Chapter 62 36D
"My God, there must be 36D." Tangyuan's hands unintentionally pressed on An Jinlan's chest, and her eyes instantly changed from surprise to envy.

"When are you going to touch it?" An Jinlan slapped off the glutinous rice balls and straightened her clothes.

There was a smirk on the corners of Tang Yuan's lips, she didn't expect this girl to look so thin, but she was so talented, she was envious and jealous.

"Why are you looking at me so wretchedly?" An Jinlan noticed Tang Yuan's fiery eyes, and couldn't help squinting her eyes vigilantly.

"Since you've already seen mine, it won't be a disadvantage for me to look at yours."

"Didn't I save your life!" An Jinlan subconsciously clutched her chest, this girl is so beautiful, how could she be so dirty.

"One code equals another, the worst I can do is save you again next time."

in the underground laboratory.

Yebei was sitting in front of the holographic display screen, and six images were playing in front of him at the same time, the largest of which was a fight between glutinous rice balls and a woman in red.

"The detection match value is [-]%. This woman in red is the one who escaped successfully in the hot spring isolation area." The cold central monitoring system sounded.

"A person with non-wind abilities can actually have such a fast speed."

The screen popped up quickly, showing An Jinlan's agile speed when passing the ray.

The scene of just 1 minute was repeated over and over again.

"Speed ​​up." Yebei stroked his chin, as if thinking about something.

"Stop!" The tiny red flame on the screen appeared in front of his eyes.

She is not a wind-type power user, but a fire-type power user. She can have such a fast speed, which should be related to her training since she was a child, and this is not her best speed.

Ye Bei looked intently at An Jinlan's calf, which was obviously tied with a sandbag.

If she untied the sandbag, what kind of speed would she reach? Suddenly, a trace of anticipation flashed across Yebei's eyes.

"Does the owner need to eliminate the leaking net?"

"No need, continue to observe first, and when this game is over, I will study my new future experimental products."

The display screen in front of him changed rapidly, and it showed the flying zombies of the Year of the Crane.

Being able to transform zombies so successfully is also his skill. It seems that he has actually made some progress over the years.

The night gradually came, and the cold north wind blew through the ruins in the courtyard of the high-rise building, making a rustling sound.

An old man walked slowly with a hunched back, his pace was very slow, and the center of gravity of his body was leaning on the crutches.

Every time you take a step, you will make a tapping sound.

"There are no walking corpses in the white night, but there are no dead people in the middle of the night." The old voice of Bai He Nian was full of smile, as if calling for something.

The fallen human and zombie corpses in the yard suddenly got up one by one, like people who had been sleeping for a long time.

They were neither like zombies nor human beings, but they walked like zombies, shaking their remnant bodies in place, and could faintly hear the sound of bones.

Some corpses have lost their heads, but they can still stand up and walk forward.

They formed a circle around Bai Henian, like soldiers surrendering at his feet.

Bai Henian slowly raised his head and smiled provocatively at the tiny camera in the sky.

Standing on the other side of the screen, Ye Bei's lips curled into a playful smile.

"Oh, I was discovered."

There was a faint smile in his tone, Bai Henian only knew that he had a surveillance system around the base, but he didn't know where it was.

If he knew, he should have smiled at the nano-monitor directly in front of him, instead of raising his head and smiling at the panoramic camera on the tree.

"Interesting." Yebei's eyes flashed with interest, and he finally found an opponent worth thinking about.

In the fallen forest.

Sitting by the tree, Tang Yuan folded her arms around her chest, her eyes sparkled with light of thought.

An Jinlan was bored playing with the fire, looking at her chest from time to time, and then at the glutinous rice balls, seeing that she didn't make any movements, she added the branches with peace of mind.

"Have you heard of Bai Henian at the base?"

Tang Yuan suddenly spoke, breaking the short peace.

"That dead old man, of course I've heard of it." An Jinlan raised her eyebrows and obviously didn't like the person Tang Yuan mentioned.

"It's hard to find anyone who hates Bai Henian in Base B." There was a deep meaning in Tang Yuan's eyes.

"I don't like any of the characters in Base B." An Jinlan lay down straight, making pillows with her hands, and looked at the sky.

"Yo, you have a personality." Tangyuan walked to An Jinlan's side, put her hands on her knees, and looked down at An Jinlan.

"What do you want to do again?" Tangyuan's facial features are really good-looking, which makes her, who loves Shamat, tremble uncontrollably.

"Let's go into the fallen place to have a look."

As soon as Tang Yuan finished speaking, An Jinlan jumped up in a jerk.

"You're crazy!" An Jinlan's eyes were slightly evasive, obviously hiding something.

"I have lived in the An family for a while, but I have never seen you. It means that you don't have a good relationship with the An family if you don't live in the An family." Tangyuan paused and continued. "But everyone has a place to live. If you live in the base, at least I should have heard of you. And since you are so familiar with the nearby situation, maybe you live in a occupied area."

"You guessed it all." An Jinlan shrugged boredly.

"You are brave."

"Instead of lying in the base to deceive oneself and others, let yourself be weakened a little bit, it is better to live in fear every day, at least you can increase your own strength."

The words were full of disdain for the people in the base.

"The girl has extraordinary strength and I admire her willingness to be a lone hero, but many people in the base are weak and they need to unite to survive."

"You know I'm not talking about that." An Jinlan sighed. "follow me."

An Jinlan's speed was extremely fast, and she didn't have the slightest intention of waiting for Tangyuan. Tangyuan used her fastest sprint speed of [-] meters to keep up with him.

Pass a sign saying Welcome to Mickey Town.

The sign was dilapidated, and it was spattered with zombie and human blood.

A staggering walking zombie approached. When it sensed the presence of humans, the zombie suddenly became violent and rushed towards the glutinous rice balls.

Tangyuan raised her hand and gave a kitchen knife, and the head fell down with a bang.

"It's quite sensitive." An Jinlan sat on the high welcome board, with one foot raised up in a dawdly way.

"When did you go up there?" Tangyuan was stunned for a moment, this guy's speed is amazing.

"When you don't know."

An Jinlan was very disdainful of the adoring eyes of the glutinous rice balls, she jumped off the high platform on her toes, and walked into the distance.

"I'll go first, if you can keep up with me, I'll show you the best scenery in this town." An Jinlan looked at the zombie on the opposite side and pursed her lips.

 Thank you Xia Xiaoqingqing for voting for the first monthly ticket for this book, hugging and holding high.

(End of this chapter)

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