I build a city in the last days

Chapter 215 Everyone Has a Home, The Dead Have No Home

Chapter 215 Everyone Has a Home, The Dead Have No Home

The car shook violently.

Ji Heng honked the horn, stepped up the accelerator, and knocked the animal in front of him into the air.

But the tiger in front of him had obviously mutated. Its huge body stood straight in front of him, and he raised his paws and put them on the front of the car.

As soon as it moved, the car moved accordingly.

Ji Heng, Xu Bai: "..."

"A mutant tiger with infinite power?"

The mutant tiger stood up. It was 1.5 meters tall and thick, as if it saw a fun toy. It put its claws on the two ends of the car and lifted the car like this.

Thank you, they experienced the feeling of "flying car" for the first time.

Seemingly curious about them sitting inside, the mutant tiger stuck out its tongue and licked the car window. After licking a mouthful of ashes, it angrily threw the car down, then clenched its front paws into a fist, and hit the car window heavily. In front of the car.

Fortunately, after the car was thrown down, Xu Bai and Ji Heng rolled out of the car in time, and mixed into these mutated animals at the fastest speed.

These mutated animals include not only mutated tigers, but also wolves, snakes, etc.

For a moment, Xu Bai thought that the place where they were resting had strayed into the meeting place of animals, otherwise how could these animals who were not in harmony gather together in the middle of the night.

"We may not be able to solve them all. We need to evacuate as soon as possible." Tong Yangnian shouted. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a car being rolled back by the snake's tail just a few meters away.

Tong Yangnian: "..."

Seeing that he couldn't escape, he had no choice but to face him.

Xu Bai, Ji Heng and the mutated tiger were looking at each other. The mutated tiger was not only extremely powerful, but also had rough skin and thick flesh.

Ji Heng, who is also of the strength department, chopped it down with a single knife, but it only caused the mutant tiger to bleed a little.

Seeing the blood, the mutant tiger howled, his voice even more deafening.

The surrounding animals were also approaching them.

Do you need to call for help?
Xu Bai and Ji Heng soon saw wounds on their bodies.

Ji Heng ran towards the back of the mutated tiger as if he didn't know the pain. The mutated tiger was very angry. It was the king of the forest and was injured by a weak human. If word spread, how could it be a big man in the animal circle? guy?

Can't bear it, damn it.

Kill this human being and give it to the other little brothers.

The mutated tiger snorted and jumped up. At the same time, Ji Heng seemed to predict its movements, and when the mutated tiger jumped, it hovered over its body and chopped it off with an axe.

Ji Heng exerted all his strength, seeing Xu Bai surrounded by many other animals, Ji Heng became anxious, he broke through the eighth step at the critical moment, his hands surged upwards, and gathered on his hands.

At this time, the strength in the hand is twice as strong as before, and the knife will see the bottom.

The mutated tiger was lying on the ground with blood flowing all over its body, and when it saw Ji Heng walking towards it, it shook its body in fear.

Last breath...

Ji Heng stepped forward to make the last stab, and sent the mutant tiger away.

The mutant tiger never imagined that one day he would die at the hands of humans it had always looked down upon.

After the death of this mutant tiger, the morale of the animal group dropped by more than half, and many of them already wanted to retreat, which gave Xu Bai and others a lot of room to fight back and take advantage of the situation.

Except for a few who had already run away, they quickly killed all the animals surrounding them.

It was still dark at this time, and they were sitting on the ground by the headlights of the car.

Everyone is covered in blood.

"Brother, don't die, wake up, I only have you as a family member left, what will I do if you die?"

In the corner, He Xiaoxiao was crying. She was kneeling on the ground, her body was covered with blood, and her face and arms were injured a lot. In front of He Xiaoxiao, she had only one breath left. He Shiwei.

He Shiwei raised his hand, trying to wipe away He Xiaoxiao's tears, "Don't...don't...cry..."

Just before he touched He Xiaoxiao's face when he was lifted into the air, his hands fell to the ground weakly, and he closed his eyes.

"Brother! It's all because Xiaoxiao is useless."

He Xiaoxiao hurriedly took He Shiwei's hand, and put his hand on her face, "Why do you bear these attacks for me, obviously I can, so that we don't have to die, two people at most , maybe two people were seriously injured, we are still alive."

"Why are you so stupid, why did you leave me alone?"

He Xiaoxiao howled and cried, and someone close to her patted her on the shoulder, "Don't cry, it's easy to attract zombies, we have to get out of here as soon as possible, let the earth-type supernatural beings build a small grave, Hurry up."

These words stimulated He Xiaoxiao, she got up and slapped the hand of the healing power user, glaring and roaring.

"It's not your brother who died, of course you can say lightly that you have to leave quickly."

"This is my brother, I haven't buried him properly yet."

"It's all your fault. If you hadn't brought our two siblings out of the sausage processing factory, my brother might still be alive."

Everyone: "..."

"You have to send my brother off to the last city here. He can't be left dead in the wilderness."

Everyone looked around at the slightly empty place, which was far away from the barren mountains and mountains, and was speechless for a while.

It wasn't just He Shiwei who died, the people in Tong Yangnian's hands were injured and died.

Originally there were more than ten people, but now they can be counted on ten fingers.

Everyone silently mourned for their dead teammates. The earth-type superpower simply built a small hill for them and prepared to leave.

These dead animal corpses, the fire-type power user has already started to set fire to burn them, for fear that more animals will be attracted in a while.

Now this woman is still arguing with them here.

"She doesn't want to go, we go by ourselves."

Task [-]: Everyone has a home, but the dead have no home.

Xu Bai hates people who don't know what is good or bad, she can bring them along, and she can also throw them away.

He Xiaoxiao, who was left here alone, had no vehicle and little ability to protect herself. Most likely she would die here or somewhere else.

Seeing Xubai's words, other people got into the car that was still in good condition one after another and were about to leave. After He Xiaoxiao realized it, he squeezed into the car at a high speed, regardless of whether the people beside him were injured or not, they squeezed into the car.

Turning around, he immediately threw He Shiwei's body on the spot.

She didn't look sad and crying at all. After getting in the car, she wiped away the tears, fearing that others would leave her here, and closed the car door.

"Can you let the earth-type supernatural powers also build a small hill for my brother?"

The people in the car ignored him and drove straight behind.

Why do you want to go early and waste their time.

"Hey, this is too much for you guys. Do you still have any sense of public morality? He is a human being, because you didn't protect him well. He died, and now you have to let him beheaded here."

Xu Bai and Ji Heng were sitting side by side, and the wounds on their bodies had been healed by a healing power user, and they heard what He Xiaoxiao said in another car.

Xu Bai rolled down the car window, "Then get out of the car and dig a grave for your brother. It will better reflect your sister's love."

(End of this chapter)

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