Chapter 244

Meng Nanshan sat in front of the window at the Meng family in the capital base. The glutinous rice balls did not leave him with fatal scars, and his wounds had almost healed.

But after the uproar at the wedding, Meng Nanshan's self-esteem was hit hard.

He felt that the whole world was watching his joke, so he simply exchanged all the guards and servants present in the base.

He has dumbed down some people who served in the wedding infield so that they have no chance to speak in their life, and his character has become more and more brutal, as if the more domineering and arbitrary, the more he can cover up the fact that he was once vulnerable.

"Youran, I cooked some porridge, do you want to drink it?" Qi Qiong walked in slowly, with a kind smile on his face as much as possible, despite the farce, Meng Youran still insisted on marrying herself.

But her life after marrying into the Meng family was not easy. First, when she was seriously injured, she was taken directly to the Meng family for treatment, and without any formal etiquette, she just became a member of the Meng family for no apparent reason.

After she recovered, she thought that An Jinlan was dead, and Meng Youran would directly lift herself up to be Mrs. Zheng, but this guy hasn't even given him a title until now.

Moreover, after experiencing the wedding incident, Meng Youran's temperament changed drastically. She was kind and amiable to herself at first, even if she had no feelings, she was polite due to her status, but now she has a dark face every day, and sometimes two people When people look at each other, they always feel as scary as falling into an ice cave.

And what he did to the servants these days, even she felt that it was too much, but she just dared not speak out.

"Let's put it here." Meng Youran rubbed her sore temples. "go out."

"Okay." Qi Qiong ran out as quickly as if he had received an order. If it wasn't for the consideration of the family, he had to please him, and now that he has no name in the Meng family, he can only try his best to please him. I really like him, and I hope he can straighten himself up as soon as possible.

Meng Youran sat on the chair, looking at the steaming red bean porridge on the table from the corner of her eyes.

His thoughts began to blur, he remembered that Jinlan also liked to cook this porridge before, and he said that the porridge that girls drink is not suitable for him.

Ke Jinlan said that red bean porridge nourishes blood and is good for the body, and she is best at this porridge.

His eyes were moist for a moment, the porridge was still there, but the person was gone. He knew that the person he was most sorry for in his life was An Jinlan. She gave birth to children for him, but he still failed her in the end.

"Jinlan where are you?"

Originally, Tangyuan said that Jinlan was dead, but she didn't believe it, how could such a fresh life die so easily.

But Tang Yuan's aggressive appearance made him believe that An Jinlan was dead.

Whether she was killed or committed suicide, I had no way of confirming it. In the end, I didn't even see her dead body.

Moreover, Tangyuan took away her son and separated herself from his son.

"Tangyuan, one day, I will repay you for everything you have done to me." Meng Youran clenched her fists, and took out a photo album from the desk drawer, which contained photos of their family, and there were also group photos Kim Ran's solo photo

In the photo, Jinlan smiled like a flower. The five years with her were indeed the happiest time in my life. Unfortunately, all of this has passed away because of the person named Tangyuan. He will definitely kill her and make her pay for her Jinlan was buried with her.

Put the photo album back, and took out a black plaque with a line of words written in calligraphy on it.

My wife An Jinlan.

The sadness in Meng Youran's eyes seemed to burst out of her eyes, she held a carving knife in one hand, and slowly carved the line of characters.

"The owner has news about the glutinous rice balls."

"Come in." Meng Youran paused slightly with the hand holding the carving knife, and a trace of excitement flashed in her eyes.

"The investigation revealed that she found a coffin shop in the south of the city, and then the coffin was taken away, so she chased it out of the city and brought back the owner of the coffin shop." The guards snapped their fingers, and the two guards pressed An old man walked in.

"The coffin that Tangyuan bought from you?"

"She didn't buy it, it was a man." The old man obviously expected that Meng Youran would find out about him, so he simply chose to tell what he knew honestly, otherwise he would definitely die a miserable death.

"A man?" Hearing these words, Meng Youran immediately stopped what she was doing. "What does it look like?"

"Wearing a black overcoat, he looks gentle and delicate, and is tall, about 1.9 meters." The old man gestured like Meng Youran. "When he came, he was holding Mrs. Jinlan's body in his hands. It was the first time for this old man to see someone holding a corpse directly, so he quickly found the coffin for him. After he paid the money, he didn't come to pick it up. The coffin, but let me hand over the coffin to the person who will pass by the store in white robes."

"That person is the glutinous rice balls." Meng Youran frowned slightly, and the matter became more and more complicated.

"That's right, that person seems to have known that the girl would come, and within 10 minutes of walking, the girl came, and then the girl became very emotional when she saw the lady in the coffin, and rushed to your house, I don't know what happened after that."

"When will Tangyuan come back to get the coffin?" Tangyuan will not abandon Jinlan's body, and she has enough strength to carry the coffin out of her base.

"The girl walked away for less than half an hour, and the man in black came back. I was drinking water at the time, and when I turned around, I saw him carrying the coffin away. This man is really strange, as if he just wanted the girl to take a look. corpse, rather than actually wanting to give him the corpse."

"Where did he bring the corpse?" In this way, if the corpse did not fall into Tangyuan's hands, then the chances of recovering it would be even greater.

"I don't know. The man walked for more than an hour, and the girl came back. When she saw that the coffin was gone, she became even more angry and chased her to the outskirts of the city." The old man said in a straightforward manner.

"Take it down first." Meng Youran waved her hand.

Two guards dragged the old man down, leaving only Meng Youran's bodyguard.

"Master, I think there is a conspiracy. This man in black doesn't seem to be an accomplice of Tangyuan."

"That man should be the enemy of our Meng family. He killed Jinlan, and used Jinlan's death to anger Tang Yuan, and used Tang Yuan to severely damage the Meng family."

"That means that this man himself does not have the strength to affect the Meng family, so he needs help, so he turned his brains on his wife. He didn't expect that his wife would become a victim of family disputes." The guard's tone was regretful.

"No matter who this person is, I will find him and tear him into pieces." Meng Youran clenched her fists.

Killed his lover just to hurt his family.

"You search according to the old man's conditions. Pay special attention, this person's ability level should be around level five, otherwise it would be impossible to kill Jinlan so easily."

(End of this chapter)

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