Chapter 12
"Sister Tangyuan, what are you nodding, we're about to go." Bai Lian looked at Tangyuan inquiringly.

"It's nothing, I just feel so happy to be alive." Tangyuan touched her flat chest, but fortunately she was not noticed, she immediately packed up her spot, followed those people, and Qi Xiang and the women in the team drove with her. Once, she handed over the car to Qi Xiang.

The system said that Qi Xiang had been a soldier for many years, he was a well-trained and qualified soldier, he would not swallow his own car, and the woman she loved was still sitting next to him.

As soon as she got in the car, the pregnant woman, a weak white lotus, couldn't bear the drowsiness and fell asleep. Tangyuan finished accepting the information in her mind, and quickly opened the small box that Yebei gave her.

The upper layer was covered with compressed biscuits, the second layer was pulled open, and a lot of medicines were neatly placed inside, and the third layer was opened with trembling hands, and there was something similar to a mobile phone and an envelope inside.

This thing should be a remote pager with only Yebei's name on it.Opening the envelope, Yebei's handsome and elegant pen writing was displayed. There was only one sentence on the envelope, come back when you are tired.

Tangyuan's eyes turned red instantly, and she covered her mouth to prevent herself from crying.

There is no woman who does not yearn for love, even now she still yearns for it.

Ye Bei sat in front of the computer, slightly brushing the image of glutinous rice balls on the screen with his hand, trying to wipe away the overflowing tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Have you been moved?" Yebei's voice sounded like a midnight murmur, he was asking himself, but it seemed to be asking Tangyuan, in that case, why didn't he come back.

"Master has detected the exact location of the area, when will we go?" The cold mechanical voice suddenly sounded.

"When?" The slender fingers crossed the thin lips. "Then now."

He quickly opened the buttons of his cotton pajamas with his fingers and strode into the dressing room.

Tangyuan was also a little tired, just about to close her eyes and rest for a while, when she heard a burst of intensive firing.

"Tangyuan, you drive." Qi Xiang quickly picked up the machine gun on the side, opened the roof cover, and stood up quickly.

Tang Yuan quickly understood the meaning. They must have encountered a large army of zombies.

Skillfully driving at high speed, he saw zombies chasing after him in the rearview mirror, and some of those zombies had already climbed onto the off-road vehicle behind him.

"Sit tight!" Tang Yuan no longer cared about the pregnant woman in the car at this time, stepped on the accelerator, and showed the highest level of speed in her life.

"Don't pay attention to me!" The pregnant woman in the car immediately put on her seat belt.

"Turn the car closer to the off-road vehicle on the right."

Tangyuan saw from the rearview mirror that the off-road vehicle on her right had obviously been attacked by more zombies, so she drove quickly to the front right of the car, so as to hit the zombies with a loud noise.

Bang bang bang, suddenly a zombie jumped onto the car window in front of him. From the outside, this zombie was a little different from the rest of the zombies. The next second, the zombie broke the car window and let the machine guns shoot at its body , but it seemed as if he couldn't feel any pain, and his hand almost reached into the car window.

Tang Yuan immediately took out a kitchen knife, cut off his hand with a backhand, and then chopped off the zombie's head with lightning speed.

One zombie was hacked to death, and more and more zombies followed.

"You lie down for me." There was a pregnant woman and a weak woman in the back seat, so he had to let them lie down, and he picked up the kitchen knife and chopped quickly.At this time, another off-road vehicle had been chased and stopped. Since the zombies had entered the vehicle, they had to abandon the vehicle and quickly ran towards their vehicle.

The situation on my side is not optimistic. If the off-road vehicle Yebei gave me is not very strong, I am afraid that the windows of my car will be completely gone.Now my hand is like a kitchen knife. From time to time, the head of a zombie falls into the car, and the two women in the back seat scream.

"Ah!" Bai Lian's face was already pale with fright, and the pregnant woman on one side kept hugging her, lying down and closing her eyes, so as not to cause trouble to those fighting.

The five men outside the off-road vehicle were shooting wildly with machine guns, and the monkey quickly climbed to the roof to fight side by side with his boss.Soon the zombies surrounded the off-road vehicle, and the few people outside became very dangerous.

Like the setting sun dyed the sky with blood, the earth was given blood red.Two of the three people on the ground fell down quickly. The bloody hands of the zombies took out their hearts.

"Don't open the door!" The stone standing outside kicked in the car door that was just about to open. Opening the door at this time will only kill everyone.

The pregnant woman looked at her husband who was fighting alone with tears in her eyes, her hands clenched into fists, but there was nothing she could do.

"Hurry up!" The machine gun in his hand was out of bullets, a zombie rushed over, and Shi Shi grabbed the zombie with his bare hands and threw him into the pile of zombies.

There were more and more zombies around, rushing towards him crazily, but he didn't seem to know the pain, even though he was scratched and bitten by the zombies, he didn't slow down his attacking pace at all.

Because he knew that as soon as he stopped, his wife might die in the next second.

Because the attack density of zombies was too strong, the rear window had been shattered, and zombies were about to climb into the door.

Stone immediately grabbed the zombie and tore his head off with his bare hands.

The corners of his eyes have also begun to dissimilate, and the skin texture around his body has begun to change. Anyone who has seen a zombie knows that it is a characteristic of a zombie. He continuously releases wood-type abilities in unison, trying to trap the zombies and prevent them Moving forward, but to no avail.

"Don't hurt my wife!" Stone uttered a final roar. With the help of the size of a powerful supernatural being, he quickly took off the zombies climbing on the car, and blocked them with the last bit of reason. "Go!"

Tangyuan immediately stepped on the accelerator. The car's anti-hit performance was really great. Even if it was injured like this, the speed still did not slow down.The stone figure was quickly devoured by the zombie horde.

Tangyuan's eyes were reddish, a man died for his wife, this emotion was enough to move everyone, but she had no time to be sad.Immediately, zombies flew towards the zombies. At this moment, the car body suddenly emitted a white light, and those zombies seemed to be blinded instantly.

Tangyuan was a little surprised. Could it be that the white lotus flower was showing its power and repelling the zombies with the light of the white lotus flower? No, if she was so powerful, she should have used it long ago. It must be a problem with the car.

The setting sun shines on the shore of the sparkling Lake Baikal, the pure lake water is dyed reddish, the lake surface is clear and mysterious, surrounded by green grass.Tens of meters away from the lake, there are more than 20 corpses of zombies piled up.

With a snap of his fingers, the raging fire burned the corpse of the zombie. He stood with his hands behind his back, and the lake wind blew the broken hair on his forehead, but he did not forget the corner of the white coat.

 It's Chinese New Year, someone asked me to go to see handsome guys on the road, but I won't go.Someone asked me to go out for a walk. With my good looks, I could take away a batch of people with just one look, so I didn't go.

  Why, because my readers are waiting for me.Only writing can make me happy. Manually click to collect and send a recommendation ticket, which is the greatest encouragement to me, love you all.


(End of this chapter)

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