This apocalypse is a bit sour

Chapter 10 The Light of the White Lotus Flower That Brightens the Blind

Chapter 10 The Light of the White Lotus Flower That Brightens the Blind
"Separated from your family?" Tang Yuan opened the car door sympathetically and walked up to the little boy.

"What's the matter with you, little brother." He said to the little boy as gently as possible.

"I'm hungry!" The little boy suddenly raised his head, the bloody fangs and the incomplete face almost scared Tang Yuan to the ground.

He stretched out the hand with the intestines hanging on it, and attacked Tangyuan. At the critical moment, Tangyuan pulled out the kitchen knife and cut off the zombie boy's hand, but the zombie didn't seem to feel pain at all.

Continue to rush towards the glutinous rice balls. In the last life, I learned some Sanda and martial arts since I was a child, firstly to strengthen my body, and secondly to defend myself.Although not very good, it is more than enough to deal with this zombie.Moreover, this body is also very flexible, and I think it is also a master who exercises regularly.

A kitchen knife chopped off the zombie's head, and just as she was about to take a break, suddenly four or five adult zombies walked out of the gas station office.

What's going on, will zombies still hide now?

Tangyuan immediately wanted to run to his off-road vehicle, but it was too late, a zombie was already walking in front of him, so he didn't have to think about it for a moment, so he chopped off the zombie's head when he mentioned it.If she hesitated at this moment, it would be her own death, the glutinous rice balls were about to kill her face, if she still had concerns about chopping the first zombie, at this moment she chopped the zombie's head, it was as natural and crazy as cutting fruit.

Hurry up, hurry up, otherwise, in the next second, she will die in the hands of the zombies, and her physical strength will be lost rapidly. Just as she was concentrating on dealing with the zombies in front of her, a zombie's claws have already stretched out to her.

boom!A vine as thick as an adult man's waist quickly wrapped around the zombie's neck, and the zombie's first head snapped off in the next second.A few shots were fired, and the zombies around him quickly fell down.

Tang Yuan raised her head and looked directly at the three men in front of her. Judging from their standing posture and the military boots on their feet, they should be soldiers.

"My name is Tang Yuan. I was ambushed by zombies just now. Thanks to everyone."

The men quickly sized up the woman in front of them, and they had to say that this girl was probably the most beautiful one they had seen in such a long time, and even the stars on TV couldn't compare at all.And people, especially men, always have a special affection for beautiful girls.

"It's not an ambush, it's also our fault." The leading man suddenly said, he was also the only one among the three who didn't stare at Tang Yuan's face for a long time to tell who was born, but there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.Randomly calmed down, the man looked very masculine, exuding the seriousness and seriousness of a soldier.

"Your fault?"

"Stop talking, get in your car and evacuate to a safe place first." The man spoke in a deep voice, which was his habit in the army for many years.

After getting in the car, Tang Yuan was still driving. Even though she had just been rescued by these people, Tang Yuan was still worried about these people. Before they got on the car, she hid the small box under her feet and put the kitchen knife beside her. In case of accidents.

Based on her experience of reading so many post-apocalyptic novels, people's hearts in the post-apocalypse are unreliable.What's more, she is facing three old men now, and she is still wearing an extremely criminal face.

"It's not actually an ambush. We locked those zombies in the gas station." A man sitting in the back row suddenly spoke up. He was very strong, like a stone.

"Why do you lock up zombies?" Could it be that these people are going to be arrested for research on zombies, but they don't look alike in their appearance and temperament.

"No, those zombies are actually ordinary people who escaped with us. Unfortunately, they were infected with the virus. The girls in the team couldn't bear it, so they had to lock them up." Another thin and tall man immediately interjected to explain, obviously wanting to impress the beauty. .

"Lock it up?" Tangyuan can't comment on this matter, but although this kind of practice will not harm oneself, it will indirectly kill other people's lives, not to mention being locked up in a place with a lot of people like a gas station. The zombies came out to cheer, weren't they eaten right away?
"Yeah, we also think it's inappropriate, especially not to be locked up at the gas station, but the guy in the team insists that they are alienated wherever they are, so they should be locked up there. That is the last respect for life."

"Don't talk about Shitou. We are sorry about Miss Tang. You are going to the base too. You can consider traveling with us. We will go to the base tonight." Girl gets bored with bad words. "I forgot to tell you, my name is Qi Xiang."

"Ding Dong, Qi Xiang is the captain of the seventh team of the Night City base, a level [-] wood-type supernatural being, he is righteous and decisive, you can consider joining his team."

"Is there a condition to enter the base?" Tangyuan ignored what the system said. In the last days, the interests are the most important. A woman by herself can't find any place to help them except for a better kitchen knife dance. Join the team.Anyone who has read apocalyptic articles knows that team members are qualified to share the resources in the team.

"Well, two catties of rice or other supplies are needed."

Tangyuan nodded. There was no rice, but the supplies were still there, and there should be some in the box under their feet.


This is an abandoned garbage dump, and the stench of the sky masks the smell of people, making it a temporarily safe place.Behind the garbage dump, there is an abandoned house. At this time, there is a swollen belly in the courtyard. It looks like a pregnant woman, who is carefully handling a makeshift stove. A girl in a white T-shirt is beside her. I really want to help her, but I can't help her.

"Qi Xiang, you are back." The girl ran over with a smile after seeing it.

When Qi Xiang saw the girl, a doting smile appeared in his eyes.

"This is?" The girl immediately saw the person behind Qi Xiang, not because of how carefully she observed, but because this girl is so beautiful that people can't take away her beauty. If she was covered in frost Maybe it would look better if it melted a little.

"The girl we rescued at the gas station, if we hadn't arrived in time, she would have almost died because of the few zombies you left behind." Stone snorted angrily, and really didn't understand why the boss would I like such an indecisive woman.

"So, you killed them all." The girl's voice turned into tears instantly, and those bright eyes dimmed.

"If you don't kill them, are you still waiting for them to harm the rest of the surviving humans?" The tall and thin man couldn't stand it anymore, and said immediately.

"But they were also people who traveled with us!" The woman spoke more and more, obviously frightened by the tall and thin man.

"Monkey, if you speak too loudly, you will scare Lianhua." Qi Xiang immediately reprimanded his subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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