40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 949: The shock of Fire Ant King!

Li Yao's explanation made the fire ant king's mouth wider and wider, and it could almost fill a watermelon.

"In short, I used the'reverse technology' to refine a'counterfeit controller', because now the real controller is shielded, my'counterfeit controller' is naturally pierced by the poisonous scorpion. The'lock' is judged to be a real tester."

Li Yao laughed a little thief, "Similarly, because I refined it, naturally there is no such thing as ‘blood test’ or ‘soul binding’.”

In the heart of the Fire Ant King, a great wave of turmoil has been set off, and all the knowledge that has been established for decades of magic weapons collapses in an instant.

"Open, what's a joke, in just five minutes, through the method of psychic penetration, Jiang Shaoyang, who is almost the first refiner of the Star Federation, and the most carefully refined treasure, the general structure is clear, even Can you still perceive the lines on the chip?"

"How could there be such a keen perception!"

"Moreover, what is meant by'engraving magic weapons with mica silk'? Don't think that our demons don't understand magic weapons! There are hundreds of chips in the square inch, how can it be made from mica silk?"

If it weren't for the next crazy scene with his own eyes, the fire ant king would almost blurt out the above words.

However, right in front of him, Li Yao flew a dozen chips again behind him, and the hair-thin mica filaments were quickly engraved on the tiny chips at a speed exceeding three times the speed of sound. With the pure sand-like debris falling down little by little, wisps of spiritual energy slowly wafted from the chip.

"It is really possible to engrave the chip manually without even looking at it without using any microscopic magic weapon!"

The Fire Ant King was so shocked that he couldn't add more, "Moreover, it is still engraving twelve chips at once!"

Li Yao allocated 80% of his computing power to manipulate the mica wire engraving chip, but his hands were not idle. After a few taps on the control interface of the "cottage controller", the poisonous scorpion piercing heart lock was in place. Amid a soft psychic shock, he took it off from the fire ant king.

The **** blade limbs and scorpion tail were pulled out, although nine eye-catching holes of blood were left, but they were all skin wounds, and no nerves and bone marrow were damaged.

The Fire Ant King gasped hard, not knowing how to describe his mood at the moment.

No matter what method is used, no one can crack the treasures refined by the first master craftsman of the Xingyao Federation, no matter what method is used, even Deep Sea University and the Great Wilderness War College, the "two major federal ace craftsmen" teamed up. , The poisonous scorpion piercing heart lock that couldn't be cracked was "circled" by this guy in such a weird way within five minutes?

Not only did it "circumnavigate" the past, it also took away the control of this magic weapon!

Really-a very unreasonable solution!

"Who is he?"

The fire ant king slowly activated the potentiating potions stored deep in his body, expelling the venom and blood vessel shackles left by the ancestor Youquan in his body.

When the dormant defense cells in his body were awakened and attacked and swallowed the venom and heterogeneous cells, the "vessel shackles" that had originally wrapped around his body quickly withered and peeled off, like scorched thorns.

Fire Ant King's attention was not on him at all, and he couldn't help but glance at Li Yao.

He found that beside this young Yuanying, there were more and more magic weapons components. Tens of thousands of magic weapons components were like an army with strict laws and regulations, constantly changing formations and regrouping together.

"Thank you... Fellow Daoist for your life-saving grace!"

The Fire Ant King pondered for a long time, chose a common name in the cultivation world, said dryly, pondered for a moment, and then said, "Although they have different camps, I firmly believe that most low-level monster races are not willing to be driven away. Going to the Tianyuan realm to act as cannon fodder, the purpose of our Chaos Blade is to enable more low-level monster races to live with dignity. At least for now, I can't see what is irreconcilable between the Chaos Blade and the Starlight Federation. Contradiction."

"What's more, the most terrifying enemy right now may not be the Pantheon Palace, but the Old Ancestor Youquan. If his plan is truly realized, he will not only be enslaved by the human race of the Xingyao Federation, but also all the monster races in the blood demon world. !"

"So, before Youquan Ancestor's plan is shattered, I think we have a basis for cooperation."

Li Yao glanced at him, nodded earnestly, and then immersed himself in his operation.

The curiosity of the fire ant king can't be restrained: "What are Taoists doing?"

"I'm making some modifications to the'venomous scorpion piercing heart lock.'"

In mid-air, there were constant combinations of magic weapon units, and Li Yao used strands of crystal lines to draw these ugly magic weapon units over and carefully connected them to the "venomous scorpion".

The smooth lines, gorgeous "poisonous scorpion", connected to these very different styles, its unsightly magic unit, it is like growing an unsightly tumor.

Li Yao installed the engraved control chips into the core of the magic weapon unit and explained: “Jiang Shaoyang’s refining technique is indeed very powerful, but what he is best at is not spar bombs after all. There are so many high-level crystals embedded in it, but the excitation mode is not perfect. According to my calculations, only 71.7% of the power can be exerted."

"Although this kind of power is enough to blow up a Nascent Soul or Demon King to death, it is still somewhat insufficient for my plan."

"So I want to improve his layout by means of external wiring."

"My ultimate goal is to assemble a powerful super directional spar bomb with the'venomous scorpion' as the core."

The fire ant king's jaw collapsed again.

What did this guy say?

He actually said that Jiang Shaoyang's design of excitation mode is not perfect, and he can't exert the full power of the essence?

He wants to transform Jiang Shaoyang's magic weapon?

If it is five minutes ago, the Fire Ant King will decisively stop all cooperation with this person.

Because he is a total lunatic.

But at this moment, the Fire Ant King really doesn't know that it is this person, himself, or the whole world who is crazy!

Li Yao ignored the surprise of the Fire Ant King. He devoted himself to the transformation of the magic weapon. The "Poisonous Scorpion" designed by Jiang Shaoyang is indeed an incomparable artwork. The transformation based on this is not only exciting, but also enjoyable!

The inability to brute force the cracking does not mean that Li Yao cannot fully release its potential by adding magic weapon units!


Pieces of all-metal "tumors" were added to the "venomous scorpions", making the scorpions seem to have undergone some crazy mutation.

Li Yao extracted dozens of spar bombs from Qiankun Ring, held his breath, and connected them in series with the "venomous scorpion" with crystal thread.

Fire Ant King wondered: "Why do you do this?"

"In the past two days, I have inspected the entire'You Mansion' with Fabao, and found that most of the transistors and biochemical nerve bundles on the core floor all lead to the same place."

"According to their context, I initially drew the overall pipeline layout of this building. According to my analysis, most of the important transistors and biochemical nerve bundles all lead to the nineteenth floor."

"There, it is very likely that the main crystal brain and the biochemical brain are located, which is the control center of the'You Mansion'."

"If Old Ancestor Youquan really has any secret plans, including all precious test data and virus information, they must be stored there!"

Li Yao explained unhurriedly, "However, the upper and lower floors of the nineteenth floor are closely guarded by the Youfu Army. The ordinary lifting platform and the teleportation array cannot reach there. The lifting platform that can reach there is all With the tightest guards, people can't get in."

"If you attack by force, you will waste a lot of time. Hundreds of You Palace troops will squeeze the passageway. Even if you are the Demon Emperor, I can be compared to Yuan Ying, it will not help."

"So, I'm going to—"

Li Yao pointed to the ground, "Make a bomb, directly from here, blast through more than a dozen floors and blow it in!"

"Blow through more than a dozen floors?"

The Fire Ant King once again doubted whether Li Yao was mad, "Ancestor Youquan is not a fool. If there is a highly confidential control center, then all the floors, up, down, left, and right must be equipped with the highest strength defensive array! Wrong! , Maybe he has set up a defensive talisman array on each floor, and when you blow through more than a dozen floors, it will be the end of the crossbow!"

"There is no defensive talisman in the world, it is impossible to deal with spar bomb.

Li Yao licked his lips and said, "If so, it's because you haven't used enough spar bombs."

Fire Ant King originally wanted to ask, how many spar bombs do you have?

However, when Li Yao seemed to be conjuring, he extracted hundreds of semi-finished spar bombs from the Universe Ring, and after they were connected together, he closed his mouth altogether.

"This guy is simply a mobile arsenal. Did he go to the Blood Demon Realm single-handedly to start a world war!"

When Li Yao extracted a thick, long, swarthy, shiny, two-meter-high cylindrical magic weapon from the Qiankun ring, the fire ant king with protruding eyes finally couldn't help but asked again: "What is this? "

"This is the shell of the triple-mounted main gun of the'Brilliant Class' super-heavy spar battleship. It is filled with more than 500 kilograms of high-purity spar. It is controlled and excited by the 1,925 talisman array. The original design purpose was to accurately bombard a planet called the'Spider's Nest Star' on the low-Earth orbit circle. Therefore, it has strong ground penetration and penetration. If you are lucky, one shot If the shells go down, one of the strongest bunkers can fly into the sky!"

Li Yao gently rubbed the bumpy shell of the shell, his eyes wafting with intoxicating light.

Fire Ant King: "I know this is the main artillery shell of the heavy spar battleship. I am asking, why do you carry this kind of thing with you?"

Li Yao: "Play with it."

Fire Ant King: "..."

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