Doomsday Management Game

Chapter 60 Planning

Chapter 60 Planning
After Ning Yan's uncle Xu Zhibang got up this morning, he went to hang out outside the hotel for a long time.

He mainly wanted to understand the development of Cangzhou and see if he could help Ning Yan in this regard.

Most players in Cangzhou have found and adapted to their own rhythm of life in the last days. Some go out to collect flax, pick wild vegetables, and chop wood. Some sit outside the protective tents weaving sandals, clothes, and hats. They killed scarecrows and wooden men, and some called players to visit their booths...

Because Cangzhou has protective tents, which can be moved at any time, protective tents are scattered in many places.

There are large areas of protective tents near public toilets, public bathrooms, restaurants and hotels.

Xu Zhibang took out a pen and wrote down what he saw in the morning in the notebook he carried with him, and wrote his suggestion in the blank space: divide the outside of the hotel into areas.

There are quite a few trash cans outside the hotel, but you can still occasionally see some bits and pieces of trash on the road.

Trash cans everywhere appeared automatically in the capital base the day after the apocalypse.

Even so, the base managers still recruited a lot of sanitation workers in order to further maintain the cleanliness of the base.

Xu Zhibang feels that Cangzhou can also implement such measures, and the good places are worth learning from.

Although Father Ning had hired people to make eye-catching wooden signs before, they had placed them in many places.

The wooden signs indicate the route distance to hotels, public toilets, public bathrooms, restaurants, farmland, fish ponds and other important buildings, but such markers are only suitable for players who come from other places to find the doomsday hotel.

After the real development here, it is still necessary to stipulate the various streets, routes, and famous road signs just like before the end.

After a few hours of shopping, Xu Zhibang returned to the hotel and went directly to the staff restaurant on the first floor to have lunch.

Ning's mother told Xu Zhibang early in the morning that the three meals a day can be settled in the staff canteen, but there is no supper there.

Just as Xu Zhibang walked into the restaurant, Ning Yan and Ning Xiaoyu also returned to the hotel to have lunch.

"Uncle, did you sleep well here?" Ning Xiaoyu had sharp eyes and spotted Xu Zhibang who was choosing dishes in the meat dish section at a glance.

Xu Zhibang put down the big folder holding the vegetables in his hand, turned his head, and said with a smile: "It's such a good sleep, I haven't slept so comfortably since the end of the day."

He didn't exaggerate what he said. The quality of the sheets and duvet covers in the large suite is very high. Sleeping on the bed in the large suite is a very enjoyable thing.

While picking her favorite meat dishes in the meat dish area, Ning Yan asked Xu Zhibang, "Uncle, what did you do in the morning?"

Xu Zhibang said: "I just wandered around, but my uncle will have some experience later on and I want to talk to you about it. Some of it is your uncle's experience from the capital base."

"Okay, I'll definitely listen to you later." When she learned from Zhuge Wu that the night market was inconvenient, Ning Yan wanted to re-plan the distribution and facilities outside the hotel. Now her uncle proposed it on her own initiative. There can be one more person who makes plans.

Moreover, my uncle lived in the base, so he must have a better understanding of how players can live more comfortably than those players who have only experienced hotels.

(End of this chapter)

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