Chapter 142 Ideal
Money is the most worthless thing in the world.

No one would have thought that many years later, today's small gathering would be written into history, and this sentence would become a household famous saying. This seemingly ordinary meeting would determine the future of mankind in the Federation. The way forward, historically known as:

Maple Garden Conference.

At this time, the fat man who was still a young man did not say a word, silently digesting this sentence.

"Xing Xing'er, what benefits can we gain by announcing this technology?"

Miao Fei doesn't quite understand the meaning of these words, but she understands the most essential thing, interests, how can interests be greater than monopoly?

Jiang Yexing looked at the empty and lofty blue sky, and said quietly,

"Do you know how big this world is? The Federation has countless galaxies, and an interstellar crossing is hundreds of millions of light-years away. However, the Human Federation is only one of the eight allies of the Union. Apart from humans, the Union also has Giant Elephant Clan, Titan Clan, Sea Clan, Sky Spirit Clan, Tree Clan, Ghost Clan, Thousand Clan, these two extremely mysterious races, besides, Dragon Clan, Elf Clan, are all existences that can look down on the world , but for various reasons, they all escaped from the world, "

Speaking of this, Jiang Yexing seemed to have returned to those bygone years, when hundreds of tribes allied together to fight against the demons. The blood and tears of heroes and the lofty sentiments were all lost to time with the passage of time.

"I learned all this when I was in Xingguang." Fatty said, "Xingxing, don't you want to dominate the entire Union and trample all eight major races under your feet?"

What a crazy ideal.

There was an incomparably bright light in Jiang Yexing's eyes, like the most dazzling sunlight in the sky.

"is it not OK?"

Well?No, he just said it casually.

Fatty was so choked that he couldn't speak, and the others were stunned by Miss Jiang's great ambition to dominate the Union. To be honest, they didn't even think about such a heaven-defying thing as domination of the Federation. Yinmeng. Hehe, Xing Xinger , you really dare to think about it!
"It's just the Silver League." Jiang Yexing said calmly, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with her words. To her, the Milky Way was just a small stop in her long life. Jia Jia can feel that the road to practice is endless, the third step is just a small post, and there are more beautiful scenery waiting for her ahead.

It’s exciting because it’s unknown.

Beyond the Milky Way, there are Level [-] civilizations, Level [-] civilizations, Level [-]...and Level [-], or Level [-]!
There is Ah Fu's hometown, which is also her known ultimate goal.

"how do you want to do it?"

Every question Ding Ke asked seems to be able to ask the most important point.

"Science and technology are primary productive forces. This is a famous saying on the earth 2000 years ago." Jiang Yexing sat up from the ground and leaned softly on the tree. The breeze blew her long hair and gently stroked Ding. In Ke's ear, a sentence suddenly flashed in his heart,

I only hope that the years will be quiet.

Ding Ke was immediately stunned by this sudden thought, and then he was filled with bitterness.

Jiang Yexing didn't notice Ding Ke's strangeness. She paused, sorted out her thoughts, and then continued,

"Money, power, may be the pursuit of many people in life, but for time, everything is illusory like a castle on the beach. No force can last forever in history, but the entire human race must continue to move forward, and only the entire The existence, continuation and development of races are of irreplaceable significance to everyone and every force,"

"So, your goal is to be the leader of all mankind."

Ding Ke resisted the urge to sigh, unable to complain.

Jiang Yexing laughed happily, "Is it incredible even to you? But, don't you wonder how this synthesis technology that will change the world came about?"

"I always thought it was an accidental laboratory 'accident'." Ding Ke forced his muscles to speak, "After all, many great discoveries in history came about like this, didn't they?"

"Isn't it?" Jiang Yexing raised an eyebrow and imitated his tone and said, "If I answer, of course not?"

Ding Ke's throat twitched a few times, but he couldn't make a sound.

"Xing Xing'er is a top student." Miao Fei came to the rescue. Fei Yao, who was in the second grade, completely failed to understand the essence of the conversation between the two, and said naturally, "It's just a mere synthesis technology, it's a trivial matter, our Xing Xing is omnipotent."

Jiang Yexing gave her a wink, stretched out a hand,

"Not a demon is the best."

"Yeah!" The two slapped each other twice, then looked at each other and smiled.

Ding Ke can't laugh, Xueba?Is this a problem that Xueba can solve?If it is not an accidental factor, but developed step by step, this top-notch technology, which will involve physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, industry, and every small link in manufacturing, has created a new The milestones, the addition of countless small links, can finally form a feasible theory, and how old is Miss Jiang this year?sixteen?Seventeen?
If he wanted to believe that it was due to Miss Jiang alone, he would rather believe that the way he opened his eyes this morning was wrong!
"In the future, I will have more, more advanced, and more shocking technologies. I need a platform to use these technological achievements for the entire human race. Whether it is the current four major families or the Federal Parliament, they are always Faced with the staring eyes of hostile forces, this is the inevitable fate of every seemingly powerful force. This is the internal competition and consumption of human beings. Outside of the Silver League, if our eyesight is high enough, we can only look up to existences like the four major families."

The fat man's small eyes are bigger than soybeans, shining brightly,

"That is, we will have more, more money in the future?"

ignore him!
Jiang Yexing glared at him and continued to make a speech.

"Ding Ke, I need a company. This company must have enough prestige and enough appeal among all human beings. It must have enough favorability to become a banner. We are not the kind of profit-seeking businessmen, but a scientific research team. Our company is only a subsidiary product of technology. In the future, each of our projects will be disclosed to varying degrees or seek cooperation. We will become the entire Humanity's flaunting represents the highest technological existence of human beings, and in the future, the Federation, or the four major families, will offer us up, because only we have the ability to move the entire human race forward."

"In the future, I will start new voyages again and again, and I will lead the entire human race in the right direction. Let them stand proudly at the pinnacle of the world."

"Correct direction?" Ding Ke repeated numbly.

Jiang Yexing looked at him meaningfully,
"For example, in the correct direction of evolution, evolution cannot be achieved by casual intermarriage. The power of human evolution is the ability that all life covets!"

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Now, our company has just been established. It is like a small sprout that needs careful care. The publicity of this project is the first step. I don't have time to go step by step. I want our company to attract everyone's attention as soon as it is established, and it will not be attacked in any way. There will be no opposition from the four major families or high-level federal officials. I want us to stand on an absolutely neutral position from the very beginning. Standing on the highest point of morality, the objects we serve can only be all human beings.”

"When did we establish a company?" The giant raised his head from the basin and asked blankly.

"Just now!"

(End of this chapter)

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