I build a city in the last days

Chapter 232 My city is amazing

Chapter 232 My city is amazing
The construction of the railway was completed, and it took about a month for everyone to go from disbelief at the beginning to close communication later on.

The road is convenient, and Shuguang City is also very busy. Those who lack material came to Shuguang City and snatched all the food, clothes and other daily necessities in Shuguang City, and made an appointment for vaccination.

Everything is available.

It seems that the desire to buy has been aroused for a long time, and I can't stop buying.

If all the products in Dawn City hadn't been stopped for sale, these people might still be able to continue to buy them.

Looking at the empty supermarkets, shops, etc., Xu Bai smiled helplessly, "Building roads first is really the kingly way."

Relying on this wave of sales, Xu Bai bought the lowest-level aircraft in the interstellar world.

This aircraft can only accommodate two people. Xu Bai relied on the manual and simple operation video to get on it. In less than half an hour, she arrived in Rongcheng. It was much better than ordinary transportation. The tool is much faster.

In the beginning, Xubai bumped into it several times due to poor operation at the beginning, but there was no damage to the aircraft.

"Even the lowest level is much more advanced than ours. It seems that it will take a long time for us to enter the era of technology." Xu Bai sighed with emotion, and vacated the position, letting Ji Heng try to start the same The feel of the aircraft.

When Shi Miaozheng came over, he only saw an afterimage passing by in mid-air.

She doesn't care, there are many mutated birds appearing in the last days.

"Why didn't you say something in advance when you came alone?" Shi Miaozheng walked to Xu Bai's side, followed her gaze, and found that there was nothing, so she withdrew her gaze and landed on Xu Bai's face .

"I couldn't get in touch a while ago, is there something wrong?"

Shi Miaozheng is busy on weekdays, and she doesn't like to inquire about these things on the phone. She only knows that they are safe and sound, but why can't they be contacted but no one responds.

This meeting is in front of him, and he is not so busy, Shi Miaozheng remembered this time and asked.

Xu Bai explained briefly to Shi Miaozheng while waiting for Ji Heng to come back.

"The oasis is a magical place."

"Let's say that they survived the most difficult first year or two before the end of the world a little bit, but if they come out of that oasis and encounter the current situation, they can still live well. If zombies are still in charge, I'm afraid it has long been the ration of zombies, and they are also some lucky people."

Shi Miaozheng knew that Xu Bai was waiting for Ji Heng, and the two of them answered each sentence.

Until a car that looked like a flying saucer parked in front of their eyes.

When Ji Heng gets off the aircraft, the aircraft will also lower from its original floating position in mid-air, enough to ensure that young and old can get up and down by themselves.

Shi Miaozheng's eyes lit up, and she took a closer look, "Can you let me try this? Teach me how to do it. Is it a car just developed by Shuguang City?? Are there more? I'll build one."

The speed of the aircraft is very fast, and Shi Miaozheng can see it in his eyes. With a car of this speed, besides being used as a train, isn't it just to go to places farther away?
"I just don't know if it will be attacked by creatures in the air if it is opened in the middle of the night."

"It won't be long."

Xu Bai smiled, but at the same time he was muttering in his heart, not knowing how long it would take to finish.

"Well, let me try it first."

Shi Miaozheng has always been calm and composed, and when she seldom sees her clamoring for a try like a little girl, Xu Bai asks Ji Heng to teach her.

The aircraft is very easy to control, and most of the operations are automatic and intelligent.

You just need to be optimistic about the direction.

Shi Miaozheng got started quickly, and took Ji Heng to experience the feeling of floating in mid-air again.


Xu Bai walked in Rongcheng.

Seeing that the zombies are not afraid of the cold, they are still moving bricks to build houses, while learning to speak.

Shi Qinghe's meeting did not exaggerate the facts.

Today's zombies cannot be compared with the past.

The timing of Xu Bai's arrival was a bit of a coincidence. Not long after, the zombies stopped work and queued up to buy nutrient solution. She could feel the spiritual fluctuations of the zombies, but she was still very honest.

Xu Bai stood on the side and watched the long dragon quietly.

Recalling the early days of the end of the world, she had just been reborn, full of hostility, thought she was a zombie, and wanted to recruit a bunch of zombie brothers.

Just when Xu Bai was thinking about the past, a phone call broke her contemplation.

As soon as he picked it up, he heard Academician Bo Minwen briefly report what happened recently, his voice was tired but his joy could not be concealed.

"Academician Bo Minwen, is there any new research progress?"


Successfully brought the zombies back to their senses!
There are already [-] successful examples!
Every time he heard a sentence, Xu Bai couldn't help being happy. When Ji Heng and Shi Miaozheng came over, he saw Xu Bai listening to the phone with a smile on his face. When he saw them coming, Xu Bai turned the phone over. Hang up, "Come on, let's go back to Dawn City, a new research has been successful."

"They have managed to bring some zombies back to their senses. Miaozheng will wait until they promote the medicine. You will have to be busy for a while. Someone will come over and record their state after taking the medicine with you."

"According to them, each zombie will have a different effect after taking the medicine, and it must be recorded at that time, so that they can study it better."

Shi Miaozheng nodded, feeling happy for the good news.

Watch them leave.

There used to be a zombie city and a zombie store, and now the zombies have regained their senses. When the news spread, everyone was shocked.

"My city is awesome!"

"What's the difference between this drug and the domestication of the demon master in Rongcheng?"

"Domestication may not be successful. Be patient, just like quitting smoking, but the effect of medicine can make them regain their sanity. As for whether they will be zombies later, it depends on how the domesticated zombies decide. Living with humans, they still have to be chased. kill."

Xu Bai didn't respond to the things that the people in Dawn City were talking about. She was busy taking the twenty or so "zombies" who had regained their senses out of the scientific research building.

The feet of the "zombies" were all buckled with anklets, which were controlled within a certain range.

The "zombies" who regained their sanity will think and have their own cognition. They know how terrible monsters they have become, and even in their memories that they no longer remember, they have eaten... people...

Shi Qinghe took up the difficult task of detecting these "zombies" with the guard team.

After all, no one knows whether these normalized people will break out again.

The "zombies" at this time were all normal, sitting on the ground in a daze.

an hour...

two hours...


Throughout the morning, these "zombies" were not violent, but sat on the ground obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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