Doomsday Management Game

Chapter 27 2250 years

Chapter 27 2250 years

In 2250, Qingyuan Snow Mountain in Country H.

Snowflakes fell one after another and blended into the vast white blue plains.

As far as the eye can see.

Wrapped in two thick cotton coats, Du Linmeng bent her body and slowly moved forward step by step in the pure white world.

Usually she would not go out, Qingyuan Snow Mountain is around minus [-] degrees all year round, even if they wear thick cotton clothes, they can only feel the extreme cold.

Going out is simply torturing myself, thinking too much.

"It's so cold, hiss." Du Linmeng could not help but tremble all over.She wanted to stop and go back, but absolutely not.

This was the first time she went out since she moved to Qingyuan Snow Mountain. Originally, she was studying how to weave cloth in the normal temperature room, when a message popped up on the bulletin board in the room, telling her to go to the central camp immediately.

Xu Linmeng is just an extremely ordinary human being, it's really strange that the central government called her, but she didn't dare to delay.

When I went out, it was really cold.However, the normal temperature room where Du Linmeng usually lives is cool, and humans can carry out daily activities in it.

The normal temperature room was initiated by scientists from country H 10 years ago and jointly researched and designed by experts from other five countries. The purpose is to allow human beings to adapt to the extremely cold environment.

There are only people from these six countries left in the world, and the total number is only about 1.

There are 2350 people left alive in country H. In order to prevent the remaining 2000 people from being killed by Homo sapiens, the central government of country H decided to move the whole country to Qingyuan Snow Mountain.

It snows there all the year round, and if Homo sapiens broke in, the hot steel on the outside would easily melt the ice into water, short-circuiting and crashing itself.

So for Country H, living in Qingyuan Snow Mountain is safer than other places.Now for human beings, being alive is more important than anything else.

Homo sapiens, this existence that was once sought after by the crowd.And now, everyone hates them, and the man who was the first to invent Homo sapiens.

Du Linmeng is 21 years old this year and has enjoyed the services that normal Homo sapiens brought to human beings for six years.Six years later, she also hated Homo sapiens to the extreme.

Regarding the information about Homo sapiens, Du Linmeng clearly remembered every relevant record in the information window.

In 2150, Professor Chen Junliang successfully implanted an optical brain into Junjun, who was known as "the most intelligent robot in the world" at that time.

Humanity has since entered the "Homo sapiens era".

Teachers, doctors, police officers, workers, clerks, farmers... Homo sapiens can be seen in almost all occupations.

Homo sapiens has become an indispensable existence in human life.

With the advancement of science and technology, scientists have designed Homo sapiens to be more and more advanced, while the lives of most ordinary people have become more and more comfortable and lazy. They have begun to completely rely on Homo sapiens, and even the money needed for basic living is provided by the state. Called to their own personal account every month.

In order to encourage employment, the state sets every wage very high, and the working hours are very short.

Most people feel that life is enjoyable now and they can live well without having to work. Fewer and fewer people are willing to work and receive wages.

Many people have gradually lost basic skills such as farming, curing diseases, and cooking.

On March 2235, 3, many silver-white chips suddenly fell on the earth, and these chips fell on Homo sapiens or human beings outdoors without any mistakes, and then integrated into the body.

The humans who were integrated into the chip did not feel anything strange in their bodies.The homo sapiens integrated into the chip slowly raised their heads and stared blankly at the sky, as if they were communicating with the distance.

 Updated today!

  Since my mind is very tired recently, the previous plot may not be connected properly, so Eleven has advanced the hidden dark line!I will return to the main line when I regain my strength after the defense on November [-] tomorrow.

  The future settings are basically paving the way for the plot, there may be inappropriate places, you can take it as an overhead~
  Happy 5.20 everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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