I build a city in the last days

Chapter 228 Awakening, Leaving the Oasis

Chapter 228 Awakening, Leaving the Oasis
Before winter, Xu Bai and Ji Heng tried many methods, but they couldn't go out.

They stayed in the oasis for a long time and had a clear understanding of the situation in the oasis. The people in the oasis are also used to the two of them walking around in the oasis on weekdays. Because King Itsaro is interested in Xu Bai's relationship, although everyone is very envious They have no worries about food and clothing, but they dare not act rashly.

The night before winter.

This is the time Itsaro gave them both.

That night, Xu Bai, Ji Heng, and Yi Saluo sat near the oasis pool, waiting for the moment when the oasis pool disappeared.

"Are we really successful?"

In the middle of the night, Yesaluo suddenly opened his mouth, stood up, looked at the pool of water, feeling anxious, and became more and more anxious the closer it was to dawn.

If it fails this time, it means waiting another year.

Itsaro couldn't wait to see the future world she had seen.

If Xu Bai was trapped in the oasis for a year, it would be a year of delay. There are many things that can be done in a year, and it would be a delay of opportunity.

More than anyone else, Itsaro hopes that Subai can get out of the oasis.

The moment the sun rises.

The water in the oasis pool is also shrinking...


Xu Bai tried to control the oasis pool with spiritual powers, and kept pulling open the gap when the oasis pool was about to shrink to close.

Ji Heng and Yesaluo standing next to them could clearly feel the shaking of the terrain, and then saw the gap widen, covering the oasis that was originally bright, and plunged into darkness.

At this point, many people in the oasis have already risen.

Seeing the gloomy sky, everyone panicked, accompanied by waves of earthquakes and mountains shaking.

"There's an earthquake, there's an earthquake."

They all told each other, raced against time to escape, and ran to a wide area.

They didn't find the newly emerging oasis pool this year. Could it be that God wants to wipe out their oasis?

As everyone ran, this question popped up in their minds.

But Xu Bai only felt that a mysterious force was constantly attacking her spiritual power, pulling and competing with her.

Ji Heng next to him saw the blood oozing from the corner of Xu Bai's mouth, his eyes were full of distress, but he wanted to help but he couldn't do it.

Xu Bai's face became paler, and her standing steps were a little unsteady, Ji Heng supported her in time, half leaning on her body, wishing she could do this for Xu Bai.

His head started to hurt, and he vaguely saw two threads constantly entangled and pulled, making it hard to tell the winner.

Ji Heng looked at the dignified Itzalo, and asked, "Did you see two lines in front of us?"

Yasaro shook his head, frothing in his mouth in anxiety.

Is this the spiritual power displayed by their spiritual abilities?

Ji Heng followed Xu Bai's example, closing his eyes and searching in his mind. He saw a few stars emerging from the darkness.

Whenever he collects that bit of starlight, the field of vision in his mind becomes wider, and he can even clearly feel the wind and grass around him.

He awakened the spiritual power!
is the!

Ji Heng seemed to have captured that mysterious power and was also trying to control it with his mental power. However, Ji Heng had just awakened and the level of his mental power was so low that he couldn't even figure out how to control it.

Ji Heng tried for a long time before he figured out the way to match Xu Bai's mental power with his spiritual power.

Ji Heng's mental strength is extremely weak, and when she got on the line, Xu Bai felt a weak force supporting her.

After realizing that it was Ji Heng, Xu Bai was shocked, remembering that Ji Heng, the zombie king of the dead city in her previous life, controlled countless zombie armies with her psychic abilities. The force breaks.

The ground beneath his feet was churning.

The barrier shrouded in the sky exploded, accompanied by a more serious earthquake.

Dusty, deafening...


When Xu Bai woke up, she was lying on the ground, her left hand was pressed by a stone, while Ji Heng above her was pale, with drops of blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, dripping onto her cheeks.

When the entire ground rolls over.

Ji Heng hugged her tightly in his arms.

Xu Bai had a headache, and his mouth was dry and his voice was hoarse, "Ji Heng...Ji Heng, wake up..."

There are not many buildings near where they were buried, but they were buried very deep.

It took a long time for Isalo to dig them out with people. After a whole day and night, when Izaro dug them up, he saw two people who were falling into a coma. Ji Heng held Xu Bai tightly in his arms. When pulling them out, Ji Heng still held her hand firmly, not separating them.

Itsaro was also buried in the ground, but she wasn't buried particularly deep.

Together with the already safe guards coming to look for her, she was quickly rescued.

The staff in the Oasis Hospital also had people with healing abilities. After they were healed, Xu Bai and Ji Heng still did not wake up for a long time.

Itsaluo's mood dropped a lot just because he was able to walk out of the oasis.

The oasis is no longer trapped under the desert. After counting the people in the oasis, Yi Saluo is going to take the people out of the desert to find a better place to live.

There are also many dangers in the desert, so it is safest to leave the desert as soon as possible.

Although Xu Bai and the others didn't wake up, they still had someone temporarily find some of their waste from the ruins, made two rough stretchers, put the two of them on them, and carried them away.

Xu Bai and Ji Heng are now the benefactors of the oasis, and everyone takes turns carrying the stretcher, and from time to time pay attention to the discomfort of the two of them.

He was in a coma for five or six days.

Xu Bai just woke up, and when she opened her eyes, she was staggering, and she glanced at the sandy surroundings.

"woke up!"

Xu Bai woke up!

Everyone cheered, and the person carrying the stretcher quickly put Xu Bai on the ground.

After Ji Heng woke up the day before yesterday, everyone thought that Xu Bai would wake up soon, but unexpectedly, he did not wake up for a day or two. Everyone was worried that Xu Bai would suddenly fall into a coma like this , became a vegetable.

Fortunately, she will wake up now.

"Xubai, do you still feel uncomfortable?"

Ji Heng squatted beside Xu Bai, held her shoulders with both hands, looked at Xu Bai, saw that Xu Bai was full of energy, and felt a little relieved.

"No, what about you?" Xu Bai coughed a few times, and took the bottle of water handed over by Issaro, "I found it in the ruins, do you still have it in your space, do you drink mine?"

Before breaking through the oasis, Issaro asked the oasis people to prepare a lot of water in advance, and when they were looking for people, they all collected the materials they saw.

After walking in the desert for five or six days, everyone's food problem was extremely serious.

This is one of the few things Yasara can leave for Subai.

(End of this chapter)

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