I build a city in the last days

Chapter 206 Warning, build roads first if you want to get rich

Chapter 206 Warning, build roads first if you want to get rich

Xu Tianhe seemed to have returned to his pre-apocalyptic self. Being oppressed and bullied, he could only swallow his anger and apologize to others.

"No, I'm not wrong, I just want to become stronger."

The lingering figure in his mind constantly stimulated Xu Tianhe.

Xu Tianhe opened his eyes, struggled again, and glanced at the crowd watching not far from the first floor. Seeing their frightened and angry expressions pointing at him, he roared, "Don't you want to become stronger? According to my research, you don’t need to limit your talents, everyone can practice supernatural powers, and everyone doesn’t have to be afraid of being killed by others or zombies, isn’t it good? What I did is obviously beneficial to everyone, why am I guilty?! "

"You are not qualified to deal with me."

Xu Bai made a gesture towards Shi Qinghe who was standing on the ground, seeing Xu Bai's signal, Shi Qinghe opened the top of the cage, the zombie struggled to get out of the cage, and at the same time, Xu Bai Holding the scissors, Bai cut off the rope that tied Xu Tianhe and watched him fall into the cage, becoming the ration of the zombies.

"We don't want to be strong in this way."

"What's the difference between this method and killing [-] enemies and losing [-]?"

"With people like him around, more of our family members will die in the hands of zombies. It's damn near."


Before Xu Tianhe turned into a zombie, he heard people's discussions, and he was in a trance. He couldn't help thinking, did he really do something wrong?
In an instant, there were two zombies in the cage.

After Xu Tianhe fell down, Shi Qinghe took the time to lock the lid of the cage again, seeing that Xu Tianhe's request had been met and turned into a zombie, Shi Qinghe hurriedly ordered the zombies in the cage to be transported back to scientific research Building.

The residents of Dawn City didn't dare to make a sound when they saw this scene, and looked at Xu Bai standing by the window.

"I don't want to talk too much about the truth with you. I believe everyone can see clearly that Dawn City does not welcome the existence of such extreme ideas."

"Until the zombies have regained their sanity and can live like normal people, they are still our primary enemy."

"It is not allowed to consciously enhance their strength for any reason."

"If something like this happens again, it's not just Xu Tianhe's fate."

Not only did Xu Bai swear harshly in front of Shuguang City, he even went to Jiao Nanmu to post the matter on the forum to warn people in other regions.

The tide of zombies was not caused by Xu Tianhe, but after increasing the strength of the zombies and letting them go outside, not a single snowflake was innocent during the avalanche.

Xu Bai leaned against Ji Heng's arms, calming down.

Ji Heng was a qualified companion, patting Xu Bai's back with his big hands.

After realizing that Xu Bai's mood had improved, he said: "Next time, just tell me about this kind of thing. Don't affect your health for someone who is not worth it."

Xu Bai sighed, "I never regarded myself as a savior, but when I worked hard to build a city and wanted to give myself and everyone a better living environment, I couldn't help it when someone held back."

"I understand."

After Jiao Nanmu released the good news, Shangjing City, who used to pay close attention to Dawn City, immediately called Xubai.

Xu Bai leaned against Ji Heng's arms and was resting with his eyes closed, when the bell rang and woke her up.

After receiving it, I heard the question from the other end, "City Master Xubai, why didn't you tell us about the things on the forum first, this kind of genius can be used by us as long as we give some guidance, guide it to the right direction, and fight for it as soon as possible Research a solution to the zombies."

"Are you serious? Mr. He." Xu Bai cleared his throat with a cold voice.

He Changjun choked. He didn't know that this way of dealing with people was far better than keeping or imprisoning them. It was attracted by the end of the world. Except for those they sent people to manage directly, the order of most cities had already been messed up. .

Xu Bai is merciless, and he can warn many people with small thoughts.

But making a decision on your own without first informing, is it the same as what others said, meaning to start anew?So she never stays long in the listing.

"City Master Xubai, we feel very sorry for your Dawn City encountering a large wave of zombies. I don't know how the situation in the city is now. Do you need us to send someone to help?"

Xu Bai raised his eyebrows, "It's up to you, Mr. He, there is only one flower-growing country."

He Changjun looked at the hung up phone, and was a little dazed for a while. There is only one flower-growing country. Is it the flower-growing country headed by Xubai or is it headed here?

He Changjun was surrounded by several other people from different factions.

"Well, how did she explain it? Is there something else that can't be said directly on the forum, or is there another reason?"

"No matter what the reason is, you should first ask us for instructions. Doing so is presumptuous."

He Changjun recounted Xu Bai's original words, and immediately went crazy again, speculating on Xu Bai's intentions.

"Don't think too badly about the little girl. There is only one flower-growing country, and how many people have been protected by one person. If Xubai hadn't established a processing factory here, many people would have traveled to Beijing by car, no Build and restore your home well, and do this all day long."

"There is no need to send someone to Dawn City."

"The collection of building materials in Area C will be completed within three days after the order is issued."



In Dawn City.

"They are worried about this place, want to send someone over here?" Ji Heng asked while pouring tea for Xu Bai.

"Maybe? Don't worry about them." Xu Bai didn't care about these.

She welcomes those who come here to only care about the residents and not to be monsters.

"Now we have more important things to do."


Seeing Xubai spread out the map, Ji Heng stepped forward suspiciously, looking at the map she placed on the table.

The map is the entire territory of the flower country.

Xubai drew many marks on it.

Starting from Dawn City, head south to the left and even go to the west. After the end of the world, no one has ever gone to the northwest of the west. To the south, they only went to the south city once two or three years ago, and have never gone to the south since then. city.

In recent years, no one from there has fled to Dawn City.

Like a broken letter, they were completely disconnected from the other part of the map.

No one knows what the current situation is in this large area.

"Do you want to put the itinerary of building the train in this area?" Ji Heng's index finger slid across the other half of the map.


"I've thought about it. With our current plan, we may not be able to complete the remaining [-] to [-]% of the progress in the last eight or nine years, and we need to reserve some more time to judge whether our approach is correct. .”

"So, if you want to get rich, you have to build roads first."

 This month will be over, is there anyone else you want to watch?
(End of this chapter)

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