Interstellar cute girl strikes

Chapter 122 Burn, Little Universe!

Chapter 122 Burn, Little Universe!
"Fengxu. This place is handled by the special forces, please."

Before he could finish speaking, Ou Qi suddenly accelerated, and with a backhand pull of the titanium alloy knife, he slashed at Jiang Yexing's blue mecha.

"Fuck, this guy doesn't follow the rules." Jiang Yexing casually exclaimed, grabbed a bunch of grapes and threw it into her mouth. On her right was a platter of melons and fruits of various colors. And a box of mauve cakes.

With Long Yi around, how can she make a move?
Long Yi used delicate little steps to avoid it, and then Jiang Yexing's panicked cry came from the public frequency.

"Ou Qi, what are you doing? I'm from the Feng family, do you want to start a war against the Feng family?"

"Hmph, dare to speak hard?" Ou Qi snorted coldly, "If you really want to protect the research results of the Feng family, you should go to the research institute to which the Feng family belongs. Why do you stay here? Armor isn't blue either, it's a silver lightning fighter, say, who are you? Are you with the pirates? Who sent you?"

Ou Qi shouted sharply while waving the titanium alloy knife, covering Long Yi like a violent storm.

Smart man, you think too much!
Jiang Yexing rolled his eyes towards the sky, and at the same time was secretly startled. Ding Ke is worthy of being the number one commanding genius in the Federation for nearly a hundred years. All the reactions of the other party seemed to be in his expectation. This is to grasp people's hearts. To what extent can a word become a prophecy.

Ou Qi is a smart person, but unfortunately, this kind of person is usually very conceited, and often thinks that he is the smartest in the world, and everyone else is stupid, and he likes to ponder over things and come to a different conclusion to show I have a lot of brains.

Like now.

"Stop it, Ouqi, you are murdering"

Long Yi continued to dodge in a 'thrilling' way, avoiding by a hair's breadth every time, while shouting.

The other five mechas had already surrounded Long Yi, and they were taking the lead for their captain.

"Hmph, put down your weapons, turn off the energy, raise your hands high, hand over your guns, come out, and I will spare your life." Ou Qi snorted coldly and said.

This man is sick!

Jiang Yexing shook his head, could the Ou family cultivate such an heir?Proud, arrogant and arrogant, the Ou family has gone through the years for too long. Like all big families, they are addicted to the glory of the past. On the surface, they appear to be prosperous, but in fact they have begun to rot from the roots. In the future, How far can the Ou family, Feng family, and other major families go?
"Long Yi, it's almost done, let's fight!"

The blue mech, which had been dodging all the time, suddenly stopped, and then rushed directly from the middle, holding a knife in both hands at the same time. In the brilliant light of the knife, Ou Qi's mecha did not retreat, but took the initiative to meet it.

Just, one offense and one defense.

When Long Yi chose to attack, Ou Qi understood that the mecha on the opposite side was by no means a soft persimmon. If it suddenly reversed direction while traveling at extremely high speed, it would put a serious burden on the mecha master's body. The mecha could use physical means to defeat it. Avoid inertia, but the human body cannot. The huge momentum is enough to cause serious internal injuries to the mecha master. However, all this does not seem to be a problem for the mecha on the opposite side. There is only one reason for this.
The other party is a master!

Could it be that he was thinking too much, that the other party was really Feng Xu from the First Academy?
With backgrounds like theirs, they have a considerable understanding of the children of the major families in the Federation. Whether they have dealt with each other or not, at least they must know the existence of each other. This is the basic skill of children in the big families. Although he has no contact with Feng Xu But I also know the existence of the other party, and believe that the other party is the same,
No, not right!

The team he led were all flying the same type of mecha, and he didn't seem to announce his name, how did he know he was Ou Qi?

"Hmph!" Thinking of this, Ou Qi's gaze became colder, it really was a conspiracy!

The black mecha instantly erupted with a volcano-like momentum, and its sword was as long as a rainbow. The black fighter Jiyetian A1 type was known for its speed. It followed a path that was both agile and long-range. In Ou Qi's hands, it was like a shuttle. The flying bird - now it was his turn to dodge. Long Yi's attack was violent and fast. However, Ou Qi showed his outstanding side as the heir of the Ou family at this time. His defense was watertight and quite stable. In the sky The naked eye can only see two shadows, one black and one blue, intersecting continuously, which is dazzling.

The long-term strong attack did not have much effect, Long Yi withdrew his knife depressedly, and stopped the attack. If the master did not allow him to use abilities that were too much beyond Feng Xu's current ability, the mecha on the opposite side would have been destroyed long ago. He was tortured into a pile of scrap metal.

However, Ou Qi didn't take the opportunity to slow down and adjust temporarily, but entangled with the situation, like a black lightning, he rushed towards Long Yi,

Extreme light slash!

The speed was extremely fast, killing him almost instantly.

It's a pity that Long Yi doesn't pay attention to this level of attack. The characteristic of this extreme line is speed. However, in this world, any attack has a weakness. For a robot, there is only perfect calculation, not perfect s attack.

Facing Ou Qi's mecha, the fiery Long Yi yelled loudly, rushed forward again, and rammed it head-on with all his strength.

This turn of events happened so fast that the surrounding mechas didn't react at all. They saw their boss whirling and flying back dozens of steps before standing still staggeringly as if drunk.

"Humph, is that all?" In the control room, Jiang Yexing provoked maliciously.

Ou Qi didn't speak, but raised the titanium knife in his hand again, and rushed over again,
The bigger and stronger aura began to gather, and before the attack came, the overwhelming suffocation was already pressing towards Long Yi.

Horizontal Strike -- Overlord Flow!
The Ou family's famous stunt, known as the strongest and most powerful gymnastics in the Federation, is not one of them!

As he raised his hands high, a group of dazzling light visible to the naked eye condensed on the knife, like a small rising sun.

The pressure in the air has reached the extreme, the usual silent and invisible airflow is now compressed as thick as mercury, squeezing towards Long Yi from all directions, in this situation, speed has no effect at all, the only way out is, It's hard resistance!

As a king-level master's full blow, even with the protection of the energy shield, it will be bombarded and exploded.

There was a loud bang and dust flying, and in the center, a small mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

This man is dead!
The people on the other mechas breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, applauding secretly.

Being able to fight like this with the captain is considered a good master.However, this thought only lasted for a short while, and everyone was dumbfounded.

The smoke gradually dispersed, and everyone froze looking at the scene in front of them.

The huge titanium knife was held in mid-air by a thin long sword, surrounded by lightning that had not completely disappeared, and the movements of the two just stopped at this moment.

It was actually blocked!

(End of this chapter)

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