This apocalypse is a bit sour

Chapter 195 Meeting the Wolf

Chapter 195 Meeting the Wolf
Tangyuan pushed open another glass door. This place was originally supposed to be a leisure garden. There was a swimming pool in the center of the garden. Unexpectedly, the swimming pool used running water, so it was always kept clear. Then there must be a passage leading to the outside below. It's just that she's not good at water.

"What can I do!" Tangyuan rubbed her chin, and visually measured the depth of the shallow water area to her neck, and the deep water area was about three meters.

Tangyuan shook his head and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​rashly entering the water. He walked around the pavilion. There were many flowers and plants growing around. Most of these flowers and plants were withered, but there were also cacti plants with relatively strong vitality.

When the fingertip touched the withered plant, the color of the plant began to change instantly, and it was revived at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What's going on here." Tangyuan looked at the glass potion left on her fingertips. "Is it because of this?"

He quickly opened the glass potion in the plastic bag and poured two drops on it, and the withered plants quickly recovered.

"Mist grass, this is too amazing." Tangyuan buried her head in her mind, but couldn't think of any reason.

This kind of medicine must have a scientific basis, but she still can't figure out the reason behind it.

"Since it's a treasure, it's even more important to take good care of it." Tangyuan wrapped the glass bottle, put it in the trouser pocket, zipped up the trousers, and patted it twice.

Just as he was about to continue looking for things, he heard the sound of gurgling in the swimming pool behind him.

"What is this?" Tangyuan immediately ran to the edge of the swimming pool and squatted down. This should be the swimming pool changing the water. Tangyuan frowned slightly, and the whirlpool of the water change was in the deep water area.

Tang Yuan took off her coat, tied it to the wooden chair, and jumped into the pool with a bang.

This may be the only chance of escape, whether it works or not, you have to try it yourself.

Tie the clothes around his wrists, take a deep breath, and swim towards the deep water area.

It was a water change port half a meter wide, just enough to accommodate a person to enter.

Tangyuan swam in quickly, the current was so fast that Tangyuan felt that she was out of breath.

Consciousness slowly passed, Tangyuan felt that her mouth was full of water, and everything around her was very quiet, without any sound.

Time passed little by little, and Tang Yuan squinted his eyes slightly. There was darkness that could be touched in front of him, and the howling of beasts could be heard faintly in the distance.

She seemed to be abandoned by thousands of worlds, only she was floating in this endless black water, the bone-piercing coldness slowly surrounded the glutinous rice balls, from the skin, slowly invaded her bones.

The glutinous rice balls woke up from the cold, and suddenly opened their eyes, and there were a few sporadic stars flying in the starry sky.

"I came out?" A look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he quickly grabbed the wooden chair beside him. Fortunately, he had this wooden chair, otherwise he would definitely have been drowned.

She quickly climbed to the shore, her whole body was wet, and the cold night wind blew on Tang Yuan's body, making her shivering from the cold.

"I have to go back to Meng's house again." If Ye Bei came out, he would definitely wait for him at Meng's house.

Tangyuan looked at the watch on her wrist and left the ground. The watch finally had a signal again.

"Yebei, are you there?" Tang Yuan kept calling to the person on the other end from the watch.

"I can't get through to the master temporarily. There is a voice message from the master to the wife. Do you want to check it?"

"Check!" Tangyuan immediately became excited when she heard the news about Yebei.

"Don't come to me again." The words were short and powerful, with a chill in them.

"What do you mean!" Tang Yuan was very surprised by the sudden rejection.

Maybe something happened to Yebei, and there must be a misunderstanding. I must find Yebei and tell him face to face.

Just as Tang Yuan was about to take a step, she felt something staring at her.

Turning her head slowly, a pair of green eyes stared straight at herself.

"Wolf!" Tang Yuan's heart trembled slightly. It is absolutely impossible for an animal like a wolf to haunt alone. Tang Yuan's eyes looked far away, and from the depths of the forest, pairs of green eyes appeared one after another.

Just after escaping from the ground, she encountered a pack of wolves. This was probably the most unlucky day in her life.

She could almost feel the sound of the wolves swallowing, staring at her hungrily.

It is impossible to shoot arrows in the dark, and wolves are extremely fast-moving races, so it is simply impossible for them to shoot.

He carried two ice swords in his hands, that's all, he had to fight again.

Tang Yuan walked forward slowly, and a leading wolf rushed up first, killing her with one strike. Before she could react, more than a dozen wolves surrounded her at the same time, and the ice sword in her hand flipped in the air, piercing the wolf's chest. chest.

A wolf bit Tangyuan's arm, and heartbreaking pain entered his mind. Tangyuan stabbed the wolf's head with a sword, and brought countless cold lights in his hand that quickly circled in the air and stabbed the wolf that rushed towards him.

But Tangyuan's counterattack did not frighten the wolves, but accelerated their attack. Another wolf bit Tangyuan's other arm, and Tangyuan threw the wolf's body away forcefully.

Suddenly there was pain in the thigh, and two wolves bit Tangyuan's thigh.

The smell of blood made the wolves even more crazy, and their attacks on the glutinous rice balls became more intensive.

"Don't fight for a long time!" The wolves are really a group of beasts that become more and more brave as they fight. Now that he is injured, his physical strength is exhausted at a perceivable speed. If he loves to fight, he can't beat this group of wolves.

"I can't die in the mouths of a group of beasts." Tangyuan's eyes were aimed at the nearest big tree nearby, which was only 30 meters away from him. As long as he ran over, maybe he could be saved.

Tang Yuan chopped off the heads of the two wolves that were biting her thighs with one knife, and the two wolves did not let go of her thighs until they died, and the heads were engraved on her thighs like mosaics.

He climbed desperately towards the big tree, with the wolves behind him chasing after him.

Faster, faster!
The distance between that big tree and him was less than half a meter, when suddenly a white wolf appeared in front of his eyes, pounced towards him with his mouth wide open.

"Go away, beast!" A lone wolf tried to block her, and the group of beasts were so hungry that they stabbed at the white wolf with a sword, throwing its body several meters away.

She climbed up the big tree as fast as she could in her life. Under the tree, a group of wolves surrounded the tree, always waiting to eat her.

"The beast will never let me go!" Tang Yuan confirmed that she was safe for the time being, and immediately turned her attention to the two wolf heads on her lap.

With all his strength, he pulled out the head of one of the wolves, and looked at the white wolf that had just been stabbed by him, who was leading the way and howling.

He took the wolf's head and threw it at the white wolf, but the white wolf dodged it very sensitively.

When the other wolves saw their companion's head, their eyes were filled with hunger and howled, one of them bit the head of his companion fiercely, and the rest of the wolves went to share the wolves that had just been killed by the glutinous rice balls.

Tangyuan saw them eating their companions' food with gusto, and couldn't help but touch his belly. He hadn't eaten anything for almost three days, and now he was so hungry that stars were popping up in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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