Chapter 18
After hearing Zhou Mi's words, Grandpa Zhang and Grandma Zhang hurried to the guest house, hoping to find a job in the guest house that could make a living.

When Grandpa Zhang and Grandma Zhang arrived at the guest house, Ning Yan had just finished interviewing the staff who applied to wash vegetables and dishes.Her name is Zhou Haijuan. Her husband died young. She is a single mother with an 8-year-old son named Zhou Lin.

Although Zhou Haijuan took her son to beat a lot of scarecrows before the rules of the last days were changed, and she also beat a few wooden men at the risk of being beaten, so it is not a problem to use the current points to eat and live.

But for orphans and widows, no one can tell how difficult life will be in the future. Maybe a new rule will appear soon?

It is very rare to have a stable job in the last days.So as soon as Zhou Haijuan saw the recruitment information on the bulletin board, she took her son Zhou Lin to the guest house.

It has to be said that Zhou Haijuan is very forward-looking.

Afterwards, the position of employee of the Doomsday Hotel was sought after by all players.However, these are things for later.

"Ning Yan, we two old men and old ladies also want to come to work with you, do you think so?" Grandpa Zhang and Grandma Zhang really want to work in the guest house, and it is really too difficult for them to earn points with their own efforts .

Although the physical strength and agility of the big guys are about the same now, but he is old after all, his eyesight and hearing are not as good as those of young people, and he doesn't have enough reflexes to attack the scarecrow at all.

If Ning Yan opened a shop before the end of the world and wanted to recruit people, she would definitely not recruit Grandpa Zhang and Grandma Zhang, but it will be different when the end of the world comes. People like them can't catch up with the footsteps of young people killing strangers. It's really hard to survive in the last days.

The change of the rules of the game has improved the old man's physical strength, agility, strength, and blood volume. The cleaning work can be completely handed over to Grandpa Zhang and Grandma Zhang.

"Grandpa Zhang, Grandma Zhang, you can rest assured to work in the guest house. From now on, one of you will be responsible for cleaning the public toilets outside, and the other will be responsible for cleaning the guest house. Of course, you can clean it together." Ning Yan smiled gently at them.

"You can go to the staff dormitory to find two rooms, and settle down first. We will discuss the specific work arrangements in the dining room at night." Ning Yan led them to the staff dormitory, and pointed to Grandpa and Grandma Zhang when they passed the staff canteen. refer to.

Alright, all the people in the guest house are recruited.The fifth employee is Mama Ning's best friend Huang Lan. She is responsible for cleaning the room where the players are staying.

Ning's mother and Huang Lan worked together on the sanitation of the hostel before. Huang Lan is very experienced in this area.

The four members of Huang Lan's family are currently booking a double room and a single room. Xuan Qingqing lives in a double room with Grandma Xuan. The old man is getting old, and it is always uncomfortable to squeeze together with his granddaughter.

So Huang Lan didn't need to sleep in the staff dormitory, and there was an extra room for Zhou Lin to sleep in.Zhou Haijuan was very grateful for the Ning family's decision, and said that she and Zhou Lin would work hard for the guest house in the coming days.

6:30pm, staff canteen.

Ning Yan, Ning Dad, Ning Mom, Fu Mingzheng, Xuancheng, Ouyang Qing, Jin Zihong, Huang Lan and Xuan Qingqing were at the same table.

Cheng Daqiang, Zhou Haijuan, Zhou Lin, Grandpa Zhang, Grandma Zhang, Grandpa Ning, Grandma Ning, Grandma Xuan, and Xuan Xiaozhong sat at the table.

The four of Fu Mingzheng were invited by Ning's father. Ning's father, who has rich social experience, knows that building a good relationship with Fu Mingzheng and the others can help maintain and develop his daughter's guest house.

And Fu Mingzheng also wanted to take this opportunity to tell about the development of Ning Yan's family's base in the capital. The two sides could share their experience in managing the end of the world, and it would also allow him to better complete the tasks assigned by his superiors.

 Do not forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind.

(End of this chapter)

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