The old man was so angry that he had to eat something.

Chen Jianjun went to the kitchen and got a butcher knife.

The small sword was sharp and suitable for skinning, but it was not suitable for cutting meat and bones.

The old lady had washed the enamel basin, which had already received half a basin of deer blood.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, deer blood has the effects of nourishing the face and delaying aging. It is suitable for irregular menstruation and is a good tonic for women.

But men can also drink it.

Well, it nourishes the kidneys!

The old man took out a wine jar, poured two spoonfuls of deer blood into it with a bamboo spoon, and then stirred it thoroughly with chopsticks, and then sealed it for storage.

"Grandpa, you can't sell us too much venison, but deer blood is okay?"

Niu Gengshen is naturally a connoisseur of goods.

The reputation of deer blood wine is not much worse than tiger bone wine and deer antler wine.

"Don't even think about it. I'm going to keep all this deer blood to give to my old comrades."

After hearing what the old man said, Niu Gengshen completely gave up.

No matter who he competes with, he can't compete with the old man's comrades!

Are you going to die?

When that group of old men started to make trouble, even the big leaders had to give face.

"Alas, it's torture for me to have good things but not get them!"

Niu Gengshen said with a look of discomfort.

"You can go back too." Ye Jin said with a smile.

"Then you'll get everything for free." Niu Gengshen rolled his eyes at him.

Chen Jianjun held the butcher knife and wanted to do it, but Chen Feng took the knife.

"Dad, let me do it."

Although he had never learned anatomy, he had read medical books and knew that different parts had different cooking and medicinal values, and they could not be cut up casually like killing a pig.

"Good knife skills, it's no different from how a butcher cuts a cow." Ye Jin's eyes lit up when he saw Chen Feng using a butcher knife to separate different parts of a deer.

The old man was smiling and watching Chen Feng separate the deer tendons, bones, fat, and venison (lean meat) one by one.

He didn't know whether Butcher Ding was a knifeman.

But looking at his grandson's knife skills, it was certain that if the butcher knife was replaced with a Miao knife or something like that, he could definitely kill people like cutting vegetables.

Suddenly, two little heads appeared at the door.

Three pairs of eyes looked at each other through the air.

The two little guys immediately shrank back like frightened mice.

In less than three seconds, they sneaked out from the door again.


"What's so good about killing a deer? It's not barbecue!"

"Grandpa, are we having barbecue tonight?" Chen Hao said in surprise.

"Grandpa, Lili wants to eat." Chen Li also said happily in a sweet voice.

"Chen Hao, tell grandma and mom to cook venison tonight." Chen Feng smiled and ordered.

Venison is the most delicious when it is killed and cooked.

"Oh, long live big brother!"

"Long live the big pot!"

The two little ones ran to the kitchen immediately.

"Grandma, big brother said he won't cook tonight, but eat roasted venison!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Hearing the sound from the kitchen outside, Chen Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Uncle Niu, Uncle Ye, these venison fat and venison are for you."

Venison has low saturated fat content and high protein content. The heme iron it contains is easier to be absorbed by the human body. At the same time, its meat is tender and tastes very pleasant.

It can be eaten roasted or stir-fried.

However, in Chen Feng's eyes, the most valuable culinary products are definitely deer tendons, deer marrow, deer brain, etc., just like a bear, bear paws and bear gall are the most important.

Niu Gengshen said to Ye Jin: "Old Ye, your cannery is a big foreign exchange earner, you have money, you bid first."

Ye Jin had been fooled once before, so how could he be willing to be fooled again.

"I'm just a purchasing section chief, not like Brother Niu, who is a director."

"You are older than me and have a higher position than me, so of course you should speak first."

Director Wang smiled calmly.

She came here by accident this time, so she would not return empty-handed.

It's just that the street office doesn't have two big factories with money, so she can only wait until they leave and "secretly trade" with Chen Feng.

Niu Gengshen said tentatively: "Then let's have the same price?"

Ye Jin wanted to squeeze him, but when he thought that this was venison, the price would definitely be much higher than pork, even more than ten times, he thought it would be better to be safe.

"You go first."

Niu Gengshen thought for a moment and said, "The dried venison in the pharmacy is 12.8 yuan per pound, but the dried venison in the pharmacy is added with various medicinal materials such as Rehmannia glutinosa, Cistanche deserticola, and Lycium barbarum."

"I'll give you a discount, how about 8 yuan per pound?"

Ye Jin shook his head and said, "It's too low. I haven't bought dried venison in the pharmacy, but I have bought whole deer pills. Such a small thing,

A box costs more than one yuan. "

"Whole Deer Pills" uses dried venison as the main medicine, and is supplemented with more than 30 kinds of medicines such as Codonopsis, Rehmannia glutinosa, Cistanche deserticola, Lycium barbarum, etc., to nourish the kidney and replenish qi.

"Dried venison is not as delicious as fresh venison, so just 9 yuan."

Director Wang couldn't help but take a breath.

Although she knew that venison was a tonic medicine, the price was a bit scary for her.

However, considering that pork is almost 4/5 yuan, 9 yuan for venison is not too high.

"That's fine, 20 kilograms is only 180 yuan. "Niu Gengshen glared at Ye Jin. He suspected that Ye Jin was deliberately taking revenge on him for raising the price by one cent last time.

Chen Feng didn't expect that such a small amount of venison with a layer of precious Chinese medicine could be sold at such a high price.

For a moment, he even thought about whether to sell more.

But a man must keep his word, so he suppressed his greed.

Money is nothing, and his stomach is more important.

After dividing the 42 kilograms of venison, paying, and issuing receipts, Niu Gengshen and Ye Jin put the meat into the They left with a big sack of venison. They also had to find a master to preserve the venison overnight.

Of course, they also had to take the pound of venison that Chen Feng gave them home to cook.

They saw the scale, but no one would say it, let alone thank them. They would only remember Chen Feng's kindness in their hearts and admire the young man for being open and generous.

There was no way, 9 yuan per pound.

If you get serious about it, it's already illegal.

The best response is to pretend not to know.

"Auntie Wang, how much do you want?"

"I only need 10 pounds. "Director Wang originally planned to buy 20 jin, but the price of 9 yuan per jin made her afraid to buy too much.

Director Wang also left happily. Chen Feng treated her equally and gave her a jin of venison.

The old man also gave her a small bottle of deer blood wine.

Chen Feng put away the 270 yuan and took the venison, deer tendons, deer ribs, etc. to the kitchen with the old man, Chen Jianjun and others.

"Brother, I'll help you."

Chen Hao and Chen Li, who were at the door, ran in and actively helped to get things.

"Don't bring the deer blood to the kitchen, I want to make wine." The old man patted Chen Hao's head and took the enamel basin in his hand to his room.

He wanted to prepare tiger bone deer blood wine.

Chen Feng made some distribution in the kitchen.

"Grandma, stir-fry these venison."

"Mom, string the deer tendons together and roast them. "

"Dad, why don't you ask your second uncle if he doesn't have dinner tonight, why don't you secretly come to our house to eat at nine o'clock."

Chen Jianjun was stunned for a few seconds, then shook his head.

"When you're done, I'll take it over, it's safer this way."

He was worried about being seen by other people in the compound.

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