The more you write, the more you will be able to save.

"Grandma, writing books is good for the country and the people, and doing it well can not only save countless lives and accumulate a lot of merit, but also reduce countless troubles for our family in the future."

Chen Feng explained to the old man.

He was actually very happy, this is a good thing to leave a name in history!

The earlier this book appears, the more people it can save.

Although the country has been founded for ten years, it is not so easy to train professional doctors.

In addition, the country lacks talents in all walks of life. Studying medicine cannot save China. Talents in science and engineering are the most needed to build a new era. Surrounded by powerful enemies, educational resources can only be tilted to this aspect first.

Once this is done, barefoot doctors who become talents quickly will be all over the country.

Rural people who suffer from parasites, diseases and infectious diseases will have a chance to escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

Even after a hundred years, this will be recorded in the history books of this world.

‘Comrade Chen Yuhu, an old-generation revolutionary who retired in 1960, spent ten years quietly completing the writing of the “Barefoot Doctor Manual” with his grandson after retirement...’

You see, ten years of polishing a book to save people from diseases.

He has already made up the story!

If it is put in “I Am a Singer”, it may get a great honor that touches countless fans!

With this book, even if the Chen family’s past dark history is exposed in the future, there will be big guys to protect them.

“Alas, grandma knows, grandma just feels sorry for you, you are still so young, and you have to do so many things.” The old lady couldn’t help wiping tears.

Chen Hao was a little at a loss.

The little girl said coquettishly: "Grandma, when I grow up, I will help Daguo."

"Grandma, me too." Chen Hao immediately swore: "Whatever my elder brother tells me to do, I will do it and make sure my elder brother enjoys his life."

"Okay, okay, you are all good grandchildren of grandma." The old man said happily.

Zhou Qing rewarded his daughter with a piece of bird leg meat.

"Ahem, everything will be fine." The old man comforted.

He also learned from Chen Feng and used steamed buns to sandwich meat and vegetables.

"You know what, steamed buns with meat are delicious, and they are different from steamed buns."

Chen Feng ate two steamed buns and made a bowl of soup.

"Next time I will ask Director Niu to exchange some fat meat and make preserved vegetable braised pork with steamed buns, which is perfect."

"Preserved vegetable braised pork with steamed buns?" The old man was stunned, then smiled.

"It's a good idea."

Chen Hao asked: "Grandpa, have you ever eaten pork with preserved vegetables?"

"Of course, back then, grandpa was a gangster--"


The old lady coughed twice and glared at the old man.

"You've drunk too much. Don't talk nonsense in front of the children."

The old man also found that he was a little bit arrogant, and changed his words: "When grandpa went to Suzhou, he had a meal made with top-quality pork belly. It was fat and tender. A bite, the taste, the memory is endless."

The two little foodies forgot to eat after hearing this, and stared at their grandfather bragging.

"Don't believe your grandpa's nonsense, pork with preserved vegetables is not as delicious as the roasted venison made by your eldest brother." The old lady told the truth without mercy.

To be honest, roasted venison is indeed more delicious.

But if it is paired with steamed buns, pork belly is more suitable.

"Fat meat is not easy to replace. The fat meat of the meat processing plant is given priority to special groups." Zhou Qing has been in the procurement department for several months, and he knows some hidden rules for purchasing special materials.

"Two catties for one catty, I don't believe Lao Niu won't agree." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Fatty meat is first-class meat, and lean meat is second-class meat.

But if it's two for one, or if it's game meat, Niu Gengshen will most likely agree.

And if he doesn't change, Chen Feng will go to Ye Jin and change the meat ratio next time.

With Niu Gengshen's emotional intelligence, he won't do such a stupid thing.

It's not Chen Feng who needs help!

A plate of flowers and birds was eaten first.

Chen Hao and Chen Li looked at the plate and were very disappointed.

Because there was no oil soup, they didn't have to clear the plate.

"Grandma, mother, you can put more oil in cooking in the future, there is no shortage of oil."

If it wasn't Chen Feng who cooked, the dishes at home would often not have enough oil.

But with flowers and birds, everyone ate comfortably.

"It's already a lot, we should save it if we should." Zhou Qing felt that his family was already very extravagant, and the oil used for a meal was several times that of other families.

Chen Feng just mentioned it casually. It was useless to talk about it more. He could only guide them to change their habits slowly.

After dinner

, Chen Hao and Chen Li washed the dishes, while Chen Feng, Chen Jianjun, the old man and several other adults dissected the yellow sheep in the kitchen.

Sheep blood, sheep skin, sheep tripe, lamb chops, sheep kidneys, sheep tails, etc. were separated one by one.

After the yellow sheep was dissected, Chen Hao and Chen Li took the initiative to apply to help the old lady and Zhou Qing transport the mutton to the cellar for storage.

"Dad, leave the sheep kidneys to the second child." Chen Jianjun saw that the old man was going to take the sheep kidneys to make medicine, and hurriedly said.

"Useless things." The old man muttered.

After cleaning up the yellow sheep, Zhou Qing and the old lady cleaned the kitchen again.

When Chen Feng went to bed to read, Chen Hao told his little sister a story from a comic book, and Lai Fu stood up and called out to the door.

"Lai Fu, lie down."

Chen Feng said casually.

He heard Chen Jianguo's footsteps and guessed that someone was there.

In all likelihood, his uncle came for the lamb kidneys.

Chen Hao and Chen Li were surprised to see that Lai Fu really stopped barking and lazily rested on the bed.

"Brother, Lai Fu will listen to you!" Chen Hao was like discovering a new world.

In fact, even if Lai Fu did not drink well water for a few months, he would gradually understand some simple instructions after staying with Chen Feng for a long time.

It is a fine product trained by Wu Lao Gou, who is the best dog breeder!

"Lai Fu, get up!" Chen Hao said to Lai Fu while lying on the bed.

Lai Fu glanced at him and continued to lie down.

Really dog-ignoring!

Chen Li also crawled to the bed and said to Lai Fu: "Lai Fu, Wang Wang!"

Lai Fu opened his mouth and lazily shouted "Woof Woof".

This time, Chen Li was happy.

"Laifu, Wangwangwang!"

"Woof woof woof!"

"Hehehe, big pot, big pot, Laifu listen to me."


"Second pot, second pot, Laifu listen to me."


Chen Hao was very hurt!

He didn't understand why Laifu didn't get close to him.

"Brother, why?"

Chen Feng said indifferently: "Every time you eat meat, you only care about yourself. Little sister is different. She always gives the meat she doesn't like to Laifu."

The little girl secretly throws the food she doesn't like, such as bird skin, egg yolk, etc. to Laifu.

Unlike Chen Hao, every time he picks up something, it must be what he wants to eat.

Laifu is so smart that he naturally knows not to offend the little master who feeds him.

"Then I will feed it tomorrow, eat steamed buns."

Chen Hao still can't bear to part with the meat.

If you don't know how to be reluctant to part with the meat, you can't catch Laifu.

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