Doomsday Management Game

Chapter 68 Countdown

Chapter 68 Countdown

After catching up on sleep in the afternoon, Ning Yan nestled in her room to read novels after dinner.

The book she was reading was "Survival in the Interstellar Space" written by He Zhenzhen. Unfortunately, it was only 15 pages long, and Ning Yan quickly finished it.

"He Zhenzhen is more suitable for writing." Ning Yan now really wants to know immediately how the protagonist will struggle to survive in Yuqiu.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration came.A novel idea formed in Ning Yan's mind: maybe she could start a business of delivering books to her door every day.

Just like someone delivered milk every morning before the end of the world.

After the author updated the new content that day, some errand players delivered the updated new chapters to the players who subscribed.

Perhaps this can increase the bookstore's profit, and there is still room for adjustment in the bookstore's profit model.

During the long night, Ning Yan continued to take out another novel she bought from He Zhenzhen's bookstore and read it.


At 2:30 in the morning, one after another, players began to open a hole in the protective tent, trying to peek at the scenery outside.

Zhuge Wu, Ma Jianjun and a large number of night market players also started to pack up their stalls and prepare to go back to their protective tents.

The business from 10:2 to 2:[-] tonight is also the busiest in the past few days, but after [-]:[-], almost no one patronizes the night market.Even Zhuge Wu and Ma Jianjun, who are in the night market business, don't have much thought about it.

They all secretly prayed that this change would bring a sense of pre-apocalyptic life.

This sudden doomsday caught everyone off guard, and everyone's goal changed from trying to survive to living well.Now everyone has no major problems with basic necessities of life, but the quality of life of most people cannot be compared with before.

I have experienced a prosperous age with good weather and good weather, so I miss it so much.

Hotel employees sit inside the hotel gate, their eyes always looking out.Everyone spoke carefully, for fear of disturbing the guests sleeping upstairs.

But in fact, every player staying in the hotel is basically standing on the balcony at this moment, waiting for that time with great anticipation.

Ning Yan's family was on the balcony of the fifth-floor suite looking down.

Grandpa Ning, Grandma Ning, and Ning Yan's grandmother Zhu Aiqing were all fully dressed, and they were resting on the sofa. They got up when it was almost o'clock, and went to the balcony to see the changes outside with the younger generations.

In fact, the three old people feel that they are in a good state of mind after getting up at two o'clock, and there is no problem at all. Even now, they don't have the idea of ​​wanting to sleep.You can stand on the balcony early and wait for the arrival of 3 o'clock like everyone else.

Ning's father, Ning's mother, and Xu Zhibang would not agree to their request. Even if the game increased the old man's physical strength, endurance, and agility, they would still worry about the old man's health.


Until the arrow of the alarm clock reaches the position of 56.

Ning Xiaoyu took the three old people to the balcony.

Ning's mother specially moved the alarm clock in the living room to the balcony. Everyone usually looks outside, then stares at the alarm clock, and pays attention to what time it is.

The post-apocalypse has never been the same as it is now, looking forward to time passing faster.

With 2 minutes left, Ning Yan specially bought another "big speaker" to remind all players in the Cang Bin not to move around at 3:2 in the morning, and marked it below. The time when this message was received was 58:[-].

For Cang Bin, this night was destined to be a sleepless night.

10 seconds, 9 seconds, 8 seconds, 7 seconds, 6 seconds, 5 seconds, 4 seconds, 3 seconds, ...

At this moment, many people are counting silently in their hearts.

The decisive moment is coming soon!

 There was no update yesterday, and all the babes sent recommendation tickets, woo woo woo
  send you little flowers
  thanks~ thanks~

(End of this chapter)

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