Doomsday Management Game

Chapter 49 The second question

Chapter 49 The Third Question

The next thing to do is to earn points.

Let's collect the restaurant tax first.Ning Yan decided to collect a restaurant tax every day in the future, and now she doesn't want to let go of even one point.

Click on the "Taxation" column on the game interface and select a restaurant.

"Get 327 points."

Even after the apocalypse, people's pursuit of food cannot be changed. The most popular places in the hotel are restaurants and barbecue night markets.

At the same time, Wang Zhen, who was busy in the restaurant, received a message from the system that "taxes for the 2 days of restaurant operation have been collected."

"Dididi." Wang Zhen received a private message reminding him.

It was Ning Yan who sent the message, hoping that he could increase the supper supply for a week to increase the restaurant's point income. The hotel has been short of points recently.

Wang Zhen readily agreed that his family has made a lot of money after running the restaurant, and now they have all moved into the big suite of the hotel.

Ning Yan is not only his boss, but also his family's benefactor after the end of the world, otherwise they might have to eat and sleep outside every day.

It's actually very easy to recruit a few more people to do the supper business. Now many people are thinking about setting up a place to do business.

"Congratulations to player Ning Yan for getting the opportunity to upgrade the hotel. Would you like to... choose... spend 5000 points... to upgrade the hotel." The system spoke intermittently, revealing a trace of lack of confidence and regret in its tone.

"No upgrade! Save the points first."

Ning Yan checked her points and found 5307 points.

Clicking on the points record, it turned out that a vending machine sold 200 "materials that never disappear".

Worthy of being the capital city, the hotel has qualified for an upgrade with just one big purchase.

"Didi." It was Ning Xiaoyu who sent the private message.

"Sister! Toilets, kitchens, balconies, beds, tables and chairs appeared in the 'Mall'. It was so sudden. Could this mean that we are going to return to normal life soon?" Ning Xiaoyu was bored. She has to swipe the product page of the vending machine several times a day, so she became the first person to discover new products.

It was a coincidence that when Ning Xiaoyu sent this message, Ning Yan had just learned that the shopping machine had sold 200 "materials that never disappear", which made it hard not to think of it.

System: I was careless...

building!Ning Yan felt that she had found out the truth again.

"System, I want to ask you the third question, is the 'material that never disappears' used for building a house!" This time Ning Yan did not speak in a questioning tone, she was very sure.

System: "Since you have the answer, why do you still ask me?"

Yo, the system actually has a temper.

Ning Yan felt that her brain seemed to have been opened up today, and everything she said was accurate, but this may be the wisdom inspired by the news that the hotel is about to stop upgrading.

After she bought two "Materials That Never Disappear" from the "System Mall", one in each hand, the two Xiaotuantuan touched each other.

not sticky.

Ning Yan dipped one of the small balls in some water and touched it again, but it was still not sticky.

So I soaked the two small balls in the basin of the toilet, and took them out after they were completely soaked, but it still didn't work.

The amazing thing is that after the small balls leave the water, they will return to their original dry appearance within a few seconds.

System: "Puff."

Ning Yan: "I suspect you are laughing at me, and I already have the evidence."

Ning Yan stood in front of the mirror, and the sink in front of her was filled with water. She began to try whether different amounts of water could make Xiaotuantuan sticky.

Grandma Zhu Xiaohua had wanted to go to the toilet for a long time and had been waiting for her granddaughter to come out. "Yanyan, hurry up, grandma wants to go to the toilet." Grandma waited for too long and her tone was a little impatient.

"Ah, right away." Ning Yan drained the water in the pool, put the two small balls into her "backpack", walked out of the toilet, and made room for her grandmother.

(End of this chapter)

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