Chapter 138 Shields

It is normal for newborn babies to be ugly.

But this child was different. There was a grass-like thing hanging on his head. Qi's mother came up in one breath and almost passed out.

"This... bright..."

Qi's mother was a little panicked, her voice was crying, her daughter gave birth to such a monster, would this Mingliang abandon her daughter?

Qi's mother is very satisfied with Mingliang's son-in-law. When the end of the world comes, she takes their mother and daughter to flee around. No matter how short of food, she would rather starve herself than starve her daughter. It's useless, a man who takes a mouthful of food is a thousand times stronger.

Furthermore, Qi Yueyue likes him so much, Ruo Mingliang dislikes Qi Yueyue because of this...

Don't dare to think. Don't dare to think.

Mother Qi didn't even dare to look at Mingliang.

Seeing Qi's mother crying, Mingliang thought something serious was wrong with the child, so he turned pale with fright and hurried up to check. Seeing a piece of grass on the child's head, Mingliang also froze in place.

No matter what, this is his own child.

In this environment, it is the greatest blessing that the mother and child are safe.

"Mom, it's okay. It's not like before. Other children won't laugh at him. In this environment, the safety of mother and child is the most important thing."

Seeing that Mingliang turned to comfort her, Qi's mother also showed a smile on her face, "Yes, yes, yes."

Isn't it just that, now is the end of the world, there are no more children than before, it's pretty good if they can grow up smoothly, isn't it just an extra grass on the head?Maybe he had his own abilities since he was a child?
Seeing Mingliang holding her awkwardly, with the joy of becoming a father still on her face, Qi's mother felt completely at ease.

"It's a gifted one."

Xu Bai stepped forward and took a few glances. In the previous life, there were children born with certain characteristics of this kind, but they were rare. Usually, people with these characteristics are more ordinary than those awakened later under the cultivation of supernatural powers. People come faster, but because of this talent, they can't be controlled at all when they are babies, and it will only start to appear outside the skin surface. When they are older, they can flexibly control their abilities before they can be put away.

"City Master, you mean... have supernatural powers?"

Xu Bai nodded: "Yes, before he is two or three years old, these characteristics will become more and more obvious. There is no need to pull them out. They will be fine when he grows up. It can be seen that he is a wood-type supernatural being."

"You should also pay more attention when raising your children. It is not easy to take care of babies with special powers."

There was a person in her previous life base who also worked hard to give birth to a child. He was born with fire powers. He either almost burned himself or almost burned the house. It was extremely miserable.

"Okay, okay." Qi's mother was excited. She was still fantasizing about whether she had supernatural powers since she was a child, but it was confirmed by the city lord. How could she not be excited?
With supernatural powers, he will at least have the ability to protect himself when he grows up.

Ji Heng, who has been standing by the side all the time, raised his eyes and listened to her talking to Liangliang about things that need to be paid attention to when he was a baby.

Ji Heng's eyes dimmed.

After getting along these days, he always felt that Xu Bai knew a lot of things that they didn't know. It felt like Xu Bai had experienced the apocalypse and lived in the apocalypse for many years...

But is it possible?
Ji Heng couldn't find the answer, walked out of the medical room, looked up at the dark sky at the door of the office, stared at the dark sky for a long time, until the rain fell, Ji Heng came back to his senses, took a few steps back, and looked inside Shout: "It's raining, it's heavy."

Due to the impact of the previous two rains, everyone was a little nervous after hearing the rain.

Xu Bai immediately ordered Xu Qing to broadcast, telling everyone not to go out, and while taking out his mobile phone to post an announcement on the Shuguang Forum, he told others to close the doors and windows.

The rain was heavy and fierce.

This continued for three full days before it stopped.

Fortunately, in Shuguang City, she could still control the mobilization of things from the warehouse. Everyone thought that Xu Bai took them from her space. Fortunately, Xu Bai's space could store some food at any time. Otherwise, in the past two or three days, It's raining heavily, and there are only umbrellas in the office. You'll get wet every minute you go out.

Getting wet is not terrible, what is terrible is not knowing whether the rain will make people mutate into zombies again.

"Next time, I'll put some food and quilts here in the office, so as not to encounter this kind of situation again." Xu Qing wrapped himself in his overcoat, still shivering from the cold.

After the rain, it is accompanied by colder cold air.

Everyone is too cold.

The drainage pipes in Dawn City were well done, and there was no water accumulation. Everyone ran back to their homes and put on all the heavy clothes that could keep them warm.

Xu Bai wrapped another overcoat, and hurried to the farmland area, where many vegetables had been wilted and rotten on the ground.

Xu Bai put on the glove handed over by Jiao Nanmu next to him, and got off the farm.

Just after loosening the soil, I picked up the wilted mustard, smelled it closely, and smelled the sour smell.

"It's acid rain."

Jiao Nanmu looked at all the inedible vegetables and grains, felt a burst of pity, silently cleaned up the vegetables and loosened the soil.

After a long time, Jiao Nanmu asked, "Can anything be grown in this soil?"


Xubai turned his head to discuss with the system.

"Every time it rains, I have to waste a lot of food, and the loss is huge. Have you seen anything in the store that can protect the farmland?"

Xu Bai was too lazy to spend time searching in the system store by himself, so he asked about the system directly.

The system that just finished serving as customer service is already very familiar with this kind of business, and within a few minutes, it immediately fetched what she wanted for Xu Bai.

The V1 model of the protective cover can protect 50 square meters, and the price is [-].

Good guy!
Xu Bai looked at the 600-yuan farmland and realized that it would require three or four protective shields, which was equivalent to about 200 million yuan. She glanced at the remaining energy value of 47 yuan and continued to ask.

"Is there a bigger protective cover, and how much is it?"

"If this shield protects the entire Dawn City, does it mean that Dawn City will not suffer from extreme weather such as violent storms, rain and snow?"

The system was silent for a while, and it took a few minutes to find what Xu Bai needed again.

[System: The [-]-square-meter protective cover is specially developed for growing plants in the farmland. The only one that wants to cover the entire Dawn City is this, the protective screen. 】

Xu Bai took a closer look and saw countless zeros. For a moment, she still felt that it was more likely that she would buy the library's scientific research building.

But she is very excited about the protective screen that can protect the entire city!

Xubai added a new item to be purchased on the list of purchases, and marked the price.

Jiao Nanmu was pushing a small trolley full of grains that had been damaged by acid rain, and they were all pushed into the trash can for destruction.

The trash can in Dawn City is amazing, like a huge pool, it doesn’t need to be cleaned by anyone, it will disappear automatically, and no one knows where the trash is transported.

As soon as Jiao Nanmu pushed down the trash can, he saw Chengbao running over in a panic.

"Zom... The wave of zombies is coming..."

(End of this chapter)

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