This apocalypse is a bit sour

Chapter 201 Getting Rid of Zombies

Chapter 201 Getting Rid of Zombies
"Jinlan, I'll leave Tang Heng to you." Tang Yuan always felt that this trip was extremely dangerous, and she was worried about Tang Heng, afraid that he would be mischievous.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of Tang Heng and your father." An Jinlan patted Tang Yuan's shoulder.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the host and An Jinlan's friendship value reaching the point of entrusting relatives. It has reached [-] points of friendship value. The friendship line is full, please continue to work hard."

"I'll go with you!" An Jinyan handed his father into his sister's hands, took Tang Yuan's arm and walked outside.

"Do you know what to do?" An Jinyan dragged Tang Yuan out of the room before Tang Yuan could react.

"The potion in my father's hand, I should have guessed that it was the potion that attracted so many zombies. It's just that my father treasured that thing so much that he never became suspicious. I am the leader of this base, and this responsibility must be borne by I take it."

"There are zombies outside. I know a waterway that can lead to the outside. My car is also parked outside. How is your water quality?" Tangyuan asked seriously.

If someone is willing to share the risk equally with her, she is naturally happy. Moreover, An Jinyan's strength should be far superior to hers. Acting with him can also reduce the risk and increase the chance of escape.

"I used to be in the navy." When An Jinyan heard that there was another path, the stone that had been weighing on his heart finally relaxed a little.

In the evening, the current was even more rushing. If it wasn't for An Jinyan's excellent water quality, I would have been choked to death by the rapids.

As soon as I got in the car, the glutinous rice balls felt something was wrong.

"An Jinyan, did you hear anything?" Tang Yuan listened alertly to the sounds around her.

"The sound of zombies!" An Jinlan looked through the rearview mirror, and a group of zombies rushed towards them.

"This thing is too attractive to zombies!" Tangyuan took out the potion in her arms, and the light blue potion was attracted and turned red.

"It's a good thing that the zombies are attracted." An Jinyan curled his lips slightly, the more zombies chasing him, the fewer zombies besieging the base.

"Tighten your seat belt, hold on tight, it will be a little exciting later!" An Jinlan paused her foot on the accelerator, reminding her kindly.

"it is good!"

Zombies are running towards the off-road vehicle at high speed. The number is so large that it is frightening, and the number of people is getting more and more dense.

The car quickly drifted and flashed on the ground, almost 180 degrees of elegance, and Tangyuan felt like it was spinning in the air.

"Wucao, your brother and sister's driving skills are really different!" Tangyuan thought of An Jinlan's street killer, and compared with her brother An Jinyan, he can be regarded as a contemporary driving god. This driving skill is to participate in professional competitions. You can definitely win an award.

"If you've seen me flying a plane, you won't be shocked now." An Jinyan's lips curled into a smug smile.

"The situation right now is even more dangerous, be careful." Tang Yuan opened the sunroof of the car, her hands froze into an ice crystal, and she bent her bow and put her scissors together.

Shoot quickly at the zombies all over the mountains and plains behind the off-road vehicle, without firing arrows, after a wave of zombies fell down, a group of zombies rushed up again, endlessly.

"Tangyuan stand still!" An Jinlan accelerated with all her strength, and rushed towards the path deep in the dense forest.

A leading zombie quickly jumped onto the off-road vehicle, and Tangyuan killed him with an arrow.

"We're almost there, hold on!" An Jinyan saw the cliffs hidden in the woods not far away.

Tang Yuan immediately understood An Jinyan's plan to lure these zombies to the edge of the cliff and make them commit suicide en masse.

Feeling the wind speed around, Tangyuan couldn't stand still, grabbed the edge of the skylight, retracted the bow, and solidified a long sword in his hand, beheading a zombie that climbed up.

He took out the tube of potion from his pocket, watched the cliff getting closer, and was ready to throw it down at any time.

The speed of the group of zombies was getting faster and faster, and Tangyuan killed the zombies with one hand mechanically like chopping watermelons.

"I call one two three, you throw it!"

Zombies attacked the off-road vehicle like a dark cloud, Tangyuan gradually couldn't resist, and a burst of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"One~two~three, throw it!"

With an order, Tangyuan threw the potion down the cliff with a swish, and the car flew beautifully on the edge of the cliff, but in the next second, it was thrown down by the sudden zombies and fell into the cliff.

An Jinyan frowned slightly, stepped up his horsepower, and spun around on the spot, throwing the zombies into the canyon. With the help of gravity, the car rushed towards the path on one side, and the zombies following them rushed into the cliff one after another. go.

Tangyuan really couldn't figure out why she jumped off the cliff so persistently when she knew she would die in the next life.

"Go back to the base." An Jinyan wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and it was the first time he made such a thrilling action.

"What kind of things can make zombies yearn for so much." Tang Yuan closed her eyes and rubbed her aching temples.

"In this world, everyone has something that can make him give up his life. Some are happiness, some are family, and some are rights. That potion is the thing that can make zombies give up their lives." An Jinyan sighed, and the tide of corpses receded. The stone in my heart also quietly fell.

"Maybe." Tang Yuan propped her head up and leaned against the car window.

The apocalypse made her understand what a terrible word weak is. In this world, the survival of the fittest, the strong survive, and the weak will only be squeezed.

The previous three views gradually collapsed, and Tang Yuan desperately tried to keep the last touch of kindness in her heart. She believed that human nature is inherently good, but in the last days, the word kindness has become a mockery.

The weak are not qualified to be kind, because they can't even fill their own safety and food and clothing.And the strong, without legal and human moral sanction, gradually revealed their ferocious nature, wantonly oppressing those who were weaker than them.

It is always humans who are the most ruthless to humans, not zombies and other alien species.

Isn't the species of zombies also created by humans?
"After this catastrophe, it may be very difficult for the base to regain its vitality. Are you willing to stay and accompany me to rebuild the base?" An Jinyan asked sideways.

"I am also a member of the base, so of course I will stay." Tang Yuan patted An Jinyan on the shoulder.

"I've actually been thinking, if you hadn't met Yebei, would you have liked me?" An Jinyan asked after hesitating for a while.

"No, whether it's morning or evening, I will fall in love with Yebei. You are very nice, but you are not my lover. There must be someone more suitable for you waiting for you in this world."

"I'm very tired of receiving this good person card." An Jinyan smiled slightly, concealing his inner sadness.

"When something like this happened to the base, there must be a lot of things waiting for you to do. I think you need to beware of people who take advantage of the fire in the nearby base."

"Ok, I know."

 Recently, I am preparing for a new book, and my mind is a bit confused, but the old book will be updated as usual, okay, I love you ladies.

(End of this chapter)

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