This apocalypse is a bit sour

Chapter 230 The Cruelty of the Truth

Chapter 230 The Cruelty of the Truth

"Because Ye Bei killed Ji Ming, Professor Ji knew the truth and wanted to expose Ye Bei, so the killing happened."

"Nonsense, forget it, anyway, you don't need to be responsible for lying. You don't have any evidence. How can you prove that Yebei killed people? Besides, it's the end of the world. Time has passed. How did you know all this?" Tangyuan said to Mu Tingfeng She didn't want to believe a word of it, she thought it was a slander to Yebei.

"I just want to remind you to be careful. The ancients often said that being with a king is like a tiger. When you are with such a person, you should always be on your guard."

"Shut up." Tangyuan turned around, pointing an ice sword at Mu Tingfeng's throat. "If you slander him one more time, I'll send you to see the King of Hades."

"The husband is eager." The smile on Mu Tingfeng's lips was a little bitter.

"If it wasn't because it was the end of the world, and you didn't have anyone to gossip, I would have killed you long ago." Tang Yuan withdrew her ice sword, and was about to leave when she felt that someone had taken the flute from her waist.

What followed was a faint sound of music that filled the sky, this is the music she is good at, why he can play it.

Tangyuan turned her head slowly, the wind blew her long hair, and it swayed.

Mu Tingfeng stood in front of his eyes, gently holding the bamboo flute, exuding a scholarly aura all over his body.

"Who are you?" Tang Yuan looked at Mu Tingfeng, and the nerves deep in his memory were deeply stung.

"Yuan, don't you know who I am?" Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and there was a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Ji Ming!" Mu Tingfeng's expression completely coincided with the appearance of Ji Ming in his memory.

Tangyuan was stunned in place, covering her mouth with her hands, why did this happen.

"When I was very young, my father has been researching a solution to make me recover, but my body has not been able to heal well. My father contacted a very old wizard. The wizard asked me to take a medicine that can withdraw the soul body, into someone else's body, but I don't want to hurt other people's lives for no reason, so I have been putting it on hold."

"Then how did you fall into the hands of the silver-masked man." There was a tear in Tang Yuan's eyes.

"I was killed by my most respected professor, and he gave his body to that person. My original body became another person's body, and my soul was found by my father, and it has been living in Mu Tingfeng's body, so Mu Tingfeng will be a dual-line superhuman."

"I basically know who the professor you are talking about is." Tang Yuan clenched her fists in her hands. She didn't want to believe these things. Ji Ming was a very good person, and he was also an extremely important person in the heart of the original owner.

"I don't want to expose myself, because I can't beat Ye Bei, but Mu Tingfeng has a good impression of you, and even joined the army of spying on you." Ji Ming's lips curled into a playful smile.

"This is something you didn't expect."

"It's a pity that my father has always insisted on avenging me, and he ended up like that in the end." A trace of hatred flashed in Ji Ming's eyes. "I have no evidence, but I am the victim."

"Ji Ming, what is your purpose for coming back?"

"I want to take you away, and I also want to deal with him." Ji Ming sighed. "But judging from the current situation, you won't come with me."

"He is not as bad as before. He is very kind and gentle. It is reasonable for you not to forgive him. But now that you have managed to regain your life, why put your life in danger again. "

"Are you worried about me or him?" Ji Ming slowly approached Tang Yuan and hugged her tenderly.

"I just want to persuade you."

"He is really beautiful in your eyes." Ji Ming's eyes were filled with mist. "I also wanted to be with you from childhood to inseparable, but now it's just a joke."

Ji Ming touched Tang Yuan's head, but Tang Yuan didn't move at all. The instinctive reaction of this body was to make her accept Ji Ming, but she couldn't. She owed Ji Ming herself.

"But he's really not as good as you think." Ji Ming shook his head, with a blade between his fingers, he slowly slid it to Tang Yuan's neck, and cut a long bloody mouth with a swipe.

"You want to kill me." Tangyuan covered her neck with a look of disbelief on her face and slowly fell down. She never expected that Ji Ming would have murderous intentions for her.

The blood slowly flowed out from the neck at a speed visible to the naked eye, staining the white snow on the ground red. Ji Ming held Tangyuan's hand, and forcefully took her hand away. A tiny little scorpion was sandwiched between the two hands that entered the wound of Tangyuan. The chip was slowly taken out.

"He is a perfect lover in your eyes, but you may be just an experimental product sent out in his eyes."

"Shut up." Tang Yuan's eyes turned round, and the surrounding temperature dropped a few degrees in an instant, reducing the speed of blood flow.

"Each of his experiments will have such a micro locator, but each experiment is placed in a different location." Ji Ming took out three small locators from his pocket, which were the same as those taken out of the glutinous rice balls' necks.

"He never trusted you from the beginning to the end, and you don't even know when he put this chip, maybe it was at midnight after the two of you were warm, or maybe it was left when you fainted."

There were two lines of tears flowing slowly from the corner of Tangyuan's eyes. She was not that stupid. In fact, she had already felt a little strange, but she didn't want to think about the bad, nor did she want to think about the bad. This is how women are, after falling in love with someone, I don't want to see his bad side.

"The wound left on your neck will not be fatal, and I will not take away this chip. In addition to positioning, the chip also basically identifies abilities and dynamic changes in the body. He will arrive soon. Here, I should go too." Ji Ming put the chip back on Tangyuan's wound.

"You're willing to continue to be a rag doll under his full control, at least he will protect your safety, but if you want to leave, you can come here at dusk." Ji Ming slowly got up, as if thinking about leaving What. "Back when Yebei sent me to that silver-faced witch doctor, the witch doctor called him master, and he should be his subordinate. Maybe he knew that the witch doctor would kill your father. Protect Tang Heng, he is a good boy. "

Tang Yuan was shocked when she heard this sentence.

Clutching his bleeding hand, looking at the sky, anger surged in his heart, as if it was about to spew out.

"Ah!" The glutinous rice balls couldn't print the emotions in their hearts, and shouted out, the blood in the neck flowed quickly.

Why are you doing this to me, what did I do wrong!
Tangyuan grabbed the snow in the snow with one hand, clenched into a fist, and her nails sank deep into the flesh.

With the rapid flow of blood, Tangyuan slowly fell into a coma.

(End of this chapter)

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