I build a city in the last days

Chapter 140 Guarding Your Home

Chapter 140 Guarding Your Home
"Drink some water."

Xu Bai took the water that Ji Heng handed over, gulped it all down, sat on the chair where the gatekeeper used to be, raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, and put the empty water bottle on the table.

He took a meat bun from Shi Qinghe and devoured it hungrily.

After regaining consciousness, Xu Bai followed Shi Qinghe downstairs, lay down and closed his eyes to rest.

No one felt that there was anything wrong. Only after a good rest could they have the energy and energy to come over and kill the zombies.

Xu Bai only came over after resting for an hour, his tiredness could not be concealed on his face.

"Why are you here again? Go back and rest."

As soon as Xu Bai came up, Ji Heng noticed it immediately, and came over to stop Xu Bai, and let Xu Bai go downstairs to rest, but realized that he had no identity, and as soon as he raised his hand, Ji Heng silently put it down.

"Yes, City Lord, go back quickly, we can hold on."

Xu Baihui waved his hand, walked to the wall, looked down, there were already a lot of zombie corpses piled up there, and there were more and more zombies.

"It would be great if there were piranhas over there at your house."

Seeing the densely packed heads of zombies, Xu Baitong said with emotion that he only hated himself for not being a wood-type supernatural being, so he couldn't take that piranha into his hands.

Xu Bai took the telescope and scanned the zombies underground. He happened to look at a zombie among the zombies. Through the telescope, Xu Bai clearly saw the corners of the zombie's mouth raised, as if he was laughing. she.

When she locked the target of this sixth-level zombie in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, she found that he was hiding again.

It's like playing peek-a-boo with her.

Just as Xu Bai discovered the traces of the sixth-level zombies, they disappeared again. After going back and forth several times, Xu Bai gritted his teeth angrily, and the sea of ​​consciousness was already covered with dense dots.

Under the mental attack of the sixth-order zombies, her spirit was a little confused,

Xu Bai raised his hand to wipe off the sweat emerging from his forehead, and put his hands on the city wall.

When he raised his eyes, he cut off the sixth-order zombie while he was not paying attention.

The sixth-order zombie is a slightly better-looking zombie among the zombies. He mixed in among the zombies. After being cut off by Subai and his lower jaw, the sixth-order spiritual zombie became angry and didn't care about exposing himself. head roaring.

The sixth-order zombies are the organizers of this group of zombies, that is, their zombie kings.

The zombie king let out a furious roar, and the rest of the zombies were affected, banging on the door even more frantically.

Xu Bai glanced and saw Tong Yangnian and others standing at the other end. He walked up and asked them for the cannonball wooden warehouse they had.

Mu Jing looked at Tong Yangnian hesitantly, and after getting Tong Yangnian's approval, she handed the cannonball on her shoulder to Xu Bai. Just as she was about to explain how to use it to Xu Bai, she saw Xu Bai effortlessly After resisting, a shell was hit in the distance, making a lot of harsh zombie sounds.

After sweeping several places, Xu Bai didn't return it to Mu Jing until there was no more shells in the wooden cannonball bin.

"Are you okay?" Seeing that Xu Bai's face was extremely pale, Tong Yangnian thought that she couldn't bear the power of this thing, so he asked.

"It's okay." Xu Bai put his hands on the city wall, closed his eyes, and quietly felt the traces of the sixth-order zombies in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The originally orderly group of zombies in the Sea of ​​Consciousness has begun to become chaotic. Instead of hitting the city gates in a targeted manner, they help each other climb up the city wall. At the door, more flexible zombies stepped up from the zombies at the foot of the city wall.

The zombies climbing up the city wall exploded, and the remnants fell down, and the rest of the zombies climbing up desperately grabbed hold of it, and the scene was once bloody.

Xu Bai used up the last sliver of his freshly recovered mental power, and the blood in his mouth welled up. Xu Bai raised his hand to wipe the overflowing blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the others: "The sixth-order zombies have been eliminated, the next It’s up to you, destroy them and protect your home.”

"Guard our home!"

What responded to Xu Bai was their loud declaration in unison.

Seeing Xu Bai's weak and strong support, Ji Heng felt a pain in his heart, and hurriedly stepped forward to carry him on his shoulder.

"Stop talking, let's take you to rest."

It was the first time that Xu Bai completely exhausted his mental strength, and he was so exhausted that when Ji Heng carried her on his back, she was drowsy, and she was about to fall asleep in the next second.

Ji Heng carried Xu Bai back to her hut, and unlocked it with Xu Bai's fingerprint.

This is the first time Ji Heng stepped into Xu Bai's home, and the furniture is simple and clear at a glance. Ji Heng gently hugs Xu Bai and puts him on the bed to lie down, then pours water for Xu Bai and feeds her a few sips.

"Rest peacefully, we are here."

Xu Bai nodded, and closed his eyes heavily. After entering the eyes, Xu Bai came to a vast expanse of whiteness. No matter how she walked, she couldn't see the end. When she saw a certain peach blossom tree growing into a big , she walked over with strides, the closer she got to the branch of the peach blossom tree, the more joyously it swayed...


Ji Heng pulled up Shi Qinghe who was sleeping, and pulled Shi Qinghe all the way back to the gate of the city wall.

Ask Shi Qinghe to send him down the city gate.

"Brother, there are so many zombies down here, next time you are caught casually, you will turn into a zombie, just wait for our long-range abilities to slowly consume these zombies, okay?" Shi Qinghe said a little He has a headache, he doesn't want to help, if Ji Heng goes out of the city, gets scratched a little bit by the zombies in the crowd of zombies, and turns into a zombie, he will feel sorry for Ji's father and mother who have already turned into zombies.

Under Ji Heng's insistence, Shi Qinghe had no choice but to follow his will, wrap him with water abilities and send him down the city gate.

Shi Qinghe, who had just rested for a few hours, has recovered a lot of abilities, and he can still send a person to the outermost place among the zombies.

As soon as Ji Heng went down, the zombies turned their heads in the direction of Ji Heng. For this reason, the earth-type supernatural beings guarding the city gate were relieved. They were almost unable to hold on!
Bright wiped off the profuse sweat on his head, and hurriedly beckoned to other earth-type supernatural beings not to relax.

After building a golden shield gate for the city gate, Mingliang ran towards the high wall.

Tong Shi Qinghe looked nervously at Ji Heng's slashing figure with an ax in both hands downstairs on the city wall, and at the same time, like Shi Qinghe, helped Ji Heng make up the knife to protect Ji Heng from being injured by zombies.

Ji Heng firmly remembered what Xu Bai said, so as not to let himself be hurt.

But right now, he is also red-eyed.

The blood of the zombies was sprayed all over his body, and all he could think about in his mind was to destroy the zombies, destroy!

Ji Heng kicked away the zombies who surrounded him and tried to grab and bite him, and the other side raised the ax to slash at the zombies next to him. When he realized that the zombies were getting closer to him, Ji Heng rolled over and landed on the ground Rolled a few times, and went to the place where there were few zombies on the other side.

"Xiaohe, send me down too."

(End of this chapter)

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