Tomb many years ago? ?Oh what's it called now?Gold digger?
"Hello. I'm Jiang Yun'er. You just said fellow countrymen. Aren't you natives?" Jiang Yexing showed eight teeth at him and smiled brilliantly. Hehehe, this is the way to heaven. , there is no door to hell, but you have to break in, just in time, let’s settle old and new grudges together.

"Miss Jiang? Actually, we also fell in by accident, but it doesn't matter, we have found the way back, it's just under this island in the middle of the lake, if you don't dislike it, why don't you act with us?"

Mr. Wolf said very kindly and understandingly.

"Ah, okay, thank you so much." Jiang Yexing folded his hands in front of his chest, and said in a 'surprised' voice.

way back?It's really a trick to deceive children. Have you found some treasure again?It's also good to go and have a look.

Jiang Yexing thought.

Hehe, it's really easy to deceive, just right, you can help us find the way.

Mr. Wolf laughed wildly in his heart!

The two sides quickly reached a peaceful and friendly agreement and began to move forward together.

The huge Xiya beast has returned to its old lair. It is very annoying. It is very annoying. Not only because several groups of humanoid beasts have fallen from the midair, as if a hole suddenly appeared in the sky, but also because, Its head is very dizzy, and its head hurts. Those nasty big-eyed wasps, they escaped quickly this time. If there is another time, it will definitely let them know why the flowers are red!

It has selectively forgotten how it was stung and fled in embarrassment just now. In this respect, its intelligence is no lower than that of humans.

Thinking of the strange things that happened today, Xi Ya Beast raised its head instinctively, looking at the blue sky with white clouds fluttering, everything is normal. Hey, what is that?three
'Boom! '

'Boom! '

'Puff! '

The first two sounds are the human body falling to the ground freely, which is the sound of falling on the head of the beast, and the last sound is the sound of falling on the two human-shaped flesh pads.
Qian Duoduo struggled to get up from Miao Fei and Liu Hua's body, and when he looked up, he saw two extra-large lanterns shining faintly, and there seemed to be a large bubble of water glistening, which was a sign of a dike breaking.

One person and one beast look at each other affectionately!
A lot of money.!

Xi Ya Beast.!

At this time, it should give these nasty reptiles a hard time!Xi Ya Beast roared in his heart.

However, the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny!
The nose is one of the most vulnerable parts even for a super-large super beast. The unlucky Xiya beast just made a movement of raising its head, with its nose facing the sky. When it hit the tip of its nose, it felt sore, numb and painful immediately, and tears flowed down involuntarily.

A crying beast!

Thinking of this shameful title, the giant Xi Ya felt even more sad. Who did it provoke today?Why is it the unlucky one every time?


The two high-pitched voices, one in front and one in the back, called the sad beast Xi Ya back from its sorrow. With great difficulty, those lantern eyes were out of focus, and they could clearly see the source of the cry—two little bugs, by the way, it was these two A small bug hit its handsome nose——

At the critical moment of "going", Qian Duoduo kicked two hysterical girls off their huge heads with one kick, and then the three of them flew into the dense forest next to them like the wind, and quickly disappeared.

Xi Ya Beast wanted to chase after it, but, thinking of its tragic history on this day, it couldn't help hesitating for a while. The younger brothers all went to chase another group of people, and it hasn't come back yet. It wants to do it by itself. Forget it, he will continue to post sun!

He raised his head again, glanced at the sky, and quickly lowered his head, reluctant to leave his old nest - just to be safe, I will not stay here today!withdraw!

"No, I didn't come after you, huh, huh" Qian Duoduo gasped for breath, sat down against a big tree, and said intermittently.

"Oh, what a terrible big guy, hey, Qian Duoduo, aren't you a hero? Why don't you go and slaughter it! So that you can show your heroic demeanor in front of others!"

Miao Fei crossed his hips and roared ferociously.It's a pity that she is naturally charming, no matter how vicious or embarrassing she is, her every move is full of enchanting charm, not like cursing, but acting like a baby.

Killed it?Do you think he is an idiot?Qian Duoduo simply lay down, holding his head in his hands,
"What kind of place is this? What do you want me to do by bringing me here? It's okay to rob money, but I have no money in my sleeves, but if it's about sex, I will accept it casually. "

"Go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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