I build a city in the last days

Chapter 251 Qin Tianzhang (2)

Chapter 251 The Extra Story of Qin Tian (2)


All kinds of snoring and humming sounded everywhere.

In the dream, Qin Tian saw Xu Bai tossing and turning, looking at the top of the bed with his eyes open, feeling a little distressed.

He followed them all the way back, and he knew that this was no longer the world he was in. There was no Dawn City, no food, and even water was pitifully scarce.

After several hours, when it was dark, he saw himself handing Xu Bai a tiny piece of chocolate.

It was only about the size of a thumb, and he saw Xu Bai took a small bite, and wrapped up the other half with great care.

From that day forward, Qin Tian followed Xu Bai's side, and the two went on missions together, killing zombies and looking for supplies.

Xubai is an ice-type supernatural being, but perhaps because she has just awakened, her abilities are relatively average.

This is the reason why Xu Bai didn't tear his face even though he knew that the team members were extremely bad.

Not long after this, Xu Bai introduced his boyfriend Bai Louyue to him.

Bai Louyue is also in this base, but in another team.

The first time Qin Tian saw Bai Louyue, he didn't like this man.

But seeing Xu Bai's happy face, he had just met Xu Bai and didn't have much time, so he couldn't say anything. .
But Bai Louyue was also hostile to him.

The two hated each other, but they didn't show anything in front of Xu Bai.

Qin Tian occasionally inquired about Bai Louyue, but what he found out was no different from ordinary people. Qin Tian slowly felt relieved.

Another year or two.

Bai Louyue successfully overthrew the original base chief, and the two of them also left the original team.

Because of Bai Louyue's relationship, Xu Bai's life is much better than before, but Xu Bai is not a master who is willing to enjoy it behind his back, she works harder than before, and Qin Tian follows her to further places to collect materials.

But farther away means more dangerous.

On this day, they collected a small amount of grain in a city farther away, and in order to take a shortcut back, they turned over a mountain.

You must know that there are many dangerous places in the mountains, but they were lucky when they came last time, they didn't encounter any dangers, and the journey went smoothly, so this time they thought about going back the same way.

But luck always runs out.

Not long after they came in, they were chased by beasts all the way, and they strayed into a swamp in a hurry.

The swamp moved deeper and deeper.

Not long after the fall, Xu Bai stabilized himself in time, but each of them was carrying food on their backs, and fell into the swamp, fearing that they would not be able to eat the food.

Xu Bai just felt pity.

Fortunately, Qin Tian and several other team members did not fall off.

Only half of Qin Tian's foot sank, and he quickly pulled that half out.

"You guys, rescue the others, I will rescue Xu Bai, everyone at the same time."

Everyone grabbed their bamboo and wood, and Qin Tian started the countdown.

But in the face of life and death, everyone will be nervous.

Someone moved first, and just as Xu Bai was pulled up a little, his whole body sank quickly. In desperation, Qin Tian pulled Xu Bai away, but at the same time he was deeply trapped in it.

Xu Bai, who had just arrived on the shore, turned his head and saw Qin Tian sinking more and more.

Not in the swamp, Xu Bai could use his supernatural power to freeze the entire swamp, including Qin Tian.

After Qin Tian was rescued, his whole body was frozen to death, and he was warmed up by a fire element supernatural power.

"You should be the gourd baby saving the Lord. If I can use this ability, what will you do if you die?"

"Isn't there still you, I believe you." Xu Bai's tone was extremely fierce, and most of her anger was calmed down by Qin Tian's words, but she still kept a straight face, "There will be no next time."

"Okay, okay, let's go back quickly to avoid encountering any danger again. Everyone wants to rest for a while."

Xu Bai glanced at the others, and nodded, carrying a backpack full of mud in his hand, but feeling very irritable in his heart.

"It would be great if there were space powers among us, so that the materials we have collected so hard will not be ruined like this."

"Yeah, let's take the things with us and let the water-type supernatural beings wash them when we go back. Maybe they can still be eaten, what a pity..."

Xu Bai glanced at the person speaking, and nodded.

This time, they lost two or three players before returning to the base smoothly.

When they went back in the past, when Bai Louyue heard the news of their return, he would rush to Xu Bai's side to see if anything happened to her.

This time, it is no exception.

But as soon as he arrived, he saw a few people who were in a panic, and their bodies exuded a bad smell.

"Have you had any accidents?? My God, why did it happen like this? Hurry up. I'll let the water-type supernatural beings release water for you to clean. Everyone has worked hard."

"You've worked hard too. Don't go out next time. If something goes wrong, I'll go there and find you."

Bai Louyue's words were full of concern, but Qin Tian didn't miss the disgust in his eyes.

Xu Bai followed them so hard to collect materials, and this man hid in the base, as he said, he wanted to manage the base and be their backing.

Enjoy everything they bring.

He still has a face of disdain for Xubai.

Qin Tian clenched his fists, enduring his emotions.

"Have you found the substance this time?"

When Bai Louyue saw the several backpacks that were so dirty that they could no longer be seen, his head ached and his anger surged up, but luckily he held back in time.

Sending Xu Bai and others to clean up first, Qin Tian deliberately lagged behind by a few steps.

After everyone else left, Qin Tian went back to Bai Louyue, and happened to hear Bai Louyue muttering disgusted voice: "A group of wastes, a group of wastes, they made the food like this, and now they still have the face to wash it. Myself, wasting water, wasting water..."

Qin Tian couldn't hold back anymore.

Bai Louyue was gathered together in two or three strokes.

At this time, Bai Louyue was still the head of the base, and he was not too harsh on others, so after a while, someone came to rescue Bai Louyue.

Qin Tian didn't even think about killing Bai Louyue.

After all, Xu Bai still doesn't know Bai Louyue's true face. If he wants to kill Bai Louyue, it means that his brother can't be saved.

But he still needs to be taught a lesson.

"You despise us for being so dirty, then I will let you experience it."

After Qin Tian captured Bai Louyue, he took off his sock with one hand.

These are a pair of stinky socks that have not been washed for more than half a month and have been stepped on the mud.

A handful was stuffed into Bai Louyue's mouth.

"Bai Louyue, this is the first and last time, let me know that there are other crooked things in your heart, be careful, I want you to look good."

(End of this chapter)

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