40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 907: Lurking Cardinals!

As soon as the green ant storm blasted out, between the two halberds and giant horns above the head of the "Bull Bull" in Li Yao's mouth, dozens of sharp arcs were also cut out, condensing into swords, spears, swords and halberds in the void. The form of axe, yel, and hook, bombarded the fire ant king wildly.

And on the colorful wings of the magic butterfly demon girl, a large amount of phosphorous powder suddenly shook off, transforming into dozens of phantoms of light spirits and ghosts, and also entangled in the fire ant king.

The fire ant king yelled again and again, the remaining ten thousand evil fire ants were all gathered on the palms, and slammed into the green ant storm, smashing the green ant storm to pieces, but the split storm seemed to have life. The vines entangled all the evil fire ants.

More than a dozen thunder and lightning soldiers of the "Bull Bull" blasted the fire ant king with their heads and heads, and the phosphorous shadow of the magic butterfly demon girl, like a lingering female ghost, enveloped the fire ant king. Seven tricks!

The fire ant king snorted, and the speed dropped again and again. The two antennae on the top of his head were stained with a large amount of phosphor powder, and the shaking speed became slower and slower.


The "Barbarian Bull" has arms wide open, and the demon pill whose chest is bigger than Li Yao's head is shining, as if the spar battleship's main gun is filled with extreme psychic powers, and with a terrifying roar, they die together. The gray beam of light suddenly burst from his chest and blasted straight towards the fire ant king!

The fire ant king was entangled in strange dreams, ignorant, and was hit by the blow. The skin and carapace all over his body cracked, burned, and evaporated!

At the same moment, Old Ancestor Youquan once again condensed into nine avatars with the phantom green ants, from the sky and the ground, from all directions, and shot at the fire ant king at the same time!

These clones, like ghosts without entities, penetrate the fire ant king's body directly, back and forth dozens of times.

Every time the "puncture", the fire ant king's breath is weak. After dozens of times, the fire ant king is already riddled with holes and humanoid, falling feebly from mid-air.


Ancestor Youquan's ten fingers bloomed like a lotus, and dozens of handprints were formed in an instant. With a flick of the fingertips, dozens of small "seeds" whizzed out and shot into the fire ant king.

After a while, the "seeds" took root and sprouted, and light blue "vessels" sprouted.

These blood vessels pierced the fire ant king's internal organs and various joints, especially the vital points such as the shoulder blades and knees, and even pierced back and forth several times, tightly entwining the fire ant king's limbs.

There were even a lot of blood vessels, like poisonous snakes, that climbed onto the head of the Fire Ant King and got in through his nose and mouth.

With the breath and breath of the ancestor Youquan, these "vessels" also bulged, and there was a faint emerald green liquid surging in them, whether it was blood or venom!

As the demon king, the fire ant king's vitality is extremely tenacious. Even if he was hit by the thunder of the "barbarian bull worm" and was pierced back and forth by Youquan ancestor clone, he quickly regained consciousness.

However, these weird "seeds" and "vessels" were like the strongest shackles, making his eyes burst, unable to move, and groaning extremely painfully.

Li Yao was on the second floor of the basement, his face was red and his blood was boiling.

This is the first time he has witnessed a peerless master of the Demon Emperor's rank, with full firepower, fighting with his fate!

Compared with cultivators, the use of psychic energy by the monster clan is more insidious and strange. The endless attack methods and strange biochemical beasts are beyond Li Yao's imagination in the past.

"The'seed' shot by Ancestor Youquan contains strange toxins, which can turn the fire ant king's blood into deadly venom, which in turn restrains the fire ant king's power!"

Li Yao was secretly speechless.

The Scarlet Heart Demon sneered again and again: "Small bugs, what are you talking about? I really want to taste it now, the taste of these'seeds'!"

Li Yao instantly denied this idea, and all his computing power was devoted to the Xiaolong.

Xiaolong clinging to the wall of the temple, swam up quietly.

With the fire ant king's hand, the resistance of the Chaos Blade ended, and the Youfu Army quickly took control of the audience.

Ancestor Youquan carried his hands on his back and scanned the underground temple lightly. When he scanned the towering Pangu statue in the center of the temple, his eyes became extraordinarily deep.

Around the two commanders of the Youfu Army, dozens of green beetles hovered in succession. The abdomens of these beetles were crystal clear, inlaid with a spar, and several intricately structured series of amulets were engraved in the spar.

From the abdomen of some beetles, there is a loud sound, but it is a sound transmission insect used for communication.

"Manniu Dadou" issued orders to more than a dozen sound-transmitting flying insects: "The first team, give you three hours to clean up the entire chaos **** tomb, search for the remaining chaos blades, and ensure safety!"

"The second team, set up a prisoner camp in the southwest of the underground temple, took all the prisoners into custody, and began to identify them."

"The Blade of Chaos has taken away a large number of our experts from Bone Sand City, and we will find out all of these experts and arrange them in good health!"

"The third team began to build a large-scale temporary floating island in the Star-Swallowing Sea, and carried out a search for the 500-mile-round waters and the surrounding Silver Dead Desert, so as not to have the Remnant of Chaos Blade hiding in the Star-Swallowing Sea or the desert. in!"

Beside him, the phantom butterfly demon girl also ordered the sound transmission insects in an orderly manner: "The fourth team, set up a temporary research room in the southeast corner of the underground temple, and conduct analysis and research on the spot."

"The fifth team, following the first team, under the premise of ensuring safety, will start rescue excavations of everything in the tomb of the Chaos God!"

"The sixth team, act together with the fifth team. Note that there are very likely to be viable monsters and viruses in the tomb of the chaos gods. Once found, pay attention to isolation and extermination!"


After the two passed the order, they respectfully said to Youquan ancestor, "Within three hours, the tomb of Chaos God will be ours!"


Old Ancestor Youquan nodded slightly, "Hei Ba, Maelstrom, you are doing a good job. Next, take the Fire Ant King to the boat. There are a lot of things in his mind that are of great use to us!"



The big bull worm "Hei Ba" and the magic butterfly demon "Vortex" carried the walking dead fire ant king onto an all-metal stretcher, and added seventeen or eight chains engraved with spirit patterns on the stretcher. One after another, he personally sent the fire ant king to the ground.

"It's now!"

On the second floor of the basement, Li Yao’s temple was beating frantically, his lips were bitten and his heart almost broke his breastbone. He made the most risky fight in this gambling battle!

He secretly manipulated the Xiaolong, and followed the Hei Ba and Maelstrom!

Hei Ba and Maelstrom, even if they are not true Demon Emperor level masters, but under the blessing of Demon Pill, they are almost the same. Their perception is extremely keen, and if they are not careful, they will find out.

However, their minds were all on the Fire Ant King, and after a clean and tidy victory, their vigilance was slightly relaxed, and they didn't even notice it.

The ancestor Youquan did not expect that in addition to the demon emperor, Fire Ant King, in "Blade of Chaos", there is actually a freak like Li Yao hidden in the "Blade of Chaos". magic weapon.

All of his computing power was used to plan the next action, and he also didn't notice that in the invisible void, there was a small "ultra-miniature starship" that was sneaking around! ,

Hei Ba and Maelstrom slowly ascended to the ground through the hole above the dome of the temple.

Xiaolong followed closely behind, like their shadow.

In the straight up and down hole, the space is very narrow, and there is no room for dodge. Although Xiaolong is in an invisible state, as long as Hei Ba and Maelstrom are slightly suspicious, they will be able to scan it immediately.

Fortunately, as the leaders of the Youfu Army, the two of them are very busy with official duties, and there are an endless stream of sound transmission insects flying around them, sending feedback from their subordinates.

The two of them sent orders one after another like flowing water, but they couldn't care about the absolute safety behind them.

At the end of the hole, there was still an upward hose. Li Yao estimated that this hose was also connected to a monster battleship.

Sure enough, after a while, they appeared inside a monster battleship.

This battleship is more than ten times larger than the chaos-blade's tracer, surrounded by countless passages, intricately like a maze.

The Xiaolong followed the "Black Tyrant" and the "Vortex", crossing the solid line of defense composed of dozens of Youfu army, and came to a special cell at the end of the tunnel.

This cell was like the stomach of some huge monster beast, slimy and wet, filled with green corrosive liquid underneath, and blocked by rows of fangs-like railings.

Li Yao saw that "Vortex" was next to the prison, on a piece of pink soft flesh, gently rubbed twice like feathers, and the upper and lower rows of fangs immediately shrank back, revealing a hole that can be passed by one person.

"Is this cell still a living creature?"

Li Yao secretly remembered the special technique of "vortex" rubbing this soft flesh.

Hei Ba and Maelstrom threw the Fire Ant King into the cell together with a stretcher.

In all directions of the cell, countless flesh touches immediately appeared, fixing the stretcher in mid-air.

These fleshy touches, similar to synthetic nerves, are covered with neurons, and they are extremely sensitive, and they can send out inductions when they move.

The lower body of the fire ant king was completely immersed in the acid liquid, making a "chichi" sound, and from the acid liquid, there was even a curl of green smoke.

Half a day ago, this hero still dreamed of leading the Blade of Chaos to rise, but at this moment he was reduced to a prisoner.

Compared with the apparent depression, his mind seemed to have been greatly destroyed, he had completely lost his fighting spirit, his head was drooping, and his two tentacles slumped weakly on his forehead, like a piece of dead wood.

At the moment when the tusk cage was about to close, Li Yao manipulated the Xiaolong and ventured into it!

Fangs cage, there was no movement, Hei Ba and Maelstrom did not react abnormally, just summoned a group of Youfu army, after a few instructions, turned and left.

It seems that they are very confident in the restraining methods used by the Ancestor Youquan.

Li Yao let out a long sigh of relief, and the most dangerous step was finally completed without any risk.

At this time, he heard the lifting platform leading to the second underground floor, making a "rumbling" operation sound.


I'm sorry, brothers, I encountered some troubles at work last month, the update was not too fast, and it was in the forefront of the plot, making some impatient friends wait for a long time!

Starting this month, the plot should almost start to rippling again, and the old cow will also speed up.

I still hope that everyone can subscribe genuinely and support Lao Niu. By the way, if you have a monthly pass, vote more. Your support is the biggest motivation for Lao Niu!

Three shifts today~Hoho!

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