Before I went in, I heard the woman crying.

"Okay, stop crying. She hasn't come back yet. I'm afraid she won't come back."

"Hey, I still have some fish at home. I'll get you a few pounds later."

"And each of you, remember, you are not allowed to go to the sea these days. Wait for the old patriarch to see how strong the wind and waves are."

Chen Feng was lying on the door of the ancestral hall, where the pillars of each family were sitting.

The one sitting in the middle was not the village chief, nor the three captains, but the old patriarch of the Zhou family.

In the three thousand years of Chinese history, the patriarch was the core member of each family's continuation. Even some Jinshi and officials did not dare to offend the patriarch, lest they could not be buried in the ancestral tomb after death.

Those who can become clan leaders are either highly respected, such as the tough Bai Jiaxuan in Bailuyuan, or evil landlords, such as Lu Zilin.

It was not until the wind started to destroy the four olds that the clan leaders of various clans in the countryside were completely abolished.

After the reform and opening up, the ideology declined, and the village party secretary replaced the power and status of the clan leader and became the village tyrant, such as Dong Shu in Tazhai, who was almost the local emperor of the village.

"Uncle, grandma has something to ask you."

Chen Feng walked over and whispered.

Zhou Fubo also said happily: "Dad, meat-ah!"

"The meat buns are cooked" was not finished before he was stepped on by his father, and his whole foot was crying.

"Why are you crying? Your grandfather is going to beat you!"

Zhou Jing grabbed Zhou Fubo's shoulders and said to everyone, "My son broke a bowl, and the old man was angry and wanted to beat him. I'm going to go back first. Xiaowu will tell me the result later."

"Okay, fourth brother!"

Xiaowu is Zhou Jing's peer, and his name is Zhou Qiang.

In the countryside, people from the same village and age, especially those born in the same month, often become sworn brothers with the help of the parents of the previous generation.

Zhou Jing has five friends who were born in the same month, but one died on the battlefield with Chen Jianjun, one is serving in the army in another place, and another works in a factory in Tianjin. Now only Zhou Qiang is still in the village.

The two are half-brothers.

Pulling Zhou Fubo out, Zhou Jing said angrily, "I'll deal with you when I get back."

Zhou Fubo also figured it out. He almost said the wrong thing.

It can be said that eating fish, who doesn't eat fish in Zhoujiagou?

But meat buns are not good. In the past few years, you could eat pork, duck, etc., but now the commune canteen is closed, and minced meat is rare.


Chen Feng shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he could not save him this time.

After returning, after breakfast, Zhou Jing wanted to beat him, but Chen Feng suggested to punish him by writing.

"No paper!"

"I brought it!"

Chen Feng took out a roll of yellow paper from his backpack under Zhou Fubo's astonished eyes.

The cousin wanted to cry instantly.

This is an item separated by space, similar to oil extraction.

Using the ability of space to decompose matter, the straw is decomposed into various materials, and the straw fibers are separated separately, and a small amount is gathered together and flattened to form an extra-large piece of paper.

Then it is cut into small pieces by space.

The paper obtained by completely decomposing straw fibers by space is smoother and more delicate than industrial paper.

"What should he write?" Zhou Jing asked.

Chen Feng took out a piece of paper and quickly wrote the multiplication formula on it.

"Write this, one plus one equals one, one plus two equals two, write it a hundred times, and you will probably remember it."

"Let Dinghai write as well."

"Okay, you read and write at the same time." Zhou Jing ordered.

Zhou Dinghai didn't expect that he would see himself when watching a play.

"Dad, why should I write?"

"Because your dad told me to write!"

Zhou Jing said domineeringly.

Come on, Dad wants you to write, you have to write!

Zhou Dinghai had a bitter face, looking reluctant.

After a while, Zhou Qiang came.

"Uncle Seven, Aunt Seven, Brother Four, Sister Four."

Zhou Jing took out a plate of small yellow croaker and said, "My nephew Chen Feng brought a bottle of peanut oil specially made by the chef from Sijiu City. The small yellow croaker fried in the morning is still hot. You can take it back."

Zhou Qiang was not polite and said, "Thank you, Brother Four. My family hasn't eaten yet."

"Just now, the clan held a meeting, and the old clan leader once again emphasized that each family must not go to the sea, not even to the beach."

"He said that as long as there is a storm, there will be a high tide. There must be a high tide in the open sea, so this happened. If someone's family doesn't have enough fish, borrow some first and distribute them evenly. After the storm is over in a few days, go out to sea to fish and return it.

. "

Zhou Jing nodded.

Most of the people who go missing in fishing villages every year are caused by high tides (big waves), which cause their boats to capsize and fall into the sea.

Now the boats in each village are very small, and most of them are wooden boats, which cannot withstand strong winds and waves. It happens that there are many strong winds (level 8) in the Bohai Sea every year.

Especially after late October.

"My family still has some dried fish. If your family runs out of food, tell me, and when your family has enough, just give it back to me."

"Fourth brother, don't worry, my family will have no problem holding on for ten days and a half months."

Zhou Qiang took the plate back. He often eats small yellow croaker, but this kind of small yellow croaker fried with special secret oil is the first time he has tasted it. He has to take it back to his son and daughter-in-law.

"I'm afraid we can't go to the sea these days."

Zhou Jing murmured: "Fortunately, before winter, the clan leader asked us to store dried fish, otherwise we will starve again. ”

No need to go fishing, the whole family has nothing to do, just stay in the hall to watch the two children.

Chen Feng took out his two pens and let the two little cousins ​​learn basic multiplication.

He was under the eaves, watching the wind and rain outside, and he was a little eager to go.

Even if the Japanese typhoon blows over, it won’t be too big, right?

He wanted to go fishing.

The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish!

Took out a one-cent silver coin, put it in his hand, and said: "If the flower faces up, I will go out fishing, if the flower faces down, I will stay at home."

The hand flipped, and the silver coin fell.


The silver coin collided with the stone slab under the eaves, rolled a few times, and the flower side was exposed.

"Grandpa, I'll go to the beach to take a look."

Picked up the one-cent coin and put it in his pocket, Chen Feng went to the kitchen to get the fish bucket and fishing rod.

"Zhou Jing, you go and watch. "

Zhou Jing had no choice but to go out with his rain hat and raincoat.

The rain outside got heavier. It was drizzling in the morning, but it became moderate rain in the morning.

"Xiao Feng, where are you going?"

"The reef area is higher. If there is a big tide, we can quickly go up the hillside and go back home from the back mountain. "

Chen Feng had been prepared. Most of the reef area was two or three meters high. Unless there was a large storm surge and waves over three meters high were formed, it would be safe there.

Even if there were big waves, they could quickly hide in the woods a hundred meters away.

Walking to the reef area, he quickly replaced the fishing rod, hung a razor clam left yesterday, and started fishing.

Zhou Jing did not take the fishing rod, but simply stood behind him.

In less than a minute, a fish took the bait.

Chen Feng immediately raised the rod.

A big fat fish with a snow-white body, somewhat similar to a bream, with an oval shape and a small flat body.

This is a white pomfret weighing more than one kilogram.

Pomfret has few bones and delicious meat. It is one of the rare high-quality seafood in my country. It is much better than squid, knife fish, Bohai black fish, etc. It is a precious edible economic fish.

Throw the fish into the fish bucket and hook it again.

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