Chapter 83

"Listen to my explanation. For some reason, I don't have any pictures of you in my memory, but I know you must have existed in my heart." Bai Yu grabbed Tang Yuan's shoulder with a stride, and wanted him to listen quietly own words.

"Because when I saw you for the first time, I knew that we must have met, otherwise how could I fall in love with you involuntarily in the first time." Bai Yu's eyes flashed serious tears.

Looking at Tangyuan, I felt chills for a while, this guy is more involved in the drama than himself.

"But you already have a beautiful lover." Tangyuan's current meaning refers to Ge Yinyin.

"That woman has countless men. To her, everyone is nothing but a relationship of interest. I'm just playing tricks." Bai Yu thought of Ge Yinyin, and her happy mood just now because of seeing the glutinous rice balls suddenly turned bad.Ge Yinyin has been eating a lot lately, and she seems to want to share the military power of the capital base with him equally.

"You don't like her?" Tang Yuan didn't understand. If she didn't like her, how could she be willing to be used by her and endure her so many boyfriends.

"I know I may feel sorry for you if I say this." Bai Yu's tone became a little softer. "I used to like her."

"You changed your mind about her so quickly?" Tang Yuan raised her eyebrows, the speed of Bai Yu's change of heart is faster than that of a girl who is menstruating. "Then why can you tolerate her being with other men?"

"There are two reasons why a man can tolerate his woman being with other men. One is for profit, and the other is because he treats her as a plaything. These two reasons have nothing to do with love."

Tang Yuan raised her eyebrows clearly, in Ge Yinyin's heart, all the men in her harem are willing to accept her sleeping with other people because they love her deeply.

And those who don't want to accept it are because they don't love themselves enough or are too stingy. As everyone knows, those who accept him just regard him as a plaything that can bring benefits to themselves.

"Don't worry, I won't treat you like this." Bai Yu thought that Tang Yuan was frightened by him, so he hurriedly comforted her.

"I'm fine." Tang Yuan was a little uncomfortable with Bai Yu's close concern. "Just a little tired."

"I've asked Mu Lei to bring you food, why don't you go to my room to rest first."

"To your room?" Tang Yuan subconsciously wanted to hide.

"I have no other meaning. You didn't say you were tired. There is only my place here for you to rest. Don't worry, I will never trespass on your resting place."

"You're welcome." Tang Yuan was a little uncomfortable and wanted to escape Bai Yu's hand grabbing his shoulder.

"You are very resistant to me touching you." Bai Yu's eyes flashed with hurt emotions, and there was also doubt in those emotions.

"You're scratching me." Tang Yuan vigilantly sensed the doubt in Bai Yu's eyes. This scene is about the life and death of herself and An Jinlan, so she must act well.

"Look, I get excited when I see you, and I don't attack lightly or hard." Bai Yu immediately let go of the glutinous rice balls. "I'll take you to rest."

As soon as Tang Yuan was free, she immediately held An Jinlan's hand, fearing that Bai Yu would catch her in agitation.

"I'm really sorry about what happened last time." Bai Yu immediately recognized the red hair beside Tangyuan, presumably she saw all the things he and Ge Yinyin did in the woods last time. "Just forget about that."

"No problem." An Jinlan's tone softened because she was afraid of Bai Yu's golden thread.

Bai Yu's resting place is very simple, it was just a duty room in an amusement park, and it was cleaned very clean.

"Then you rest first, I won't disturb you anymore." As a base leader and the captain of this operation, Bai Yu naturally has a lot to deal with.

Although beauty is good, if there is no country, then beauty will not belong to you.

"Thank you." Tang Yuan watched Bai Yu close the door, let out a long breath, and the big stone in her heart fell down.

"As expected, it's good to be pretty!" An Jinlan sighed a long time. "Obviously we were spying on him, but now he apologizes to us."

An Jinlan shook her head, making a puzzled expression.

"I always feel that there is a scam in it. He has managed to sneak into the base leader. Why can't he recognize such a basic scam?" Tang Yuan felt that his IQ was not that high yet, so why could he deceive Bai Yu into such a deep role.

"I don't think it's cheating." An Jinlan suddenly sat up as if she had figured it out. "Put yourself in another way, if a peerless handsome guy came to you and said that there was a past between you, would you believe it?"

"Is he as handsome as Ye Bei?" Tangyuan thought for a while and replied.

"Why don't you leave Ye Bei for more than three words?" An Jinlan rolled her eyes at her. "So are you curved or straight?"

An Jinlan still had some fears about what Tang Yuan did today.

"What do you think?" Tangyuan put one hand on the bed and leaned close to An Jinlan, with a gentle smile on his lips.

"Okay, I can't afford to offend you!" An Jinlan pushed the glutinous rice balls away.

He walked to the mirror and looked at the bruises on the corners of his lips.

"I must settle this account with that person named Mulei."

"Oh, I was kind enough, but I made a mistake about the person who should be saved." Tangyuan wanted to laugh when she thought of that scene, and she was worried about being beaten, but she didn't expect that the big guy was actually the victim.

"You're still smiling, it's all because of you, a beautiful woman." If Tangyuan hadn't had a very confusing face, could he have been beaten?

"Tch, if it weren't for my amazing acting skills, would you have a place to rest?"

"When I get back to Base B safely, I'll tear your face apart." An Jinlan kicked the glutinous rice balls with a vicious look.

"That also depends on whether you have the ability." Naturally, the glutinous rice balls did not admit defeat.

The two people who had just recovered were arguing in the room.

"Wait, look over there!" An Jinlan who was standing by the window suddenly stopped arguing.

Tangyuan looked in the direction An Jinlan pointed, Ge Yinyin was supporting a blood-soaked boy, and behind her were two seriously injured supernatural beings.

"It seems that they have suffered heavy losses this time!" An Jinlan looked optimistic.

"It's not just a matter of loss, they probably didn't get anything." Tang Yuan noticed Bai Yu's angry face.

"Why don't we go and watch the excitement."

"That's fine." Now that they are staying at the same refuge, they will run into each other sooner or later, so it's better to show up first.

"We lost two superpowers, and you told me that you didn't get anything!" Bai Yu's tone was unabashed and revealed.

"Bai Yu, I have tried my best. When we attacked, we found that you had nothing but zombies. If Miao hadn't protected me, even I would have been injured." Ge Yinyin couldn't hide the grievance in her tone.

 Today, the lady went to Fantawild Amusement Park to play the roller coaster, and also experienced the jumping machine by the way.Originally the lady was very scared, but when the girl next to her reached the top, she burst into tears, and then the lady turned her head to comfort her, forgetting that she was still doing the jumping machine thing, thinking about it this way, I am still very boyfriend-like .

(End of this chapter)

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