Chapter 187

"Call the teacher, this kind of photo must be taken."

"Perhaps the university bully doesn't like Professor Ye's knowledge, and has different opinions on Professor Ye's views."

"Teacher?" The person in the white coat may not necessarily be a doctor, but may also be a researcher. The guy in front of him seems to be the professor of this lecture.

Wucao, what the hell are you doing!

"How long do you want to hold on to my tie, classmate?" Yebei's tone was still gentle, without showing any symptoms of anger, and the favorability of the girls around him gradually increased.

Tangyuan hurriedly let go of Yebei's tie and smoothed it gently.

"This CK tie is so pretty, I can't help but want to take a second look." Tang Yuan immediately tried her best to change the subject.

"Thank you, please give this student his opinion on the issue of changing biological cells."

Just as Tang Yuan was about to say bluntly that she had no opinion, the female classmate behind her immediately stood up.

"Student Tangyuan just called the teacher a fool, which shows that she has a completely different view on this matter." There was a mocking smile on the corner of the girl's lips, and she wanted to see how Tangyuan ended up in front of everyone.

"Did I just say teacher?" Tang Yuan obviously wanted to deny it.

"Yes!" However, the students next to him didn't give face, instead they booed.

"Biological cell genes?" Seeing that Tangyuan couldn't get through it, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and prepare to make nonsense. "Actually, I don't quite understand the teacher's views on this matter?"

"Don't understand?" Ye Bei's tone was a little surprised. He was obviously aware of Tangyuan and wanted to fool himself into saying what he had just said. This girl had been sleeping just now.

"That's right." Tangyuan looked expectantly, waiting for Professor Ye to continue. She didn't hear a word of Professor Ye's words just now, so why did she follow along.

But after waiting for a long time, before Professor Ye's next words, Tangyuan looked at the burning eyes all around, and couldn't wait any longer.

"Because I don't understand, what I say next may offend you."

"I like students who speak freely." Ye Bei stretched out his hand to signal Tang Yuan to continue nonsense.

"Three years ago, malaria was serious in Africa, and the major cause of malaria was mosquitoes. An American biologist developed a mosquito that could not carry the malaria virus by changing biological cells." Tangyuan raised his eyebrows slightly, saying to himself The family company was involved in the business of anti-mosquito products, so I was very concerned about the news at that time.

Fortunately, I paid attention to and followed up the news at that time, otherwise there would be no nonsense topics now.

"And then." The male student sitting next to Tangyuan was obviously very interested in this topic. "If mosquitoes do not have viruses, it will cause a big economic blow to the anti-mosquito industry."

"Yes, but this is not the focus of what I want to talk about next." At that time, I paid attention to this, and it was indeed because it affected the interests of my family.

"The biologist has indeed succeeded in researching a batch of mosquitoes that do not carry malaria, but there are only [-] mosquitoes in this batch, and there are [-] mosquitoes in an ordinary town in Africa. How to make this batch of mosquitoes replace those that used to be Mosquitoes." Tangyuan's eyes flicked over the faces of the students, and found that they were all listening to her serious nonsense, so she continued to speak with confidence.

"So the biologist changed the genes of the mosquitoes so that these mosquitoes could continue to carry the malaria-free gene during the breeding process, so he did an experiment by placing [-] malaria-free mosquitoes in a [-] In a petri dish of malaria-only mosquitoes, after three days, each of these newborn mosquitoes became malaria-free mosquitoes."

"So since there are already such mosquitoes, why is malaria still so serious in Africa?" A student questioned Tangyuan's words.

"I haven't finished my words, why not put it into use?" Tangyuan suddenly smiled. "After another two days, the researchers found that the cells of these mosquitoes had undergone tremendous changes. Their research not only changed the mosquito's malaria-carrying gene, but also changed other genes. For example, let's say I changed the mosquito's The A gene was changed to B, only to find that all the basic cells of the mosquito were changed to B."

"How could this be?" The boy beside him opened his eyes wide.

"The unknown is always the scariest thing. Don't try to challenge the Creator's mysteries. If you change genetic cells at will, perhaps a disaster awaits humans. This is my point of view." After Tang Yuan finished speaking, he turned to look around him. Professor Night. "Professor, may I sit down now?"

"Please sit down." Yebei took the lead in applauding, and there was prolonged applause in the arena.

Tangyuan pretended to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead casually. He was still very nervous about talking nonsense in front of more than 1000 people.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Tangyuan ran out like an arrow, ignoring the ringing of the mobile phone in her pocket, and went straight to the principal's office in the administration building.

"It's said that the biology department is the most difficult to approve. I don't believe that my own principal dad will not be able to approve it." Tang Yuan stood in the elevator of the administrative building and casually pulled a few strands of her long hair off her forehead. , looked a little messy and haggard, and then used foundation to whiten, the whole person felt that there was too much blood ischemia.

"Hello, I'm looking for the principal. Is he free now?"

"It's Tangyuan. The principal just finished the meeting and is resting now. This way please." The principal's secretary obviously knew Tangyuan and immediately led Tangyuan into the principal.

"The principal's dumplings are here." After the secretary said this, he quickly walked out of the office, leaving the father and daughter alone.

"I heard that you were injured yesterday. Are you feeling better?" Tang Hengnian was obviously surprised that Tangyuan would come to him. His daughter's coldness was not just for her classmates. Even her own father, she usually had little to say to her. He talks more when facing Ji Ming.

"No, I'm very dizzy now, and I feel like everything is spinning around me." After Tang Yuan finished speaking, he walked towards his father.

"Go home and rest if you are not in good health. I have to meet a very important person here." Tang Henian looked at the man who sat down behind the screen and said that he was reading a book on the sofa from the corner of his eyes.

"Of course I know I want to go home and rest, but I don't have a leave of absence."

"Isn't it enough for your counselor to approve the leave slip?" Could it be possible that he, the principal, should personally approve the leave slip for him!
"Counselors can only approve within two days. Those who are more than two days have to apply to the hospital. I have such a serious injury. I have to rest for a long time." Tang Yuan rubbed her temples and looked at her old man with a haggard look. dad.

"Then you tell the counselor, you show the medical certificate, and ask her to report to you for a week or two."

"I have such a serious injury, how can I rest for a week or two."

 The most unlucky lady in the universe, she didn't bring her ID card when she bought a train ticket, and she bought a wrong bus ticket, God, the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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