The fish was so delicious that it was hard to catch.

It was the first time for Chen Hao and Chen Li to eat red stingray, and they were very happy.

Because there were enough!

The whole red stingray was cooked in the pot.

"Eat slowly, no one will snatch it from you."

Zhou Qing patted his second son, who habitually grabbed the delicious food first and then participated in the clearance operation last.

"Brother, the pot cover fish is delicious, let's continue fishing for this tomorrow."

Chen Hao chewed the crispy fish bones and enjoyed this delicacy very much.

Chen Feng brought a spoonful of fish soup to his grandfather.

"Red stingrays are rare in Bohai Sea. It's pure luck to catch them."

"Yes, there are many of these fish in Shanghai, but not in the north." Grandpa Zhou said.

"Grandpa, you forgot that our village caught one last year."

Zhou Fubo interrupted, "Cousin, our village caught a pot-lid fish last year, but I heard it was sold to the city in exchange for several kilograms of grain, right?"

"Yes, I saw it!"

Zhou Dinghai was also very happy. They used to eat prawns and seafood, especially when the commune was just established.

Every day they ate rice and seafood.

At that time, every family lived a happy life.

But since last year, everyone has to live a hard life.

Chen Feng sighed in his heart.

Zhou Jing only felt something was wrong now. He knew about the fishing rod in his home.

"Xiaofeng, how did you catch such a big fish?"

Chen Feng made a move of hooking, throwing the rod, and collecting the rod.

"That's it, the fish came up."

"Yes, that's it!" Chen Hao said loudly, afraid that everyone didn't know that he also contributed, "I also helped to pull the fishing line."

"Cousin, what did you catch?" Zhou Dinghai asked while biting a prawn.

Chen Hao hesitated and said, "I caught several fish that looked like knives. My eldest brother said that this kind of fish is not delicious, so he fed it to Lai Fu."

"Knife fish is still delicious." Zhou Fubo said.

"It's just that there are many bones." Zhou Dinghai added.

"It's not delicious because there are many bones." Chen Hao said, "Sister can't eat fish with bones, right?"

He looked at the little girl.

The little girl was eating vigorously. When she heard what he said, she looked up at his eyes, full of confusion.

'? ? ? '

Then he lowered his head and continued to eat.

He basically didn't eat the cooked porridge, and ate all the fish meat.

Several people talked happily while eating.

Several adults were also chatting on the side.

Chen Feng mainly listened with his ears to understand the customs and habits of this era.

Compared with many places in the inland, Zhoujiagou is still very good.

Although all the rice was handed over and most of the fish caught were taken away by the commune, the villagers often went to the sea and the fishermen poached secretly at night, and they turned a blind eye to it.

The commune knew these things, but would not care, otherwise they would have to be careful when walking at night.

Fishermen are not farmers, and hitting them with black sticks at night is a light punishment.

Of course, working overtime fishing at night has certain risks, and secondly, it will seriously affect the work of the next day.

"Uncle, I will also go to pick up seafood at low tide at night." Chen Feng interrupted after listening.

"No, you watch them at home." Zhou Jing immediately objected.

Chen Feng took the chopsticks and pointed at the fish soup.

"Uncle, look, I can catch any fish you can't catch."

"Like picking up good fish at low tide, it depends on luck."

"I'm so lucky, wouldn't it be a pity if I don't pick them up?"

"The tide goes out very late." Zhou Jing still disagreed.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "I went to Beihai Park at midnight last night and picked up a dozen wild duck eggs."

Holding them in a circle with his fingers.

"Such small duck eggs, I saw them at a glance, and I picked up fifteen in just half an hour."

"Brother, it turns out that you picked up the duck eggs. I thought they were laid by green ducks." Chen Hao suddenly realized.

He has a deep memory of tea eggs because he rarely eats them.

In the past, he made eggs into egg custard and shared a little with his elder brother and younger sister. It was impossible to get enough for two per person.

Zhou Jing looked at Chen Jianjun.

Chen Jianjun nodded and said, "Let him go. They won't go. You, Xiaofeng and I will go together."

After dinner, Chen Feng went to Zhou Fubo's bed to sleep.

The Zhou family still keeps Zhou Qing's room, so Chen Jianjun went to rest first.

Several children played games together.

At about 11:30 in the evening, Chen Feng heard the noise outside and quickly opened his eyes.

Chen Hao, Zhou Fubo, and Zhou Dinghai were sleeping in bed.

Without waking them up, he quietly got up.


After opening the door and waiting for a while, Zhou Jing and Chen Jinjun came out.

"You didn't sleep?" Zhou Jing asked.

"I slept and woke up again." Chen Feng replied.

Chen Jianjun lit the small kerosene lamp, which contained the kerosene he brought specially.

Chen Feng didn't know, but he knew that fishermen often went to the beach to pick up seafood at low tide in the middle of the night.

There was a bright kerosene lamp, which was completely different from a lantern.

"You take it."

Chen Feng didn't take it, but picked up a fish bucket, a shovel and Zhou Fubo's fishing net, and said, "Dad, my eyes are good, I can see more than ten meters away, you take it."

Chen Jianjun had no choice but to hold the lamp himself.

Zhou Jing distributed three water hyacinths to them.

Zhou Jing walked in front, leading the way, and told them what to pay attention to when picking up things.

"Remember, never enter the water area. Even though the tide is receding, there may be a big wave rolling up in the next moment. There was a disobedient teenager in the village who was swept away by the waves in June this year and his whereabouts are still unknown."


Chen Feng listened to Zhou Jing's teachings very seriously.

"If you see a group of people squatting in one place, go and join them. Don't be embarrassed. There must be a treasure land with rich production there. At this time, whoever is quicker and quicker will get more harvests."

Zhou Jing was talking about the unwritten experience of catching fish at sea.

The beach is public, not private, so if there is a treasure land, everyone can go and pick it up.

Of course, you can pick it up, but you can't rob it.

Otherwise, it will offend the public and it is easy to be beaten with a black stick.

Catching fish at sea is never a simple thing.

Especially when catching fish at midnight after the tide recedes, it is very easy to get into trouble because of the lack of lighting.

If you are not careful, your eyes are attracted by the catch, you don't notice that you have walked into the puddle, and you don't notice the sound of the surging tide, you may get into trouble, fall into the deep water pit, and be swept away by the waves.

In addition, some marine creatures are highly poisonous.

"Hey, Zhou Jing, good stuff, kerosene lamp."

Seeing the bright glass lamp in front, several fishermen from Zhoujiagou quickly caught up, and nodded after seeing Chen Jianjun and his son.

An old fisherman enviously said: "It seems that you will catch a lot today."

The light of the kerosene lamp can be adjusted. If you are willing to spend oil, it can be several times brighter than the lantern.

Chen Feng and his group came out quite late, and there were already many people holding lanterns on the beach looking for them.

The golden time for catching the sea every month is three days after the first and fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, and there are usually high tides.

The sea water recedes far and fast, and the beach area is the largest. At this time, the snails and shells that run slowly at the back appear one after another.

Coincidentally, today is September 28, which is August 26 in the lunar calendar.

In a few days, it will be the first day of September in the lunar calendar.

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